The danger of extremes

Balance, harmony, vitality. Those labels are more than words, indescribable states of being.
There are no formulas, not methods to “get there,” for no one but yourself could find that state.

Harmony, vitality and balance are never found in extremes.
If there is a suggestion that I’d like to convey to BK brothers and sisters out of my experience in the Brahma Kumaris movement; is the above.

Brahma Kumaris is an ascetic path meant to reform an individual. Every individual has different needs, different timing. Once the timing is over, “zeal and enthusiasm” will be lacking. At that point, many will DO things to continue on, to force things. The rationale goes something like this: It is the “right thing to DO,” “I should be doing this,” “I am an example,” “what the senior/God may think about me?” etc.
The outcome is the feeling of duty. It is a burden that many are willing to live with as “martyrs” for the rest of their lives.
That is when we reach the extreme. However, the conditioning of the mind and all the learned fears imbibed through continuous hammering of beliefs, could be very resilient.

Life “now” is no longer an enjoyable experience, but a thing to fear for we have to be careful not to miss our “opportunity” to be someone in the  future,  the “Golden age.”
The belief is that we know exactly what to DO but, that DOING does not change BEING in the most minimum.
For when there is fear to Life there cannot be love. Love changes, transforms. Fear stagnates.

That is how a BK brother or sister could be proud to be X number of “years in gyan,” but that doesn’t tell the full story.
There may be fear underneath which is covered up so we can look “good” now and to convince ourselves that this will take us to a happy “Golden age” in the future, with a “good status,” a veeman and a Life of artistic endeavors in debonair style.
Make your life miserable now. Suck it up in the name of God. Repress yourself but label it as being virtuous. Tomorrow, “you” will be a happy camper!

That is a self-inflicted lie.

Reformation ends when we discover inner honesty.
That is what we have lost by living under the conditioning of a society. 
Rather than observing that from a different perspective, the one offered by Brahma Kumaris; and use that time to heal our traumas; we use the time to become self-righteous by being oblivious of our own feelings and observations and many times become obsessed with an ideal, which we will always fall short on reaching. It is the pie in the sky syndrome.

 The extreme has been reached and we are not aware of it.

This is how many followers have lost their own lives. It is not because of the BK path, for their mission is to entice the follower to follow until the “end,” as otherwise it will not take the effect of a reforming path.

There is no glory in reaching the extreme, but to experience it can only take someone sooner or later, into the other extreme. Paradoxically, the extreme that is avoided, will be embraced. That may be the Life teaching; therefore, there is nothing wrong with reaching the extreme, it is neither good nor bad; just “is.” Don’t worry. Whether you get there or not, you will be alright…   Enjoy the game. Be aware of it.  🙂

 For the common good.

Happy Holidays! Until January 3rd! 🙂