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  • avyakt7- New Generation 11:23 AM on April 23, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    Celibacy, Self Observation, sensation and Life 

    Celibacy could be viewed as a natural process of self purification. That “purification” means less “density.” When someone is “dense” we could observe that his emotional behavior, physical and mental ways are not in tune with each other. It is a if something is bothering us, but we do not know what it is, and we act in reaction mode all the time. We are completely unaware of the “energies” or “subtle vibrations” coming to us, depending on where we are and what has been going on there.

    For instance, I recall that once I entered into a church partially destroyed by an earthquake. Many people “left their bodies” there. I felt the “energy,” “vibrations,” or whatever label we want to put into it. It was heavy and disturbing. I left the place right away. I did not know what happened there until I asked.

    Similarly, we can charge a room in our house with certain “vibes” depending on what we are doing there.

    Sexual practices could disturb our ability to self observe ourselves, because for most people nowadays, they are completely unaware that other “beings,” “energies” are using them. In fact, their practices will tend to deplete their vitality, which leaves them as a drunk person: Basically unaware. That is the value of celibacy as long as it is not repression masked as celibacy. Thus, through “natural” celibacy, there is one less thing to “worry about,” if we are serious about self knowledge. However, as I have mentioned many times, every one of us has a particular path to follow. Celibacy is not the “only way.”

    Less “density” means that our distinct “bodies” (physical, ethereal, emotional, mental) become more acquainted with sound and light.

    That is how sound and light can be used among other things, for healing purposes. A “normal” person may laugh at that. After all, he only believes in the power of pills (aka medicine) and its secondary effects; but less density means greater acquaintance with light, energies and vibrations.

    Therefore, yogic practices and “new age” recipes have a purpose and that is to “de-densify” ( I made up a new word) the practitioner. That reminds me of the “kriyas,” “mantras,” “yantras,” and such practices. The Brahma Kumaris has such practices from diet to life style, as well.

    Whenever our mind is in turmoil, sitting meditation becomes just a way to “watch tv,” that is we ARE our thoughts and we are participants of the story about the future, the past or the “problem” that just came up. Depending on the level of “purity” (lesser density) of the practitioner, awareness will appear and dispel the turmoil. Then, at that point when the mind is stable and we are able to watch it, so it stops “thinking;” at that point we could feel perhaps that natural bliss, elation or joy coming up. That is fulfilling in itself.

    Part of the “purification” process entails to switch from the mind to feelings. When a “normal” person is engrossed in the mind then, the visual stimulus drives his life (usually in men) or the auditory stimulus (usually women) but the other senses could be there, except “feeling.” The feeling that I refer to, is not related with the sense of touch. More or less, is the sensation, could be called intuition. For instance, we meet someone and there is this “feeling” that I have met that person before, or there is some sort of attraction of repulsion. Those sensations are actually our best guides for our own lives rather than the popular “thinking, and decision making schemes.” Life is actually telling us what we have resolved or left unresolved and we are there at that time to take another look at it and act.

    How disturbed do we feel? Is there passion? Attraction? Repulsion?The key is to know what that sensation brings in us. The mastery is in the way we deal with that.

    Is my job more important? The way others think has greater influence? Shall I go all the way and forget about everything?

    Decisions, decisions, decisions for some. No choice. Choice-less choice for another.

    Welcome to Life 101! 🙂

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:01 PM on March 12, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    The gist of Oneness 

    If I wanted to convey my understanding at this point of my spiritual journey, it wouldn’t be only what I have read but mainly my experience. There is a point in time when reading and searching for theoretical answers to calm the mind is useless, when what is needed is direct experience.

    While I was a Christian, I had an experience which was different than when I was a Brahma Kumaris follower. Now, I do not belong to any religious movement or follow anyone, but my field of experience has expanded and that means that I acknowledge the paths in my journey to be able to understand what I do now. Without those paths, my journey wouldn’t be complete. Obviously, this is not the “end of the road,” for BEING what we talk about is in itself a process of unlearning, of letting go of that which I was taught to be “true.” Even my behavior is mostly social conditioning and family conditioning even from my ancestors, all of that are layers of personality which are no longer needed to reach the root, the center, that which remains.

