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  • avyakt7- New Generation 11:54 AM on July 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , bk knowledge truth, , delusion, , , manmat, ,   

    The belief in “truth.” 

    Is the BK belief the “truth”?

    Our society has been conditioned through that word “truth.” In our society we have certain facts, which we call ‘truth.’
    We have certain experiences which we label as ‘truth.’
    Although that is a very limited perspective to understand the Universe and Life itself.

    No. The BK belief is not the only ‘truth.’ Intellectually it is the one that made more sense to me back then (from my perspective) although, I am able to see now its limitations.  I understand that the BK knowledge as it is, is necessary for many human journeys.

    “How is that possible?
    You were the one that wrote in “Exploring the Depth of Living” that BK knowledge was the truth, and you defended it with all your strength. I believed in you, now you come up with something different. You are a no-good liar, a traitor. What makes you believe that now you have the truth?”

    Isn’t that what many BKs readers believe of me?

    Now let me ask. What is wrong with change? Why should I continue to support something which is no longer valid for me?
    Ahnanda (avyakt7-NG) is completely different than the one who believed in BK knowledge some years ago. What I perceive now, is what “I” share.

    “But that is just your own “manmat”, it is your own delusion!”

    Perhaps. But it is my reality and I am being honest with it.
    That is what “I” share.
    “But that has no value. I want truth!”
    Then find it yourself. Reading my writings or someone else’s, even God’s scriptures, will not give you what you are looking for.
    Discover for yourself what the “truth” is.

    Life, the Universe has many dimensions. Those cannot be framed into a paragraph of “knowledge” as the “only way.”

    As those other dimensions are included into BK knowledge, all of the sudden the “logic” of “the knowledge” breaks apart… there is an unsurmountable gap which can only be covered by beliefs.
    I bet you want to know what those specifics are, right? 🙂

    Discover them yourself.

    That is exactly the path of Avyakt7 into Ahnanda. It is your own journey.

    “So what good to us is what you are “sharing”?”
    That depends on where you are in the journey. Definitely these writings are not for everyone. That is something to keep in mind. One more thing that I’d like to share: “Truth” does not change or transform. The journey does.

    For the common good.

    • Gayathri 12:18 PM on July 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Dear brother, Om shanti. I agree that each one of us, though we all are BKs, have our own level of understanding. Each one’s perception is different though we all study the same murali. We notice quite a few BKs who are actually continuing their path of devotion except for the fact that they have replaced their favourite/ special deity with Baba.

      Studying one’s churnings just gives us a direction; then it is up to us to explore and understand the churnings while on this journey of life.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


      • avyakt7- New Generation 1:50 PM on July 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Thank you for your feedback, dear sister. Actually, I am not sharing my thoughts… But my experience. 😁


        • Gayathri 9:45 PM on July 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          Can you please comment on this?


          The basis of your stage is your awareness. Therefore, let there always be the awareness of happiness.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 12:06 PM on July 25, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , , , land of peace, peace, , Sakar murli understanding,   

    Question: Significance of the Drama, Peace and Happiness – Sakar Murli. 

    Can you elaborate on this?

    “By understanding the significance of which aspect do you children not ask for peace or happiness?
    You understand the significance of the drama. You understand that the play is now about to end. You will first return to the land of peace and then go to the land of happiness. This is why you do not ask for peace or happiness. You stabilise yourselves in your original religion of peace. People do not even know about the religion of the self nor do they understand the significance of the drama. This is why they say, “Give peace to my mind!” In fact, it is the soul that needs peace, not the mind.”

    Thank you for your question.
    To understand Brahma Kumaris’ purpose is to understand first, our own minds.
    Brahma Kumaris is about intellectual understanding. Nevertheless, that intellectual understanding is unable to make a change in consciousness.
    Yes, we can understand the significance of the Drama. It is eternally repetitive. Thus, for the mind the incentive is in the “future.” “Over there “I” will be happy and peaceful. Right now, “I” have to make effort.” 

    The gist of any Sakar Murli is to make us “understand” that “right now”  does not matter, for the reward is coming up in the “future,” in my “next life.”
    That is the “reality” of the mind which likes to fantasize with the future and the past, but it is hardly the reality of BEING.

