Question: Evaluating BapDada through human eyes.

“The teachings of BKs projects that BapDada is the only being of light. There is also a promotion given to some selected senior BKs as advanced party once they leave their present body. It looks like BapDada hides the fact of existence of other beings of light from children or may be the senior administration of BKs modifies the original murlis to suit to the masses. I think for you, the experiences with mathias (a being of light manifested through a tree) has provided a better understanding of drama. From your experience, is there any other organisation/system in the world which is presently running under the guidance of a being of light?”

Thank you for your question.
I wouldn’t be able to share this writing in the other blog (Exploring the Depth of Living) but I can do this here, because most reading this are somehow connected with Brahma Kumaris. A reader from the other blog, seeing this could say: “You are not telling us the truth. You are withholding things. You are not honest. You are not spiritual.”
Readers from the other blog are not ready for the eternally predestined Drama. Even though, I know the Drama to be “true” I cannot share this openly but in bits and pieces. Similarly, hard core Brahma Kumaris followers are not ready for some of the things I share in “Exploring the Depth of Living,” because their belief system does not agree with what I share.
Here is what I learned from this: “Truth” does not matter. Consciousness does. 

Brahma Kumaris is a method and to disclose something that will not make the method effective, will beat the purpose of the method. In that method, BapDada is not a being of light (Brahma Baba) but the combination of “God with Brahma Baba.”
The Drama/Life “has selected” particular individuals to fit into the Brahma Kumaris’ method. I was one of them.  Method for what?  To increase ego for many. Self-realization for a few.

The method was good for me at one point in my Life. Without it, I wouldn’t be where I am now. Thus, to blame BapDada or anyone working for the method, is to overlook the benefits of what the method has brought.

Granted, this method could be used in abusive ways by some people, nevertheless; as we know; whatever happens is what has to happen. We learnt that at Brahma Kumaris. If you fought against it or supported it, is not relevant; what is relevant is to be aware that whatever is going on, is what needs to be. Everyone expresses their role, we label them as “right or wrong.” It is irrelevant. Our petty morality does not define Life.

“Beings of Light” is a label used for some beings who have specific tasks. What these  tasks could be? In my experience, to preserve the Drama as it is meant to be. If a person has experienced the full range of experiences (through many lives) that Life can offer, then this person is ready to leave the physical realm and perhaps continue on with a subtle role. Beings of light will help that individual through that transition. That is all.
That person who is going through the transition may appear as “spiritual” or “gifted” to others. That person is transitioning.

Brahma Baba was an example of that. However, for many BKs this is an opportunity to worship Brahma Baba or to enhance their own egos by a sense of belonging to this ‘holy’ person, rather than learning and being inspired through Brahma Baba’s experiences.

Many groups or religions claim to have a being of light as a head of their organizations. I cannot say if that is true or not, as the subtle world has many different kind of beings, some helpful to human development, some challenging; for they are concerned only with their own agendas. That is the danger that Brahma Kumaris knows about and thus, it is sparing the “children” from this knowledge in their method. (after all, they are children.)

Therefore, a being of light has a particular purpose; although we may call them “Gods” “angels” or whatever label. Once their task is accomplished, they go on with their business, they are not looking for recognition or followers, that is human stuff.

In my experience, a Being of light will only give the necessary tools to someone according to time and according to the needs of the human they are helping transition. That is why many “enlightened” individuals appear to have different “teachings.” The beauty is that the “teachings” that they may share are necessary to the people that they will relate with in their paths. We are all connected. Thus, as we can see; it is not about having the “truth” for everyone will have a different perception,  a different take, but rather, having a changing Life experience which will change consciousness. 

That is why, when some accuse Brahma Kumaris of “lying,” they do not realize what the method represents. Even though, BKs may say that they have the “truth,” now you may see; that this is just the “method.”

Want a date for destruction? Observe how it changes. Oh! They are lying!! No… That is the method. There are many individuals who need to go through that particular method, so dates need to change. Brahma Baba will contact some of them.
These people will feel special, unique, blessed, etc. That is the beginning of their journey. It is good! This is a great chance to solidify ego:  “I know God. I have the truth. You don’t. I am special. A mouth born Brahmin, not a simple lokik Brahmin. Listen to me. I will teach you.”
Please see that Life is not about complying with human understanding or pathetic human value systems, it is not about the so called “truth.” Again, “truth” is a perception. There are facts based on a particular referential perception. Humans believe that human perception, truth, is the highest standard. It is just a perception.

Life offers experiences that will change your consciousness. Do not judge the method that Life offers for that. Consciousness is what matters.
Whatever path you feel to be good for you, follow it wholeheartedly. Now, you know that it does not matter whether you are  in  the “right or wrong” path.  What matters is to go through the experience. We can call it “good experience or bad experience.” It does not matter….Consciousness will keep evolving through the whole range of experiences, that is all. This is why the Drama is benevolent for all, but conditioned humans are mentally stuck with their little “truths.”  Wah Drama! Wah Life!

For the common good.