    The following video which Life has provided to me, explained very well what I find to be mostly my own experience at this point in my Life. Obviously there are some differences that I could point out, but I feel that any “seeker” who is able to grasp this video by Michael James (https://www.happinessofbeing.com/michael_james.html) will be able to clearly see how confusion appeared along human history in trying to understand an experience which cannot be put into words. Religious followers have mostly changed the original teachings of sages and self realized beings by their narrow interpretation. It wasn’t done on purpose unless their purpose was to control individuals. It is just that their consciousness was limited by their own understanding of the world and to go beyond, the mind needed to be left alone.

    This video lasts 1 hour and 11 minutes. It is al worthwhile to listen. However, if you feel that it is not for you, that is fine too, for your journey is unique.

    The author mentions about non-duality vs duality. I like to use the term “Oneness” for it is all inclusive. All religions, all faiths, all beliefs are included . We are all One. Even God is included. 🙂

    Hope you enjoy the audio before it disappears.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:18 PM on February 14, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    Experience, truth and Osho 

    The “world out there”as known for most is a place where competition rules, where “skills” matter and where your “value” as human being is compared and assessed by “experts” on what “you bring to society” or to “yourself.” An inventor, a “saint” or a multimillionaire have “value.” Most think that perhaps they are not cut to be a famous inventor or a saint, but definitely, most would like to try to become a millionaire, that is “successful.” Thus, most chase “success” for themselves which mean to compete, to fight, to conquer and “win.” We could group these individuals into nations, ethnic groups and religions. They are most everywhere.

    Observe the mind setting of a person conditioned in this lifestyle. Keep that in mind.

    The other day I watched some videos about Osho’s life. It was interesting to hear what some of the “disciples” were commenting.
    “ A enlightened individual wouldn’t say that…” said one. Another: “ I loved him very much… I couldn’t keep up with his demands for expensive watches and Rolls Royce.”

    Osho had a dream of a different society, which he called “an experiment.” People working for no compensation. People having free sex without the moral standards of a regular society, and the unconventional view that Life was a celebration and not something serious to “think about.” He wanted for his followers to be “rich inside and outside,” meaning that they did not have material needs. This last point clashed with the typical view of mainstream religion which values someone not needing material things (a.k.a poor.)

    How do we think someone conditioned by mainstream society will “judge” Osho’s view of his “experiment”?
    First, they will call the outcome a “failure.” Then, they will go on about the conditions of “slavery,” working for nothing. Although most enjoyed the “candy” there (free sex) all of the sudden jealousy, envy and fights appear when switching mates was no longer what they wanted. Do we see how the old conditioning pops up?

    How hard it is to look at yourself and see what needs to “improve” in yourself, given the conditions? How easy it is to blame someone else and voice your disappointment? How easy it is to judge from our own vantage point and come up with some “conclusion” which then we can call the “truth”?

    Our experience is not the truth. It is only our experience. It has value for us. We can share it; but that is not a judgment or a conclusion, for if we do that; we are using our own conditioning to “save face.” However, when things go our way, that is according to our expectation, then everything is “godly,” “good,” etc.
    The above is known as “ego-mind.”

    In my experience ( I am not calling it, “the truth is…”) any spiritual group or setting is worthwhile if only helps me to observe my own limits, my own ego. If I want to pamper my ego, then “regular” society has all of that. This may seem controversial or even many could disagree; but when someone is deeply interested in “knowing themselves,” then this may make sense. On the other hand if I join a religious group or some other society different than mine, because I want to fulfill a need that I have, then I will be disappointed. To know yourself, is the most important aspect of this Life in my view, because we only “live here” for a short time. Right?

    Osho played a controversial role at that time. Notice that ultimately he had to face all of those things that he voiced to be “against:” That is politics, religions, marriage and his belief in being the “guru of the rich,”( brought homeless people into his ashram when it was necessary and convenient.)

    What do I learn from that? Not to be against anything. In fact, harmonize everything that “is.” That could be the new spirituality. We are so segmented and divided in society that the game of duality of being against something is no longer valid. That is my experience. It is not “my truth.”