    Observe the language: “religion of the self.” There is no such a thing. Many things get lost in translation of the original Sakar Murlis. It all depends on the choice of words of the one(s) translating and more important, his practical experience.
    Thus, I can say without hesitation that the original teachings of Brahma Baba have been changed to portray followers understanding instead. This is the reason why we may need to go into our own experience and our own feeling rather than blindly following paragraphs of beliefs.

    Peace is not of the soul nor the mind. Peace is a state of BEING.
    That is related with consciousness not with the container of roles, the soul.
    The “land of peace” is truly the “land of emptiness.” The soul is empty of content, thus; that state could be labeled as peace. But it is not practical peace, it is not to BE peace in the world.

    Our minds are full of things. There cannot be peace there, for the mind overrides the emptiness of BEING. That is why in Brahma Kumaris it is emphasized to keep the mind busy with “remembrance.” It is thought that “I” can control the mind if “I” give a recurrent thought to it and make it stronger, if “I” add a feeling. 

    The state of “no-mind” is not known; however, that is the practical experience to be in the “present,” the “now.”

    Therefore, to know about the significance of the Drama will do very little for our consciousness. If there is something “bad” happening in our lives, we will be shaken no matter how much we understand the Drama.
    True understanding is not of the mind, it is about consciousness.
    Interestingly, I do not recall if ever that word (consciousness) has been used in a Sakar Murli. Probably the word “soul” is used instead; thus the confusion for the follower.
    What confusion?

    “I am a peaceful soul, but I am not that now. I need that peace, it will come in the “future.” Or, I need to take away the “rust” to be peaceful.” But Peace is not an intellectual idea that I can imbibe by repeating “I am a peaceful soul” or by knowing the significance of the Drama.
    Have we experienced that?

    For the common good.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 4:37 AM on July 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , inner violence,   

    When is the time to leave BK? 

    For most the answer is “never.” But the recognition that Life changes as well as what we call “self” is not there yet. That “never” also means “never change,” which is utopia.

    As mentioned in the last article, the BK path is like a pluming pipe. It conduits followers through it. Followers are channeled to a “worthwhile” purpose in Life. That is helpful for many as otherwise, they may feel lost, alone.
    The pipe is already made. Attempts to drill it  and change it around so the water leaks into other places is discouraged by the BK movement. It is understandable.

    Everything works fine while a person feels fulfilled. He feels at “home.”
    However, there may be times when the path is no longer appreciated as giving fulfillment, but rather as constrictive, detrimental to our health by squeezing the life out of it.

    It is also understandable that many followers may have experienced this many times in their BK Life, however; they stayed and persisted. Will power was used and perhaps other great experiences happened because of that persistence. That was the incentive needed to stick around!

    Sometimes, the water will start leaking through the pipe. It may be a small aperture which was made through the same force of running water itself. The pipe is no longer enough.

    We could attempt to patch it, we could come back again some other time… there are many solutions not to break away.

    The thought of leaving may be coming to our minds, but fear of losing everything we already built (relationships, positions, power, a routine or life style) will keep us there.

    Whether we stay or not, is not the question. Truly, it doesn’t matter. What matters is if we are “true” to ourselves.

    Many have given their lives and gone “through the rainbow” early, out of some sickness. They used their will power alone to stay as long as they did, but their “effort” will not take them to “heaven.”
    The act of not listening to inner feelings, was a violent act to the self.  For outsiders, it may look as the act of a “pukka soul.” But the crucifixion is hidden inside. That is dishonesty with the self.

    Paradoxically, we went through our fears to join the BK religion and to depart from mainstream society’s ways. Now, we may need to go through our fears to go away from it… or to stay.
    What is the teaching?
    To acknowledge our fears. The situations are only pointing to fear, which otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to perceive. 

    When the mind traps a person with a belief system, it is hard to listen to our feelings.
    When a person lives Life through the acknowledgement of inner feelings only, the mind may resent that journey.

    When the mind and feelings are in harmony, there is unity, congruency, beauty. Any action in that state is what it needs to BE and that is way more important, than to choose what seems for the mind and its conditioning,  to be “right.”

    For the common good.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 11:30 AM on July 18, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , bk system, , dadis, join BK, , open minded, , sytem   

    Why are you a Brahma Kumaris (BK)? 

    That is a question worth asking. There are many “reasons” such as: 1. Because my parents were BK 2. Because I had experiences with Brahma Baba. 3. Because I love Brahma Baba 4. Because I love the Dadis. 4. Because I believe that God is with the BKs and I want to get “salvation” and a good “status.” 5. Because I like their values and teachings. 6. Because I like the company of spiritual people. 7. Because God has chosen me.

