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  • avyakt7- New Generation 11:23 AM on April 23, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , , sensation, , ,   

    Celibacy, Self Observation, sensation and Life 

    Celibacy could be viewed as a natural process of self purification. That “purification” means less “density.” When someone is “dense” we could observe that his emotional behavior, physical and mental ways are not in tune with each other. It is a if something is bothering us, but we do not know what it is, and we act in reaction mode all the time. We are completely unaware of the “energies” or “subtle vibrations” coming to us, depending on where we are and what has been going on there.

    For instance, I recall that once I entered into a church partially destroyed by an earthquake. Many people “left their bodies” there. I felt the “energy,” “vibrations,” or whatever label we want to put into it. It was heavy and disturbing. I left the place right away. I did not know what happened there until I asked.

    Similarly, we can charge a room in our house with certain “vibes” depending on what we are doing there.

    Sexual practices could disturb our ability to self observe ourselves, because for most people nowadays, they are completely unaware that other “beings,” “energies” are using them. In fact, their practices will tend to deplete their vitality, which leaves them as a drunk person: Basically unaware. That is the value of celibacy as long as it is not repression masked as celibacy. Thus, through “natural” celibacy, there is one less thing to “worry about,” if we are serious about self knowledge. However, as I have mentioned many times, every one of us has a particular path to follow. Celibacy is not the “only way.”

    Less “density” means that our distinct “bodies” (physical, ethereal, emotional, mental) become more acquainted with sound and light.

    That is how sound and light can be used among other things, for healing purposes. A “normal” person may laugh at that. After all, he only believes in the power of pills (aka medicine) and its secondary effects; but less density means greater acquaintance with light, energies and vibrations.

    Therefore, yogic practices and “new age” recipes have a purpose and that is to “de-densify” ( I made up a new word) the practitioner. That reminds me of the “kriyas,” “mantras,” “yantras,” and such practices. The Brahma Kumaris has such practices from diet to life style, as well.

    Whenever our mind is in turmoil, sitting meditation becomes just a way to “watch tv,” that is we ARE our thoughts and we are participants of the story about the future, the past or the “problem” that just came up. Depending on the level of “purity” (lesser density) of the practitioner, awareness will appear and dispel the turmoil. Then, at that point when the mind is stable and we are able to watch it, so it stops “thinking;” at that point we could feel perhaps that natural bliss, elation or joy coming up. That is fulfilling in itself.

    Part of the “purification” process entails to switch from the mind to feelings. When a “normal” person is engrossed in the mind then, the visual stimulus drives his life (usually in men) or the auditory stimulus (usually women) but the other senses could be there, except “feeling.” The feeling that I refer to, is not related with the sense of touch. More or less, is the sensation, could be called intuition. For instance, we meet someone and there is this “feeling” that I have met that person before, or there is some sort of attraction of repulsion. Those sensations are actually our best guides for our own lives rather than the popular “thinking, and decision making schemes.” Life is actually telling us what we have resolved or left unresolved and we are there at that time to take another look at it and act.

    How disturbed do we feel? Is there passion? Attraction? Repulsion?The key is to know what that sensation brings in us. The mastery is in the way we deal with that.

    Is my job more important? The way others think has greater influence? Shall I go all the way and forget about everything?

    Decisions, decisions, decisions for some. No choice. Choice-less choice for another.

    Welcome to Life 101! 🙂

  • avyakt7- New Generation 7:09 PM on April 4, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , fanaticism, freud, health, projection of the mind, , , self righteousness, , sigmund-freud,   

    Repression and fanaticism 

    A fanatic is a repressed individual. The degrees of manifestation of his/her intolerance for other views, represents the degree of repression.

    I will use the example of sexuality to illustrate, but any type of repression will do. Someone who expresses dislike, antagonism or is heavily against something like sexuality, is manifesting his/her repression. How does it work?

    Someone who is “made” by others or self-made to abstain from sexuality for any “reason” but yet that person is naturally sexual, is repressing his/her natural drive. Mentally “sex is good” will change into “sex is bad.” There will be an internal conflict whether it is somehow a bit conscious or completely unconscious. When that person convinces himself that “he must be celibate,” he will need to prove that for himself or others. Thus, he will express complete disapproval of any sexual behavior that he may see in others by mocking it, using derisive language, even expressing anger. That behavior will try to convince himself and others that “he is right” and the other person “wrong.” Actually, he is projecting his own “shadow” onto others.

    If I am incapable of seeing my own sexual repression, it is safe to blame that feeling into another, so I become “blameless” in my psychological make up. It is “internal protection.”

    However, that repression will build up just like any other repression; it could end up harming the individual with a disease or being expressed as a “binge” when sexual activity resumes.