    Many may ask if Osho was “enlightened”? He was. Meaning that he self realized. (How do I know that? That is for another writing.) He played like Gurdjieff the role of the “very smart but crazy” guru to take away some ingrained values of “regular society” in his followers like respectability, shame and other aspects of the egoic mind. They played the role of “de-condition” agents.

    Keep in mind that after all the attempts of murder that went on in his ashram, no one died. That is truly a miracle!! That is help “from up-above.” His vow of “being silent” for 3 years helped to expose the “problems” within his ashram by themselves.
    He died in a mysterious way, although he claimed that he was poisoned. That was his role in the duality of Life. Similarly, Siddhartha Buddha died of food poisoning although, it is said it was accidental.

    When “values” from our “regular” society are used to judge something different, we will be biased. Any form of judgment does not bring benefit to know the self, but on the contrary, it is “pure” poison. The appreciation of the roles of every actor that we encounter in Life or know about, is what brings harmony within, in my experience.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 12:02 PM on February 9, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , life, , , , , , self-awareness, , , Your Higher self   

    Change: The gist of everything 

    Today is a special day in my “spiritual” development and wanted to share this article. If you read something in this blog, I highly recommend this article. In my view, it is worthwhile to read and understand.

    Last article was about Tilopa’s “six nails.” He wasn’t “teaching” anything but merely describing a state of BEING which is known as “no-mind.” To understand that, we need to go first into the mind.

    If you are “new” or “seasoned” in the path of “spirituality,” or “searching for truth,” the most important thing someone could do in my experience, is to have a deep look at their own mind AND to be aware of their own emotionality or unresolved traumas. That is all. 🙂

    How deep you go into those 2 rabbits’ holes is what will give you a state of BEING.

    By sitting and looking at the wall. Literally. Doing “nothing.” The caveat is that if “you” DO something, awareness will not be known.

    That is, if you sit with the purpose of knowing awareness, you are gone! Sit there without a purpose. Just for the heck of it. Thoughts arrive, outside noises appear, inside noises arrive, watch.That is hard to do for mind-driven individuals, who want to “achieve” something for “time is money.” That is why, these individuals are into another path which is not self-realization.

    There is no purpose. No motive other than perhaps rest and relax. (If we want to call that a purpose. That is the “sixth nail” of Tilopa.)

    Here is a nice explanation from Osho:

    Notice that he calls that “meditation.” I like to call it “contemplation,” someone else may call it “mindfulness,” or whatever label. How about “sit there and do nothing.” Labels are not important, but the experience, “your” experience is.

    In this state, things happen to you. Change happens as we develop the habit. Nobody does anything. Little by little, awareness appears as a shy rabbit sticking its nose from its rabbit hole, then the head, ears, etc. It is in that state how we can look, observe, watch, become aware of the mind, so it looses its grip on us by doing nothing. Just by becoming aware of it. Becoming AWARE is not a DOING. It happens.

    Then, I recommend this video:

    You will fully understand it when you have experienced a bit of the above.

    Some may want to use their thoughts to change another. Some may want to use their thoughts to change themselves. Others do not want thoughts to interfere and fight with them, but yet others become AWARE of thoughts and drop their identity from what the mind says, reacts, imagines or recalls. Then, CHANGE happens without changing anything.

    Good to remember: “When we DO something (intentionally, with purpose,) we do not allow for change to happen naturally, for Change is all there is.” When we sit, rest, relax, allow… then Change happens… 🙂

  • avyakt7- New Generation 2:48 PM on January 29, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    On Detachment and Love 

    When little Johnny was growing up, his parents decided for him to move to another country to continue his studies; to his aunt’s house, so he can learn and expand his experiences and have a “better” life.

    Johnny accepted. Once he met his aunt in this new place. He became homesick. Johnny was attached to his family and the previous traditions. He missed the food he used to eat, his friends, his family and compared everything of his new setting to the old one. All of that is known as attachment.

    Mary had a good relationship with Peter. In an accident, Peter passed away. Mary broke down. She developed a mental issue known as “bipolar.” She lost her good job and her house. What Mary experienced is another form of attachment.

    Before passing away, Peter ended up in the local hospital “fighting for his Life.” Peter didn’t want to go, but Life had other plans. Peter was attached to his Life.

