On July 2013, Avyakt7 left the experience of the Brahma Kumaris path after 10 years of following it.
Many changes had happened since then. That Avyakt7 is no longer “here,” but newness has arrived, a different openness, a different being has emerged: “Ahnanda,” also known as “avyakt7- New Generation.”

Currently (end of 2022) as I am updating this content; I will share my own experiences in the path of “spirituality.” However, I am not “on my own;” as I have been enjoying the help of “guides” from a non physical realm which I truly appreciate. Help came even during my time as a Brahma Kumaris follower. In fact, it is at their suggestion that I am writing.

This blog is for everyone looking to have a different perspective of the “spiritual path.” Even though, many articles may have a Brahma Kumaris background, most topics pertain to everyone.

Enjoy YOUR  journey!