    It is relatively easy to pinpoint someone who is repressing sexuality. His face is tensed up. His character is tense an on the edge of explosion. There is no easiness in such person. As Life has it, if we reject an aspect of Life, that aspect will hammer on us as a “test.” It will be a continuous test even during sleep. That sort of fanaticism is truly dangerous for an individual well being.

    On the other hand, there are individuals who could embrace a celibate life style without an issue. It is natural for them or even if a bit challenging, fanaticism will not be there. There is no repression.They will not get “worked up” if others talk about sexuality or observes sexual behavior in others.

    There can also be philosophical fanaticism or political fanaticism. These are usually inventions of the divisive mind. Once we discover that the nature of the mind is to divide, then we could observe that any idea, dogma, morality or philosophy will have the tendency to divide and create conflict. It is unavoidable. Unity doesn’t come from the mind.

    Therefore, any moral standard created by the use of rationality alone will be flawed, for it doesn’t consider the emotional aspect of human beings, their wholeness Repressing emotions is a way to create dysfunctional individuals in society. It creates inner conflict and neurosis. Also, when an individual follows an idea or philosophy, that individual forgets about his own unobserved nature to comply with an outside system. A philosophical system could be well-meant, to protect the individual but that is like riding a bicycle with training wheels. That individual may need to realize sometime, that he is not truly riding a bicycle. It is that difference of awareness between individuals the one making a “natural selection” according to their capacity to be aware. Systems are for those who want to feel safe in training wheels. The ones choosing to ride a “real” bicycle may have to experience hardship in Life (falling down) but they can get up and go on anywhere, with that exhilarating feeling labeled as freedom, which training wheels cannot give.

    • V Gayathri 8:00 AM on April 12, 2024 Permalink | Reply

      🙂 True. Long ago, I observed the way a brother was walking; he was a staunch BK and was respected by others a lot. His gait was not natural though he was smiling and looking peaceful. After a few years he left gyan and got married. When we are naturally not ready for a celibate life or for observing any other spiritual practice, life becomes a challenge.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:30 PM on April 1, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Aldous Huxley, blog, books, Brave new world, dystopian, , , , , ,   

    Repression of Emotions and Sexuality 

    There is a movie based on Aldous Huxley’s book “Brave New World.” (1931) It is a 3 hour movie. I saw it first when I was a kid. Couldn’t grasp the depth behind it, but remembered the clear cut divisions in such society and how someone who thinks different is ostracized.

    Here is the movie:

    I saw the interview of Aldous Huxley. It was done back in 1958. https://youtu.be/alasBxZsb40?si=pHh5vhpowr2vBmWg

    Huxley was a visionary. The quality of the dialogue between the interviewer and guest is striking and wonder how it was possible for that quality to decline when we see how interviews are done nowadays?

    The movie clearly shows the intricacies of conditioning, how “morality” is something agreed upon and any deviation from that is considered “immoral.” Also it brings about the importance of emotions and how repression of them, will bring quite bizarre outcomes.

    The resemblance of that world with our current society is strikingly familiar. Dependency on medications or any other ways of feeling “high, happy” or simply “better,” is very similar to now. Also, how pleasure can be used as a means to control individuals and take away their freedom. Entertainment will keep their minds “busy.” The unrestricted use of sexuality as another pleasurable drug, will bring the illusion of “happiness.” The use of pleasure as “positive reinforcement,” assures shallow, very superficial and less intelligent population; easy to control when there is the illusion of freedom.

    Emotions cannot be repressed. Sexual urges cannot be repressed. Thus, the question is how do “I” deal with them?

    That question will be meaningless for someone who is well adapted in our society. For someone “working on themselves,” it has meaning for the “savage” part of us, the “animal” part of us usually lingers in our behavior. For most, it is important to “look like” a poster boy/girl of spirituality. Otherwise, the sense of “failure,” shame and guilt will surface. Those emotions will need to be healed later on.

    Therefore, we learn to fully acknowledge them, observe them without judgment and to integrate them in our personality. It is that integration the one changing according to our particular role in Life. This is not a “one size fits all” type of answer, but observation and full acknowledgment has to be there.

    I have seen individuals who are not interested in healing their emotional wounds. It is painful. It is better for them to continue as they are and manage to live Life as the “masses” do. I have seen others who profess willingness to heal but are not in tune with their feelings and relate to Life only with their intellectual minds. Emotions are in tune with feelings and not with thinking.

    Human sexuality was meant to be one way of manifesting and feeling union, divine union. It has been trivialized and as consequence, shallow relationships abound where people who are hurt, get together without any intimacy. Human sexuality as it is in mainstream society, only shows the unresolved issues.