    Robert strongly believed in his religion. He was ready to defend his belief at all costs. Robert was attached to his ideas and beliefs for he thought that he was “right.” He became a self-righteous individual, dismissing any other perspectives of Life but his own.

    All of the above are forms of attachment. Detachment means that we are free from all of that.

    The interesting aspect is that we cannot “work on detachment,” it just happens when when we either fully realize that uncertainty is the “spice” of Life and Love is the full acceptance of ‘what is;’ or through suffering (which is the most usual) that is when “tests” appear and we start “losing” all of that which is meaningful to us. That is when all the “security” that we built, crumble and for many, “real” change will happen when these individuals “survive” in Love not bitterness, after nothing else is left to hold onto. If we are not “ripe” enough, we may experience one or 2 hardships in Life and go on living in the “successful” cloud, even though we carry an unresolved trauma with us.

    Detachment is necessary to Love, for otherwise; we are attached to some ideal, idea, wish or expectation which hinders Love to manifest. It is the other “love” with expectations, emotionality (jealousy, envy, manipulation, bargaining power) the one that most know about.

    When someone “practices” detachment, that could be a hilarious experience. That person represses something wishing to be something which he is not. “Practice” Love instead for it requires a conscious initiation of full acceptance in our hearts and maintaining that momentum going.

    True detachment is unknown for those who actually are detached, for it is recognized in their Love, so paradoxically detachment is “attached” to Love as “heads is to tails” in a coin. Knowing Love, we know detachment. Not the other way around.

    • V. Gayathri 12:54 AM on January 31, 2024 Permalink | Reply

      True, detachment is attached to Love. But in many cases, attachment is attached to love. 😦


  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on January 26, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Keeping it “real.” 

    What if your lifestyle has to change all of the sudden?

    What if everything you thought will give you security, falls apart?

    What if authorities, rulers and the economy are no longer worthy of trust?

    What if there is nothing that you could rely on: No hopes, no future, no beliefs?

    If you haven’t asked those questions to yourself, you may want to consider doing that. Times are changing and so change is unavoidable.

    It is important to leave aside the “serious” questions which will lead you nowhere: Who am I? What is the purpose of Life? What is there beyond death? And a large etc.


    Because those questions do not meet the reality of living Life in the “now.”

    Are you meeting Life challenges with sanity, with what could be known as “spirituality”? Or perhaps, whatever is happening becomes too much and madness becomes the “choice” of default?

    Anyone could be very “spiritual” when things are going just fine.

    It is in the perception of adversity where our “true” colors show up, but yet many will pray to avoid those “tests.”

    Many times, it may seem as if Life squeezes out of us our last drop of patience.

    Want to know who you truly are? Observe if the taste of gentleness still comes out.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on January 19, 2022 Permalink | Reply
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    Willingness to oppose in Life 

    Observe an argument between 2 people.

    Our civilized world has been taught to follow these steps:

    1) Listen to the content of both sides.

    2) Choose the one who is right.

    3) Support the one who has been chosen to be “correct.”

    The problem resides in #2, the standard chosen. Mostly, we use “reason” and “logic” to determine that. However, typically there is more than “reason” underneath. Emotions, learned behaviors, moral standards and the sanity of a person are part of the package to consider. Judging fairly is not easy at all.

    Now, if we argue with someone else note that “reason” has a different meaning. It means everything we consider reasonable to “win” the argument. We set the standard or how we understand it. The goal is to “win.”

    Many times, there may be an argument within. That is when choosing between 2 or more options. Our desires become our “reasons.”

    When we deal with the force of opposition, tiredness will be unavoidable if the will to “win” prevails to reduce the opposite view.

    When we learn the art of not opposing, we will observe how every attempt to use our will power to obtain a goal, (just like we are taught to “succeed” in Life;) is an attempt to fight an oppose. In this “practice” inevitably we will break down. That is the consequence of following opposition as a way of Life.

