Question: BK Lies, methods and BapDada

The questions/comments are here. I will summarize them in my response.

Thank you Ex-L for stopping by. Your presence in this blog, is an open invitation for anyone with an interest in Brahma Kumaris.
I’d like to acknowledge “Ex-L” contribution to changes in the BK methodology. For those of you who may not know, Ex-L is the main founder of the website “”

A “method” is a label representing a bunch of steps, beliefs, ideas, ideals, procedures which are used with the objective to accomplish something concrete or ideal.
“Spirituality” is full of idealistic “methods” or “yuktis” for that is the intellectual way of tackling a “problem.”
Brahma Kumaris is an institution made by a diversity of people. There are honest and dishonest people and everything in between.
The common BK objective is the ideal to be like God, gain salvation, a high status in the Golden age. Being a BK follower means to follow the prescribed method to accomplish that goal.

A characteristic of a “spiritual method” is that it is never wrong. It is perfect (ideal.) But a follower may fail in following the method so failure is shifted onto the follower. If there is apparent “success” it is because of the method, which brings validity to the institution teaching the method. That is the game.

BK ideas/beliefs may be lies to others. Even though proven lies, the method is infallible and to protect it becomes a sign of someone who is “worthwhile” (pukka.) BK procedures may be hurtful as seen by others. Their modus operandi may be devious as seen by others; but those are natural consequences of the interpretation of the method by followers. It is not “wrong” from their perspective, but “numberwise.” For a BK, the ways of society may be looked at as “wrong,” sinful, impure. There is rejection underneath. This rejection is necessary in the beginning, to transition from “normal” society into the BK method.

A “normal” person thinks that he can distinguish what is right from what is wrong however; their selection is according to their conditioning. Society is a way of conditioning, a “method” by all means, just like BK conditioning, thus our ideas of morality are heavily conditioned.
Hope that I clarified what I mean by the word “method.”
Let me go into the lies now.

“Raja Yoga is the most ancient path.”
From the viewpoint of world history (mainstream beliefs of society) Raja Yoga may not be/ is not the most ancient path. From the viewpoint of Brahma Kumaris (the method) Raja Yoga is the most ancient, considering their belief in cyclical time and their belief that Brahma Kumaris influences the future “Deity religion” in the Golden age. Thus, when the new Kalpa “starts”, it is according to the influences of BK Raja Yoga.

Who is lying? It all depends on what you subscribe to.
From my perspective, a cycle means that the most ancient is at the same time, the newest thing (which is the perception of mainstream society, since the BK movement started less than 100 years ago.)

Mainstream morality condemns lying as evil, bad, sinful, etc.
Nevertheless, there are times when lies are not only necessary but “good.” Lies may have utilitarian or psychological value, they may be said unwillingly, by omission, for protection, etc. Thus, I lie, you lie, Brahma Kumaris lies, the rest of the world lies, Jesus Christ lies as well. His line: “ I am the son of God” from my perspective, is a lie. From a Christian’s that is the truth.

Here is a referential link . It is about the morality of lying. As you could see it is a complex topic from an intellectual, philosophical viewpoint. Not all lies are “bad.” Intention seems to be the factor that decides the consequences of that lie. Look at the consequences of the lie. Look at the intention. Religious “spiritual” methods typically “lie” through simplicity so masses can understand. A black or white commandment: “Thou shalt not lie,” sounds “good” it is ideal, but Life is not a “black or white” “reality.” I am not defending lies. I am not defending truth, for both are 2 extremes of the same rope. A duality. Truth brings lies and lies bring truth. That is why, I have written that I do not share “truth.” I share my experiences.

Human morality is not a standard of “goodness” in Life. But only in our society.
BapDada does not act based upon our conditioned understanding of human morality. His perspective is different and it comes from knowing what the “Drama” (Life) is and will be, not what human morality dictates.

Even though many “lies” of the BK institution have been disclosed with evidence, yet still people will sign up with the Brahma Kumaris. Why?
Because people had an experience which was valuable for them. That is their valid perspective. That is their starting point in “spirituality.”
I signed up with Brahma Kumaris because I had experiences with Brahma Baba through my sister. Without those there is no way on Earth that I could have followed the BK “method.” Along the path I met many unique individuals and had many karmic accounts to “settle” with BKs, which were necessary to change me.

Let me clarify. I don’t mean to say that to lie is OK. There are consequences. A liar will not be trusted. That is a consequence. Many could say:  “How terrible the BKs are because they are liars, they deceive people, steal their money and try to get VIPs because they are social climbers.”  But let us not generalize. In our society, what the BKs do is legal until proven otherwise. No one better than the BKs to understand about the consequences of actions done with the intention to deceive individuals although the label used, may be  in the name of “service.” 

Do I feel that I was conned?
The BK method put me through a lot of experiences. 10 years of my Life with many unconventional experiences. I went honestly, full force with it from the beginning. Without the BK experience I wouldn’t be able to understand what I do now. In Life, experiences are meant to change consciousness. Humans judge whether an experience is “good” or “bad.” Life does not. It is not for me to judge the method that Life brings for change. Thus, the word I may use after about 4 years of being out of the BK movement is “thankful” rather than conned. Of course, I went through my process of feeling relief, then anger and denial, but the outcome is gratefulness. I can move on.

We cannot say that we are over the BK experience, while we have rejection in us; while the memory of it is moving us emotionally. It is out of our system, when we could accept that others and I have the same right to go through this experience, if willing to. I have experienced very dear ones literally dying while in the BK movement, for their belief in the BK experience was very strong. That is their right, and the extent of acceptance of the BK method that I am talking about. If the BK experience lingers by upsetting us even though we are not there anymore, there is a trauma which needs to be healed.

The BK method has many lies and false predictions, but still is “good” for many as it is. Change of consciousness does not judge if a method is made up or lies or not. What matters is to go honestly through the experiences that this method will bring. When we discover the shortcomings, the method is no longer valid for us. It is over, but an honest follower will need to discover that for himself. No second hand in it.

“Don’t think, don’t question” is an incomplete line. It could be labeled as a half-truth or a lie.
Don’t think, don’t question, don’t do, don’t make effort… Just BE…is the complete line… but yet, it may be a lie for others.

For the common good.