If everything is fixed, why should “I” try?

Avyakt7-NG will go into some aspects that he considered important about the writing by “Rose Mary” shared below in the comments section by Gayathri, concerning the repetition of the “Drama.” (Rose Mary’s writing is in red in this article.)  My style is not to write long articles, but this time I wanted to put everything in it.  I will use my understanding of BK Knowledge for this writing. I am not subscribing to it, but merely using it to clarify some points brought by “Rose Mary.”

The main misunderstanding in the BK world about “gyan” itself, is to consider that there is an “I” independent from everything else and which remains for eternity. Thus, ” I am a soul” is incorrect. The soul contains roles. “I am a role” if anything else. Without the role there is emptiness in that soul. The experience of that emptiness is known as “silence” or “peace” or “mouna”. There is nothing as “I” there.
The depth of understanding the Drama is in this:
There is no “I”, but only as a limited perception. It is a valid perception yes; an understandable perception which many are into due to their consciousness, which is perfect at this time. Why? Because through the full experience of “I” comes the experience of “no-I.” Life, the Drama is about experiences. None is “better” or more “elevated” as this creates “worse” and “inferior” which will be experienced as well.

Let me put the Cycle of time in this duality: “No-I” (Golden and Silver ages) and “I” (Copper and Iron ages.) This is like saying “soul conscious” and “body conscious” without the negative stigma that some BKs will give to the body due to an ingrained misunderstood rejection.

Now, into some of the points of her writing:
“God Shiva gives a perfect start to humanity.”
“God Shiva” does not give a “perfect start to humanity.” It is all in the Drama. It happens automatically. Moreover, there is no “perfect start”. This is the world of duality. “High” goes into “low” to repeat again, that “journey” is perfect in itself. “God Shiva” does not need to do anything. It is amazing to me how the Drama is played down in BK knowledge, and many things happening there, are attributed to “God.” That is part of the conditioning to be aware of.

“Forgetting and not forgetting”: (“The Murli says” about the Drama)
This is true only if an entity labeled as the “I” remains and we take that as reference. However, the soul which is an empty container has many roles which will express in the physical realm. One role does not need to know what the other does. The soul does not remember nor forget. A role does not do that either. It is a fresh start every time it appears (aka. repeats.)

“The reason why people repeat is that each atma is unique and has also unique sanskar. “ That is not what Gyan teaches. Each soul has roles to play or better to say, each role will play through the soul which uses a body. The roles are unique. Each role has different sanskaras.
“Repetition” only appears when we are conscious that is happening because we “remember” what has repeated before. That is not the case; thereby; it is a fresh start every time. Observe that the knowledge of the “soul” having a mind, intellect and sanskaras are of no consequence once we realize that everything is fixed in the Drama, as BK knowledge teaches.

“In fact, each one is only acting according to his taste and liking which is NOT CHOOSING. Likes and dislikes are fixed whereas choice is dynamic. “
Correct. Likes and dislikes are fixed, just like everything else. There is no “choice”. Why? Because truly there is no “I”. Therefore, who is going to choose? If the “I” truly existed, still there wouldn’t be truly a “choice” as for most, thinking and actions are conditioned, reactionary. Do we see that? The perception of the “I” gives the perception of “choice.”
The “I” that most identify with is the body as gyan teaches.

Let me illustrate the existence of that “I”: Most everyone has a cell phone these days. A cell phone has a hardware and a software. We buy the hardware but the utility of a cell phone is in the software. The hardware is like the human body. What makes the utility of a human being in the Drama (Life) is the software being downloaded from the “cloud” (Drama) which has many versions, many updates and many customizations (Life experiences, settings, circumstances, etc.) Every cell phone is different. Cell phones may have the latest operating system and others may not (consciousness).
Do we have the “choice” to download the software? Apparently, but at the end we are forced to, if we want to keep using the different “apps” for they get constantly upgraded. Similarly is with human beings. Their software changes continuously. It doesn’t depend on “me”. It is depending on what that role needs to play. The human software (consciousness) mostly identifies with the hardware AT THIS TIME. The hardware is necessary but “I” am not the hardware. Neither the software. Who am “I” then?
Do you see that the “cloud” (Drama) is the one dispersing its software (consciousness) into little tiny pieces into the hardware? That is just like the Ocean dispersing drops of water in different containers. The soul is such container.

There is the belief that if “I DO some action like, Amrit Vela meditation many times and consistently, “I will gain” something for myself. Now, we could see that if the “right” software hasn’t downloaded yet into our hardware, we could DO an action many times and we will get used to it, but change of consciousness may not happen as we envision.  The “right software” is not triggered by the compulsive action of the “I” to become “better”. Therefore, DO but for the sake of enjoying DOING it without further motives or as the AV Murli states : “Do for the sake of doing.”

In BK understanding of knowledge, the soul has been labeled as the “true I”. But the soul only holds roles, consciousness for every life time. So, who is going to “heaven”?

The repetition of the cycle of time, through the experience of duality, assures self preservation of the Drama. Thus, everything which existed, will be again.

Consciousness allow us to feel this “I”. Just like our senses allow us to have a material experience, when according to Max Planck (Founder of Quantum theory) in “truth there is no matter.” That is a fantastic experience, for the Ocean is able to “give” a sense of individuality to each of its own drops, but the Ocean is not different than its drops. When we understand this deeply, we will welcome the “idea” of omnipresence, which is a “bad” word in BK philosophy, due to Sakar Murlis.