    Of course, there may be many other “reasons.” But that is not the “why.”
    If we look closely, Brahma Kumaris is a path for self-transformation. Unless a follower is willing to accept that path fully, with all its flaws and merits; that follower is not truly a BK.

    Yes, he may be called “numberwise” and his company may be accepted, but it is important to notice that the purpose of that path is to change who you ARE, not for “you” to dictate the extent of what you want to be changed.

    Brahma Kumaris has a hierarchy. It has a system. Anyone who thinks and plays with ideas which are not contained in their system, is by definition; out of the system. That is the path.

    There cannot be an “Open minded BK.”

    The structure, the strict flavor of the BK path is the first wall that most followers want to “soften” in a “subtle way.”

    That rigidity is meant to put someone in a blender without escape.
    Definitely, “you” will be someone else after a few years, not necessarily what “you” believed that “you” will become.

    As the collective consciousness, the masses “rule” in our society, Brahma Kumaris is forced to change its structure if it is to survive, for there cannot be a religious system with only 5 followers. Brahma Kumaris is a system primarily for the masses.

    Why would you give up your life style to accommodate for a new one such as BK?
    The “why” is that this will make “you” better, elevated, angelic, a king, etc. SOMEONE. That promise is what drives followers to follow.

    A neophyte will look into this as a way to “get more things,” as a way to decorate the “self” into something that will make ME look “good” in front of everyone. That is the dream.
    The “reality” may be that this path when fully followed, will take away who you are, what you have, what you thought you could be. That is a disaster to be feared by the common man who only wants layers of things in top of what he already got. That is what he sees as “becoming better.”

    Paradoxically, those who stick around for a long time, those who are willing to give everything they have for the “yagya,” build their self-value, their self-esteem on that self-denial. The reward is a position (whether administrative or high esteem, psychological boost) in the BK hierarchy which makes a life style parallel to mainstream society. 

    Decorating the self or denying it, will take us eventually to the same place which is to strengthen the “I.”

    So what is the value in this path?
    The value is in the experiences that this path will bring. The different agents that will play out in self change.

    This change cannot be controlled by the “I” to go in a particular way. The change will go according to our destiny.

    That is why in the world there are so many paths, so many systems and methods; but destiny cannot be controlled by none of them.

    That is the predicament of the “I” trying to change itself. The promise that may not be fulfilled.

    For the common good.

    • Gayathri 12:08 PM on July 18, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Om shanti. Yes brother, there is not much scope for independent thinking in BKs; any deviation from the mainstream thinking is not appreciated.

      In my case, I am a BK though I do not follow many maryadas which I used to follow in my early BK days. On those grounds I may not be considered as a Pucca BK. But there were many ‘take aways’ from my BK life. And more than anything, i had very deep spiritual experiences with Brahma Baba and he remains a very close friend of mine till today.

      You have your ‘Mathias’, so you can understand how I feel about Brahma Baba. 🙂

      Gayathri ben.


    • Gayathri 11:23 AM on July 24, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Can you elaborate on this?

      By understanding the significance of which aspect do you children not ask for peace or happiness?
      You understand the significance of the drama. You understand that the play is now about to end. You will first return to the land of peace and then go to the land of happiness. This is why you do not ask for peace or happiness. You stabilise yourselves in your original religion of peace. People do not even know about the religion of the self nor do they understand the significance of the drama. This is why they say, “Give peace to my mind!” In fact, it is the soul that needs peace, not the mind.

      Liked by 1 person

  • avyakt7- New Generation 5:32 AM on July 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , fortune, , , , instruments, karankaravanhar, , , , , totality   

    Baba is Karankaravanhar 

    “Karankaravnahar” is a mouthful word meaning “The one who does through others.”

    In Brahma Kumaris it is believed that God “acts” through “instruments” that is typically a Brahma Kumaris adherent.
    In Brahma Kumaris, the way to show a humble demeanor is by saying: “I am an instrument. Baba is the one doing.”

    Nevertheless, in the Drama no one DOES. Actions manifest through human beings. This is an immediate consequence of believing in “predestination.” How are “you” going to DO things, if those things have been repeating through the eternal repetitive Drama?
    That is a point in depth. 

    That is how Brahma Kumaris came up with another concept: “it is YOUR fortune.”

