Repression of Emotions and Sexuality

There is a movie based on Aldous Huxley’s book “Brave New World.” (1931) It is a 3 hour movie. I saw it first when I was a kid. Couldn’t grasp the depth behind it, but remembered the clear cut divisions in such society and how someone who thinks different is ostracized.

Here is the movie:

I saw the interview of Aldous Huxley. It was done back in 1958.

Huxley was a visionary. The quality of the dialogue between the interviewer and guest is striking and wonder how it was possible for that quality to decline when we see how interviews are done nowadays?

The movie clearly shows the intricacies of conditioning, how “morality” is something agreed upon and any deviation from that is considered “immoral.” Also it brings about the importance of emotions and how repression of them, will bring quite bizarre outcomes.

The resemblance of that world with our current society is strikingly familiar. Dependency on medications or any other ways of feeling “high, happy” or simply “better,” is very similar to now. Also, how pleasure can be used as a means to control individuals and take away their freedom. Entertainment will keep their minds “busy.” The unrestricted use of sexuality as another pleasurable drug, will bring the illusion of “happiness.” The use of pleasure as “positive reinforcement,” assures shallow, very superficial and less intelligent population; easy to control when there is the illusion of freedom.

Emotions cannot be repressed. Sexual urges cannot be repressed. Thus, the question is how do “I” deal with them?

That question will be meaningless for someone who is well adapted in our society. For someone “working on themselves,” it has meaning for the “savage” part of us, the “animal” part of us usually lingers in our behavior. For most, it is important to “look like” a poster boy/girl of spirituality. Otherwise, the sense of “failure,” shame and guilt will surface. Those emotions will need to be healed later on.

Therefore, we learn to fully acknowledge them, observe them without judgment and to integrate them in our personality. It is that integration the one changing according to our particular role in Life. This is not a “one size fits all” type of answer, but observation and full acknowledgment has to be there.

I have seen individuals who are not interested in healing their emotional wounds. It is painful. It is better for them to continue as they are and manage to live Life as the “masses” do. I have seen others who profess willingness to heal but are not in tune with their feelings and relate to Life only with their intellectual minds. Emotions are in tune with feelings and not with thinking.

Human sexuality was meant to be one way of manifesting and feeling union, divine union. It has been trivialized and as consequence, shallow relationships abound where people who are hurt, get together without any intimacy. Human sexuality as it is in mainstream society, only shows the unresolved issues.

When celibacy is used as a “cure,” we only apply a patch to a deeply hurt human being. Celibacy is a great way to recover vitality, strength and magnetism, when properly applied.

When the above is understood, the realization that each one of us has a particular story filled with particular experiences is finally acknowledged. At that point, a religious creed or the way or tradition of a particular society may no longer fit us, and we may need to consider other possibilities.

Life has a “reason” for everything is a way to express intellectually that Life is constantly “working with us.” It cannot be any other way, Part of the teaching is to learn to listen to our “hearts” to listen to Life itself.