On “Shrimat”: The Elevated directions

Once someone joins the army, there are directions to follow. The army relies on consistency of follower’s activities. The army has an objective to accomplish, a task. The soldiers (followers)  are merely trained to fit into that objective.

Thus, to follow the directions given by superiors of the hierarchy of the army, is considered to be “good.” Not to follow those directions is “bad.” Thus, soldiers can be expelled or rewarded based on their activities, their DOING.
Similarly, is the experience with cults and religious systems. To obey the directions from “above” is mandatory to be able to stay within that system.

In Brahma Kumaris, those directions are called “Shrimat.” That label implies that directions are “higher,” coming from a “higher authority,” God.
It is interesting to note that Baba called the BK clan as the “salvation army” and the “Shakti army.”
It is necessary to believe that “Shrimat” comes from God to avoid opposition, misbehavior within the system. Shrimat has to be some law or some set of directions that are applicable for the entire army. For the sake of consistency, every soldier gets the same. That is a useful stratagem to keep things in order and simple.

Nevertheless, Shrimat has come from human beings.

How do I know this? The cycle of time assures that whether someone goes left or right, their destination is achieved. Every experience is necessary whether we label those as “good” or “bad.” We “learn” by change of consciousness which happens through Life experiences.
The mind may calculate: “If I do this, things may go awful for me. I may not get to heaven. Even worse, I will repeat the same “mistake” for eternity.” Thus, the individual does not DO. However, deep inside he wanted to DO. He is lying to himself.
The negation of something will add up as a repressed activity that will show up at a later time with even greater intensity. Yes, you followed Shrimat like a good follower. You avoided something… but, it will come up again until your DOING is equal to your BEING.

Someone may blame their sanskaras coming up despite their  intense “efforts” to follow Shrimat. Isn’t this a typical situation?
What is missing is inner honesty. Your DOING is not according to your BEING.  BEING has to change. Shrimat is only avoiding your DOING or NOT DOING something. It is ACTION conscious, it does not deal with BEING.

Now here is the punch line. How is that BEING going to change?
Not necessarily by following Shrimat. That is why, Sakar Murlis (5/4/17) are now saying: “Baba takes the pulse of the soul and sees his circumstances before giving Shrimat. It is not the same for everyone.”
Thus, Shrimat is up to God to be accurate for you. How do you know that your “elevated directions” are specific for you?  How is God speaking directly to you and not someone else? Are there any intermediary persons?
Food for thought.