    For most followers saying that God works through “you” or that your activities and consequences of them are “your” fortune; merely strengthens the idea of being separated from the Totality. That is how the “I” increases in size.

    “God is working through me.” “I am only an instrument.”
    Big size “I.”

    From another perspective, there is no need of God as a separate entity to DO anything through someone else. “God” is part of the eternal repetitive Drama, correct?
    Then, the Drama is behind everything. The Drama is the true “Karankaravanhar.”

    But something so “impersonal” and “omnipresent” as the Drama cannot be worshiped, loved or romantically attached as “God” could be.
    That is the point on choosing a “personal” God.

    For those who like deep things, here is another one:
    What is “Maya” then, if everything is predestined?

    Every “illusion” that a person could be going through, it is part of the experience that this person needs to go through. “Everything in the Drama is beneficial.” Do we remember that teaching? That includes “Maya” as well.
    The world of ideas and ideals will not take anyone to a change in consciousness. Neither to learn mouthful words or to add new concepts to a belief system.

    As that “I” dissolves into the beauty of Life (Drama,) we liberate ourselves from our mental bondages.
    How? Why?
    Because the “I” disappears… little by little, like a magic trick.
    For many that is a hard to grasp “concept.” However, it is not a “concept” once there is experience. It is only a state of consciousness.
    In the meantime, “I” learn the “concept,” “I” repeat it. “I” use it to sound “knowledge-full. That is the way to DO it!  … but not to live it.

    For the common good.

    • Gayathri 9:21 AM on July 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      YES! 🙂


    • Dinesh C 9:48 AM on July 15, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      According to my experience, BKs think of Baba as Karankarawanhar to be free from Ego, Baba made me do this, he used me for something good, I am just his instrument.

      Om shanti 🙂


    • Mohan 12:13 AM on November 5, 2023 Permalink | Reply

      There are many subtle things BABA explains in every Murli. But we need to contemplate on those subtlities to find those diamonds…


    • V.Gayathri 5:01 AM on November 6, 2023 Permalink | Reply

      Dear friends,

      When we observe carefully, we realise that we are not the ones who are “creating” those thoughts and that
      “our” thoughts have been flowing spontaneously without our intervention!

      Yes, it is because, Baba says that the account of our 84 births (or, in other words, the account of our entire part in the drama whether in the soul world and/ or in the physical world) are recorded in the soul. 🙂

      This realisation enables us to be humble as well as to be light. We feel light because we do not need to carry the ‘burden’ of the transformation of the world on our own shoulders and that the Drama moves on according to the drama plan.

      One should not misunderstand it as not taking the responsibility to serve the world to bring transformation, it is just that we do our duties with a light heart and with full conviction/ strong belief that there is nothing new happening in the drama in this kalpa, and that he transformation will certainly happen at the right time. 🙂

      best wishes,


  • avyakt7- New Generation 5:19 AM on July 11, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: abhogta, , , , , , trikaldarshi, trilikinath   

    Question: What is consciousness and what is awareness? 

    “Can you please explain a bit more about consciousness, with reference to awareness. My experence so far with BEING aware is that, it is just a state of being there, separation from thoughts is experienced when you BE AWARE with high alertness from inside, but what is this consciousness? Now an Indian is in different consciousness than an American based on their culture when they meet.
    Is consciousness nothing but the awareness of our own set of believes? Is to be conscious the same as to be aware?”

    Thank you for your question.
    Observe the sky. Do you see a cloud in a sunny afternoon? What color is it? Most probably “white,” correct?
    Is a “white person” the same color as the “white cloud”?  🙂  Definitely not.
    What is the “true” white color then?
    It is an ideal. We know it, but we cannot explain it through words.
    Similarly, the words consciousness and awareness are used in so many different ways!
    For instance, you are using the word “consciousness” in the setting of an Indian and an American consciousness, rather than using the words idiosyncrasy or upbringing.
    Your concept of “consciousness” is different than the way that Avyakt7-NG uses it.