    Not opposing does not mean to be subservient. It means to yield first to meet later. Many things will happen in “later,” which could make us change.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on December 15, 2021 Permalink | Reply
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    Spirituality of the mind 

    I would like to share that as part of my on-going changes in this experience of Life, writing is becoming somewhat a heavy task. It seems as if written words no longer have an appeal to me. However, I realize that in order to share, I need to use writing at this time. Thus, my writings in both blogs will be shorter.

    I am finding myself more inclined to drawing, playing the guitar, observing my plants in their pots as they blossom and change, listening to the language of birds (adamic language) than using the computer and the “virtual” world.

    As I watch the world being more “connected” through videos, words, pictures, news, more mental than ever before; I feel that the gap of human closeness is growing larger as time goes by. That is the paradox of being connected but without closeness.

    Have you ever listened to the song the “Tin man” by America? Great catchy tune. Have you ever tried to make sense of the lyrics of that song? That is the mind in action. That song is enjoyable as it is, without further interpretation by enjoying the sounds, even words are mere sounds helping to increase the overall experience. Whenever the mind wants to make sense of it by analyzing the lyrics, the magic is gone. That is true in Life as well. The mind will only interpret, which many times is not what truly is. For me, that song means that when we ARE truly “good,” we do not need justification. My interpretation may not be what the author had in mind but it is “my” reality about that song. The mind makes up its own reality.

    The “pandemic era” has a value for those who are willing to know themselves. It is a clear opportunity to be someone new. Many would like to keep things as they “have been,” and thus, obtaining their support from the known and comfy mental world, but there are those who will need to “transform” and become different in order to live a different experience. That is the challenge.

    In society there is the well known phrase: “Survival of the fittest,” where the stronger will survive. In Life, however; and at this time, it is the courageous who will be able to go on. Courage is required to change and be someone new.

    I realize that I am going further away from the main topic of the Brahma Kumaris in this blog as time goes by. That is perhaps one of the signals of newness. When day transforms into night, it is a subtle experience as when leaving something or someone behind, thus I changed the title of the blog to Brahma Kumaris and Beyond.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on October 20, 2021 Permalink | Reply
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    The path less traveled 

    At this time, the path of consciousness may appear to resemble the shape of a funnel: The larger part of it is for the majority, the collective consciousness and then through a “sifting” process, which may last many lifetimes and experiences, a higher consciousness will be experienced by a minority of individuals as they go through the thinner part of the funnel.

    This is interesting to notice, for we could understand how some individuals will be in tune with particular ideas, philosophies, religions and beliefs and others will not: There are philosophies, religions and ideals according to the level of consciousness one is in.

    It has been said that “Life is a mirror” for it reflects us, but going a bit deeper; that reflection depends on where we are located, looking at that mirror. That is, our “location” in consciousness.

    For example, some individuals may be stuck in a financial crisis where they are about to lose millions of dollars. That is very important! (for them.) Their “location” is there in the world of finance. Life reflects that desperation and their drive to “succeed,” that is their ambition. Another “location” could be seen with someone with a mental issue: She could feel that someone is hunting her down. That is “real” for her. Life merely reflects her anxiety and insecurity.

    Another example? Someone who is suffering due to some emotional pain. That person may want to feel closeness with others, but yet that suffering will be expressed as frustration or even violence towards others, which in turn will drive others away from him. Life reflects his violence and frustration. The location of that individual, his perception of the mirror is in his emotional life. Because that person is unable to ‘look inside,’ he will feel that people don’t want to be near him and through that belief, he may build an ‘armor’ of superiority around him or the opposite low-self esteem; which in turn will feed his ego as he will separate from the rest. Ego grows on both sides. The “armor” is merely a defense mechanism to cope with the perceived situation.

    If that person changes his ‘location’ to perceive Life, then the reflection will be different, for his perception will be from a different set of lenses. Of course, the emotional trauma will be there to be healed at some point, but most individuals have many traumas inside which do not go into the surface of their awareness, because their perception of Life does not come from that angle yet. The above is also known as a person “creating” his own reality, for the consciousness that he uses to perceive his creation, will be “real” for him. Because of that, if someone ever asks: “What is Life?” Then, we could see that it all depends on the angle of our perception, which is our creation, then our reality. Thus, the complete answer is: “Life is.”

    How do I become aware of “my” ‘location’ and ‘point of reference’ or angle to look at the mirror of Life?

