The existence of God

Does God exist?
There are only 2 possible answers: Yes or No.
Reasonably, there can be many arguments against or for.
Experientially, the “special” few will share their experiences to the many.
The many will become followers, believers…

Therefore, there are many who are “right” and many who are “wrong,” depending on the chosen belief. An intelligent person wants to align with those who are “right” so he too can be “right.” That is the silly game of the mind.

“God” is without meaning to those who are only interested in a simple “yes” or “no” or for those interested in being “right.”
“God” has meaning for those who are looking for a way out of suffering, those who are searching for hope during an otherwise, meaningless life. A simple yes or no will not quench their thirst.

Religions have their own versions of “God.” Christians have a God who has existed in their awareness for 2000 years. Brahma Kumaris has a God, who has existed for 100 years for those believers. Both gods are different. “Eternal Life” is the only thing they have in common.
If a Hollywood movie star gives his opinion, such as: “God does not exist. I believe in Science,” or “Everyone has their own take of God. My God is as I want him to be.”
Those statements make sense, they are reasonable, however; completely meaningless.
Those movie stars, have not started the journey of searching for answers in Life for suffering hasn’t knock at their doors enough times yet. “Searching” is not about reading books or information.

To know the answer of that question is a journey: Deny God all you want. It may take many years or a Life time. Then, it is guarantee that you will believe in God. At the end of that journey, you will have the answer.
OR believe in God all you want. Join religions, convert others, etc. Then, naturally, you will deny his existence. At the end of that journey, you will have the answer. The believer and the atheist are the same.

The “yes” and the “no” will take you to the same place as long as we go through the complete “yes” and the complete “no.” Otherwise, we will only have beliefs, even though rational, logical; those beliefs will only serve to divide people through the use of labels but there will not be a bit of meaning, able to affect our consciousness.

A complete journey will change our consciousness, although we don’t know when. It just happens.
All we have to DO is to allow for change to happen. The “truth” of the answer of the existence of God, is in the honest search which brings a journey.
No one can give you an answer. We need to find it ourselves.

The ones who truly know, cannot talk about it. Why?
The answer: Compassion.