The value of Brahma Baba

As January 18 is an important day for Brahma Kumaris’ followers, I’d like to share what I consider important about the life of Brahma Baba for Bks and Non Bks alike.

Brahma Baba or Lekhraj Kripalani was a man who reached self-realization. It was his time.
No one can tell the exact moment, as self-realization does not depend on the perception of others as to how a self-realized being needs to behave.

Those who lived with him, may have never know about the process that he was going through. Those who experienced “miracles” attributed to his presence; may have strong feelings of devotion for him and believe that because they had experienced a “miracle,” then Brahma Baba was “very special” and them “chosen ones.”
Brahma Baba was unique but not “special.”

Brahma Baba was a source of inspiration to those who followed him, although he may not have been understood. The stories that are told about him may have been changed through time: Those who loved him, may have spiced up the stories. Those who didn’t love him, may have diminish the original stories. It is simple human math. At the end, to believe that “everyone will love a self -realized being” is a childish belief.

The value of Brahma Baba now is not in the second hand stories that we may hear, but there is value “NOW” for those who had the chance to interact with him at the subtle level, that is in his body of light. As he created the BK religion, he is now preserving it by contacting those who need to be contacted regardless of “seniority” or “years in gyan” or any such human sociopolitical beliefs.

It is important to know that Brahma Baba acts as a guide to help those who need it according to their destiny.
Brahma Kumaris for the masses, is a different aspect. It is the “beginners guide.” Every human being comes from different types of conditioning, traumas and experiences making it impossible to create a “formula” that will fit all. Brahma Kumaris for the masses offers an effort to accommodate everyone through a somehow clear cut system, thus there will be issues all the time.

A self-realized being does not know everything as what is told of ‘God.’ He is not a source of accurate data and information. A self-realized being IS empty of self. An Individual who is One with the Totality. Some may like to call that “God;” but labels do not matter to him but only to those who are not self-realized.
A Being of light will disclose the information that is necessary according to time and according to the person that he is guiding. Many times, humans will interpret that information with inaccuracies; however, even in that; there will be benefit as a being of light knows the future.

In contact with a Being of light or a self-realized being, the word “truth” has a totally different meaning from what we are conditioned to believe. It is no longer about literal words or accuracy in fortune telling, but about development of consciousness of those being guided.

Question: How are you going to “follow the father “ if you don’t know him?
Answer: It is not by DOING what we are told he did.
It is by BEING empty of self.