    Consciousness and Awareness are words typically used to define each other. What is consciousness? It is awareness. What is awareness? It is consciousness. That is like defining the color “white” or “God.” Do you see the issue?
    This is how it is easy to build religious concepts and systems out of words that cannot be fully defined. Everyone “knows” what we are talking about, but no one knows exactly what it IS.
    Here is a description of the words Consciousness and Awareness:
    When you awaken from your night sleep, there is a very brief moment in which there is “consciousness” of BEING. The “role,” the baggage comes up a few tenths of a second later, then; “I AM.”
    That “I AM” in your case is the script of what “Dinesh” IS and what IS not. That is how our delimited personality arrives. That is a definition of “Dinesh.”
    Throughout the role of “Dinesh” there are perceptions from the inner world as well as the outer. AWARENESS deals with that.
    If you put the above explanation as the “idea” to define “consciousness” and “awareness,” you may have a concept to play with, but you will not have the EXPERIENCE and without experience you truly do not know.

    In Life what is important is the experience, then the label to describe it to others may arrive. A label used depends on your knowledge of a language, your vocabulary.
    However, in our society and the “Office world/afterlife insurance systems” we do the opposite. The concept is first, to intellectually “understand” and then we want our experience to fit that concept, to be “right.”
    That is why we may never know “God” even though we may have experience “it/him/her.” Our perception does not fit the concept that resides in the mind.
    Perhaps now, you may see why there is not a single scripture in “spiritual,” or Life matters; that could be taken literally.
    Are you AWARE of that? Are you CONSCIOUS of that?
    Or perhaps, your consciousness is making you aware of it?  🙂

    In Brahma Kumaris parlance, you may try : “Trilokinath,” “Trikaldarshi,” “Abhogta,” those are concepts learned which followers repeat as if those were their experience. Those concepts become “truth” and that is worshiped.  The mind is happy for having found the “truth,” for “knowing.”  

    For the common good.


    • Dinesh 9:16 AM on July 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Thank u for clarification, but Ahnanda, sometimes our comments don’t appear here!!


  • avyakt7- New Generation 4:56 AM on July 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , monotheistic religion, one BK, , , ,   

    Oneness and Brahma Kumaris 

    Have you ever heard of Brahma Kumaris or other monotheistic religion/faith speak about Oneness?
    That is out of their philosophy.
    They may talk about the “One” in reference with God, but the idea of being ONE with everything is typically out. The label used for that is “omnipresence.”

    Nowadays, the slogan “we are all one” is promoted by “new age” movements. There is the “oneness blessing” and other things which give the idea of inclusiveness.

    The World Cycle, the Drama is ONE. Brahma Kumaris’ philosophy explains about predestination of this. It is like a movie. The movie is one. The actors filmed in the movie have preordained activities to comply with the script. Consciousness will dictate their script. That is who we are: Consciousness (“roles” is the term used by BKs, but it is not accurate from my view) but we only see the separation of the bodies, the apparent individuality.
    Do we see that?

    In which moment do we see the “reality” of individuality and free will? Only when there is consciousness of separation of this entity called “I” from everything else.

    God is separate from “I.” The Drama is separate from “I.” Although, the teaching is predestination, which implies oneness; for who is in “control”? The teaching also supports that “I” can make “effort” and change “me” according to my beliefs. I am not saying that this may not happen. I am saying that it may happen only if it is in the Drama. Therefore, I can DO other things beside the BK beliefs to get “there” if I believe so, but the belief is that only BK teachings and practice will take you there, although there is no guarantee of “success.” Do we see that?  Are you karmateet yet? Why not?  Perhaps need more “effort”?  Maybe. It is a matter of belief. Thus, the most important component is INTENTION, for the Drama already has its script and whatever that is, IS what is necessary, “good” and needed for all.

    For all of those believing in “We are all one” then predestination is the obvious piece of the puzzle which is missing, but most will not accept it. It doesn’t sell.

    Life moves as a giant unity. ‘We” are not separated from the environment, people, settings, etc. Yet, we want to control those things so “I” can prevail and accomplish “my” beliefs.

    Do you see that God is bound to the Drama? So are “you.”
    What is God then? A label.
    Who am ”I”? If the answer is “soul,” all it has been done is to change a label for another. That is the trap of individuals caught up in the mind. Their world is about switching labels, ideas, concepts which are deemed to be “better.”  “Soul” is a catch all label, when the experience of it may be different for every consciousness. Who is to tell if someone is “soul conscious”? 

    “I” am ONE with everything that exists. There is no separation. When consciousness is at this level, the search for God, salvation, heaven and all of those “achievements” are no longer needed. “I” am nothing in particular and everything. Both at the same time.