    Here comes the lesser traveled path: By resting. By being away from it all. By being sort of a hermit. This is not what we are taught in society. There, we are taught to be proactive, to read many books to inform ourselves, to listen to the experts, to debate with others, to create philosophies and then to proselytize to gain followers, likes and subscribers, to be popular and then, our discoveries will be automatically true by cheer acceptance of the masses. Inner observation does not follow that glittering path of society and the mind.

    How do I know about “me” (you)? By secluding yourself in such a way as to observe without distortion your unmet needs, desires, thoughts and behavioral patterns. We need time and passion to unmask the layers behind “me.” This is not entertainment for the mind. The above requires an individual who is committed to self knowledge. We may label that rare individual as a “drop out” of society or a “hero” depending on our perspective. That is our “creation.” This is not a rare practice, as it has been done by many self-realized beings in the past and according to their circumstances. The greatest knowledge a person could obtain is out of his own realizations and experiences by observing himself in the mirror of Life from the location of aimless pursuit. In scientific terms: Observation for the heck of it. In this aimless pursuit we may need to feel peaceful, rested, without the anxieties of making a living and being successful in society.

    While some individuals may have a “choice” of going into that inner observation on a part time basis, while they have some time left out of their busy and important schedule, others may not: Life has “chosen” for them to look at their inner side in this Lifetime. Life has different methods: Some may be bedridden, some may have “karmic” accounts to live in isolation, some may have lost everything they valued in the “rat race” and have plenty of time to spare. Those “disgraces” are also huge opportunities to observe that which is the most important ‘thing’ that you could ever try to confront, understand and love: Yourself.

    However, unless we change the ‘location’ to look at the mirror of Life, and see the opportunity rather than the stuff we are ‘missing,’ Life will reflect back anguish, bitterness and the rest of it.

    For those ‘brave souls’ who have ‘chosen’ to go inside, there will be help as well. Lots of help. These individuals will learn about the synchronicities of Life. They will be able to recognize the signs and the uncommon ways in which Life will answer our sincere questions and the “games” and “ironic” sense of humor in which Life may teach us, as long as we have developed our observation; for truly everything we observe outside is a reflection of whoever is inside at that time.

    All we may need to be aware of is to learn to change the set of glasses we use to look at: Sit down, rest and breathe in and out a few times through your mouth; then only remember to use your shades when it is ‘too bright’ outside.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on September 1, 2021 Permalink | Reply
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    The essence of spirituality – Part 1 

    Awareness. That is the essence of spirituality. End of report.

    There are many levels of awareness according to our consciousness. There is a time when we separate things through awareness: There is “I,” and “You,” together with all the other pronouns and then “Me” and the rest of the world. Then, the well known “inside” and “outside.” However, there is a level when we could become aware of the togetherness of all.

    Consciousness cannot be ‘improved’ through ‘practice.’ However, there has to be a willingness beyond anything else in life, to know “thyself.” Knowing thyself means to know Life as well. It is not one and then the other but knowing one, you know the other. We are one.

    Consciousness changes as we experience the different facets of Life. We are never the same. It is the awareness of those changes while they are happening, which brings further sharpness in that quality of awareness.

    We could interchangeably use the term “observation” with awareness at one level, but they are not the same at a different ‘higher’ level of consciousness.

    Together with willingness to go through this seldom walked path, there has to be utmost honesty to be able to perceive where we ARE in consciousness. When that honesty is not there, we could accept many beliefs as ‘true,’ when in fact, we have never experienced them. While living in that self lie, there is no way to go further. Something may be ‘true’ but if it is not in our experience, we are only lying to ourselves. That is dishonesty.

    In spirituality, we are not concerned in “getting the right answer” as it is in society. We are concerned in BEING true to ourselves. What good is it to know that we are “eternal souls” when we do not have that experience and we do not act as if knowing that? How could that knowledge help us in our quest for self knowledge? If we have the “right” answer as the thing to find, then we could never accept other turns which Life may bring us. If there is something that I have learned and that I would like to convey to all readers, it is that “every path is different for every individual. Although these paths have the same destination, although at different times.”