On “nimit” “instrument”:

To be an “instrument” is a “humble” way to represent that “I” which does not exist. There cannot be deeper understanding of Gyan unless the identity of the “I” is understood. It is difficult for we may feel hurt and want to reject such “idea” and readily accept any ideology which pampers the “I” and gives it a reward in the future, in heaven. However, that is part of the process.

Who am I?  The Drama. Life itself. Another way to express it: Nobody. Nothing. This is not negative at all; for at the same time this allows “me” to be everything. A drop of the Ocean identifies itself with being a drop without realizing that it IS in the Ocean itself. That drop may need to realize its own nothingness to be able to perceive its everything-ness. Self-realization may be along those lines. Self realize the absence of self (“I”) through the journey of experiencing self.

I remember a good friend of mine, a non- BK seeker, who told me: “You cannot say that the “I” doesn’t exist, because I am.”
He was honest with his experience. He didn’t accept “I am a soul” for his experience dictated that he was a person. That is to be honest with your experience, your current consciousness. The “I” exists like matter, although; it doesn’t. That is the paradox of existence and non-existence, something which current understanding of BK knowledge is unable to consider.

There are plenty of religions supporting the “I”. Brahma Kumaris is one of them. However, there is the other reality of no-I. To build a “Godly” philosophy based only on the existence of the “I” is not the whole “truth” when we are aware of the whole Ocean rather than just being the drop.

“Even the fly that passes your face will repeat it in the next Kalpa. This is just another way of saying everything (micro and macro) repeats, and this statement often comes with other statements such as: “BKs are those who do not engage in vices. If a BK commits any vice, he/she will lose his/her status and will also receive 100 times punishment…..etc.” Thus in essence what He says is that Drama is a play of both freedom and destiny.”

That paragraph contradicts the understanding of predestination and choice given above by “Rose Mary.” The fly that passes every kalpa means predestination which is not different than the “sin” committed by a BK. The wonder is to receive “punishment”for something which is predestined. Cause and effect affects all. BKs don’t get more or less of a consequence than anyone else. That is only a belief used as a tool to discourage a BK from making “mistakes.”
“Your choice” is compelled by your sense of morality which is conditioned, although we may label it as “right”. Or you may forget about it, “indulge in vice” and feel guilty for the rest of your Life, if that action is only reactive without full understanding.
Most BKs do not observe that they can be “virtuous” by following their own definitions BUT live a repressed Life; with the consolation that they will “BE someone of high status in the “future”, the Golden age.” That is to live in the mind.
Here is the question: Is repression virtuous? Is a repressed life now a guarantee of “being in the golden age”? Is denial of your honest feelings according to your current consciousness, a sin?
Under that situation then, many dishonest “souls” will be in Paradise. Do we see that?

 Whether we DO something or we don’t, all is  according to the Drama. It is all PERFECT.  There will be consequences from DOING and NOT DOING, but at the same time; “we” are equipped by the Drama to take that as another Life experience. Couldn’t be otherwise, for “I” am not a DOER, for there is “no I” therefore, who gets “punished”?
“I”? Better switch to “no-I”.    🙂

Life (The Drama) is beyond “right and wrong.” What it IS, IS. Life is not concerned with human morality and our little definitions of “good and bad,” for if you are “good” you will be “bad” and vice versa (The “soul” through roles will express both roles at different times.)  Take one side of a duality to experience the other. That is part of the whole human experience.

Therefore, upon understanding the above; honor your current consciousness. OBSERVE become AWARE of that which we call SELF. Live a full Life so that does “service” to others who may be fearful and trapped by all sorts of conditioning of the mind. FEEL Life. That will show “you” what is “right” for “you”.

Perhaps this writing will be considered by BKs.

Finally, I wanted to clarify that a belief system is merely that, a belief. There is no “spiritual truth” which could be described or affirmed through dualistic language. In my experience, the cycle of time exists and it is eternally repetitive, therefore; this is not the first time that “I” write this article, nor it will be the last time.  However, the knowledge of that cycle of time is inconsequential for self-realization. It doesn’t matter if we believe in it or not. The same with the “soul”. It is of no consequence whether we believe in it or not. The cycle of time and the soul are also ways for the “I” to protect itself, as there is an assurance that “I” will continue on.  The bottom line is that fear is there.  Just as when the Murli repeats: “Destruction is just ahead”, “I” will look for ways to preserve myself. Even if that means to live in India for it is believed to be a “safe” place. That is what we may need to OBSERVE and be acquainted with. There is fear of death. There is fear of living. There is fear of uncertainty. There is fear. That “reality” is unquestionable, it is completely “real” and once we go into it, none of the beliefs systems, not one of them will be relevant anymore. That freedom from the mind, will allow us to look into what is truly important: Self-knowledge.

Looking inside means to OBSERVE to be AWARE of the contents of this “I”, to empty the baggage so fear will go as part of that “cleaning”.

Life then, will have a different meaning. Whether “I” go  away or “I” return in “another life” will not matter at all; but to be appreciative and grateful of this experience NOW, fulfilled that “I” had the chance to experience without further expectation; thus, fearless.