    When consciousness is not there, what we perceive is the separation of that which we call “I.” At that point, salvation is needed as well as the pursue of the “one” who will grant it for “me.” The “I” perceives its limitations, its fears. The “I” needs to cling on a God to be “someone” that will last …. forever.

    It is all about consciousness. The journey is to experience the limitations of the “I” to embrace the unlimited experience of Oneness.
    Thus, there is no one view which could better than another when we are honest with our level of consciousness. Those 2 seemingly different views are stages of the same path. If we are not honest, we will “believe” in the “better” alternative, we will use the mind, the concepts to defend our position to be “right.”

    That will not take us anywhere, but to strengthen the “I.”

    Let me finish with this: Predestination and free will DO NOT EXIST. They are only concepts. What exists is the “Drama,” Life itself… the movie.  🙂

    For the common good.

    • Dinesh C 4:04 AM on July 9, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Ahnanda,

      That makes a lot of sense bro, but can you please explain a bit more about consciousness, with reference to awareness, now what my experience so far with BEING aware is that, it is just a state of being there, separation from thoughts is experienced when you BE AWARE with high alertness from inside, but what is this consciousness, now an India is in different conciousness than an American based on their culture when they meet.

      Is conciousness nothing but the awareness of our own set of believes? Like an Indian has different set of believes than an American, so they both behave in different conciousness when they meet. Also, when two people with same conciousness meet, they behave in different way than people with different conciousness, like a BK behaving with some love and affection with another BK, well I am just taking examples to support my understanding, also to be conscious is same as to be aware!!


  • avyakt7- New Generation 6:30 AM on July 4, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , healing, massage, rajayogi, touching people   

    Question: Can a rajayogi be a healer and earn money? 

    Thank you for your question.
    In the Brahma Kumaris path, many times questions like the one you made will come up.
    Answers will be given by a senior brother or sister. Evidently, not every senior will answer in the same way. Then, we will cherry-pick our answer.
    My “thoughts” and answer to your question, will be shared in my experience below.

    The last 4 or 5 years of my BK experience, I was a “healer.”
    The label “healer” means many things for many. What do you heal? Do you truly heal someone from an ailment? Perhaps this label is just to differentiate from a regular doctor.

    After I lost my “good Office world” job in the computer field, I studied some healing modalities and I was “initiated” by an Indian healer in Jodhpur, India. I lived there for a month after a trip to Madhuban. This “job” was my source of income.  Although I was doing another small job on the side.

    Few felt that my practice was specially “healing” for them. Most did not. I ended up studying massage therapy. I crossed the line for some BKs: I was touching people.

    Certainly I could see their concern for I was “practicing” BK celibacy. However, I decided to go for it. The overall experience was “healing” for me.

    I had challenges. One time a woman felt that my energy work was helping her. I was going to do a healing session for some emotional issue she had. It was my first time doing this. I did not have the necessary experience working at this level.
    I asked her about her emotional issue. It was something related with a family member. The woman cried very hard during the session. The energy coming out of her was so strong, that I fainted for a couple of seconds and fell. I did not think much of this, until I gave a massage to a woman who could “read” me as I was touching her. She said: “There is an entity working with you. He loves you very much. He looks like an old Chinese master, dressed in white.” I thought perhaps the woman was seeing Brahma Baba! I was happy with my assumption… 🙂

    A few years later, my sister Raysha (who has a gift of seeing entities) visited me and saw the entity in my place. With her and my friend Mathias’ help, the entity left my place and my energetic field rather peacefully.

    Later I found that this entity was influencing me with his melancholic sadness. During those years as a BK, I wasn’t much of a lively person. It seemed as if I could attract the energy of sadness from others and my environment. However, sadness wasn’t new to me. There was an emotional trauma that I carried with me even before I was born in this life. That is how I experienced that like energies attract each other.
    That entity entered my energetic field during the session I had with that woman.
    Nevertheless, as the Drama has it, that was beneficial for me to maintain celibacy despite the different “challenges” and opportunities I had to deal with different women.

    Sadness and the excitement of sexuality do not mix together.

    I thought that my BK practice was making me “stronger” and “conqueror of sex lust”… until I found out about the other things.

    In conclusion:  Yes… I found out why the Brahma Kumaris frowns upon some practices like “healing” and touching people’s energy.
    Yes… the whole experience was beneficial for me as I learned important aspects about energy, sadness and sexuality.

    I went honestly with what my heart told me at the time. Took my chances went along with the consequences.

    For the common good.

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