    In society we have learned “not to reinvent the wheel” and some religions believe that all we need to DO is to follow what someone else like a “saint” or religious leader has done. However, my experience is that in spirituality the “wheel has to be reinvented” for every path, every experience, every perception is different in Life. Thus, all we can do is share our own experience and never a ‘method’ or a ‘system’ that will allow us to ‘get there.’

    A person who is just a “baby” in spirituality and listening about the different perceptions of consciousness will say: “ So one perception must be the right one. Who is right ?” He just wants an answer. Something intellectual to give him the idea that “he knows.” This type of person usually will be living life just to enjoy his senses. He will eat anything at any time as long as it tastes “good” (based on conditioning or even imitation), or she could believe that a mirror is her best judge. She will not become aware of how her judgment about her physical observation came to be. The majority of the people on Earth are still at this level. The more conditioned they are through the media and the marketing machinery of society, the less capacity for judgment of their learned values, they will have. These individuals will tend to live life just like their parents did, perpetuating all the unhealed issues which came from living in a ‘modern’ society.

    As this ‘modern’ society seems to endlessly migrate from Nature into walls of concrete and roads of asphalt, (where entertainment means to distract the mind from BEING himself) then this individual will lose his capacity to appreciate his connection with mother Earth and therefore, his ability to FEEL. In turn, this person will be worshiping the mind and living a world of “virtual reality,” where the mind takes over his life.

    The end result is a person who THINKS all the time: “I think I love you.” They will say. “I think we should DO this.” “I think the solution is that.”

    These individuals are unaware that reasoning has a limited scope. Thought usually perceives the surface of matters while supporting separation. These individuals are unaware that thought is from the past, as it comes from our conditioning and previous experiences. Thought cannot bring enjoyment, happiness and peace which at the same time, is what they want.

    The gist of thinking is to compare, to analyze, to dissect things in parts, to extrapolate based on fixed premises and to bring the past to our mind to be articulated by our language, which has been catered to polarize meanings: It is black OR white. There is no awareness that there could be something in between. Those analytical capacities are very useful in the “office world” and to operate in “Life in the head” through philosophies and all sorts of beliefs and even scientific discoveries, but those ways have no chance to understand our emotional subjective reality or yet another human or a different species which is unable to ‘speak.’

    That type of individual has been trained to exploit, subdue and compete with another. That type of individual will kill to obtain what he wants and will rationalize all sorts of separations made through his morality, to conquer anything he wants. That type of person is not sensitive enough to ‘see’ beyond his mind. But yet, those “qualities” are admired and watered down to be “politically correct” and taught to others as values to pursue to “succeed in life.”

    When a person is able to perceive his feelings, emotions and thoughts without identifying with them and able to live life while self observing his every movement, thought and feeling; then that individual is in the process of transitioning to a different way of living: FEELING. Perhaps then, she will realize how absurd it is to say “I think I love you.” Moreover, that person will be able to observe one of the greatest lies of all time since the time of Descartes ( I think therefore, I am) , which is that human beings are not truly rational beings but rather emotional beings. – I FEEL therefore, I AM.

    Since that type of person is unable to FEEL Love, beauty, peace and joy, all they have left is the “idea” dictated by their beliefs of what those ‘things’ are.

    Thus, they will “practice” those ideas. As a consequence, the FEELING beyond thought is never known; but merely an idea mixed with emotionality which they carry as a response of defense against the environment (the outside) which they want to subdue. That perception of what “I want” and what the “outside brings,” creates a conflict (ego) which is usually solved by conquering the other through some form of violence.

    How is it possible for this person to experience Love, beauty, peace and happiness then? It is not possible, but paradoxically these individuals “talk” all the time about these FEELINGS as the “right solutions” to the problems in humanity.

    That is their extent of disconnection with their reality and the limitation of their awareness.

    (Will continue)

    • Gayathri 10:28 AM on September 12, 2021 Permalink | Reply

      Om shanti brother. Yes, what you said is right, we use our intellect/mind more than we observe our feelings. This happens even when we sit in meditation; the mind keeps thinking or giving directions (a commentary) to meditate but the ‘heart’ does not feel what it has to experience/ feel.

      Liked by 1 person

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