    When celibacy is used as a “cure,” we only apply a patch to a deeply hurt human being. Celibacy is a great way to recover vitality, strength and magnetism, when properly applied.

    When the above is understood, the realization that each one of us has a particular story filled with particular experiences is finally acknowledged. At that point, a religious creed or the way or tradition of a particular society may no longer fit us, and we may need to consider other possibilities.

    Life has a “reason” for everything is a way to express intellectually that Life is constantly “working with us.” It cannot be any other way, Part of the teaching is to learn to listen to our “hearts” to listen to Life itself.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on March 26, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: aura, , , , , education, , hinduism, philosophy, , ,   

    Changing Ideologies and Religions 

    It is fantastic when we have the attitude to keep learning from Life. If we add gratitude and joy, we are making our own experience accordingly.

    There was a father who was an alcoholic. He had 2 sons. The first son ended up lost in alcohol and addictions. When asked why he became an alcoholic, he responded: “ I saw my father.” The second son, became a “success” according to how our society defines that. When asked how?? he said: “ I saw my father.”
    The same experience taken into different perspectives. Similarly, every religion there is, offers only a perspective of the “spiritual reality.” It cannot be otherwise, for words and the limitations of our minds will not be able to comprehend beyond the experience of our “reality.” A belief in what someone says, it is not our own experience; thus we will be cheating ourselves. That is the issue of “having the truth.”
    How Christianity will fit into the LGBT movement? After all we are talking about sons and daughters of “God.” Perhaps with an unyielding view. Maybe not. Maybe it will change in time.

    With the Brahma Kumaris, I perceived a similar change. A friend sends me some emails coming from one of the BK websites; the word “aura” was mentioned and explained. I wrote back to my BK friend and mentioned that “aura” wasn’t part of the BK philosophy. Also, I received other articles where the word “emotions” came into the picture.

    In my early BK times as a neophyte, I went to a retreat in “Peace Village.” I vividly remember that I asked: “What are emotions? Another form of thought? “ The room filled with silence and “Nooo!!!” but nobody could explain that convincingly. Why? Because I have never heard the explanation about emotions in the Brahma Kumaris philosophy. Never. In fact, as I was going through emotional issues (lost my job at that time, divorced, felt isolated, etc) never occurred to me to visit an emotional therapist. Everything was a matter of “having more yoga” and “be the master of my own mind.”

    Although I applaud that openness in the Brahma Kumaris view; I’d like to suggest to find a writer who has experience (going through it) and depth in what he/she is writing about. Those articles shared with me, have many inaccuracies that could be easily pinpointed by someone with greater experience. To understand my own emotions have been of paramount importance to “let go,” and remove traumas, just like observing my own mind. No doubt, “only yoga” could be a great recipe, but everyone is different and have different journeys.The majority of individuals at this time, will need to go through their emotions as part of their path.

    Any sort of “black or white” philosophy will need to change and accommodate according to times. There is no other way for a religious dogma to survive. The spiritual “ascension” is a pathless journey and a seeker needs to have the openness to acknowledge different views and take his/her own experience as a partial map towards his/her destination. It is partial, because there are many ways to get to that “street.” To join a religion means to take a particular path where “general info” and “overview of the streets” are given, but that is all we can expect.

    The experience of a Brahma Baba or Jesus Christ is a singular, unique experience. The same goes for every “self-realized” individual ( Osho, Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, etc.) Their journey is not a unique path for “salvation,” “self-realization,” “ascension,” etc. It is only their particular path. Those individuals serve as examples that there is more in Life than working all day to make ends meet or to make “six figure income.” As our consciousness changes, we will be able to experience what is undeniable. That is our compass.

    There is way more than what a “normal” individual understands as “reality.” In fact, that is only a grain of sand in the Sahara desert. Our beliefs will help us up to a point. When Life presents itself as an obstacle, perhaps is the time to change. We could continue with our stubbornness and accept fully the consequences. That is fine too. The gauge (in my experience) is if we truly feel good and at peace with ourselves. Honesty is all that is required.

    • V.Gayathri 1:57 AM on March 27, 2024 Permalink | Reply

      Dear brother, it is a well written article, congratulations! Yes, not every school of thought explains each and every aspect of life and/ or gives a choice of methods to work on the same.

      With the passing of time, we in general have imbibed philosophies of different schools of thought, did put them into practice and reaped the fruits. At least, now we have reached a stage where we can evaluate and put into use any useful information. 🙂

      Thanks for sharing the article.

      Liked by 1 person

  • avyakt7- New Generation 4:25 PM on March 15, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    One more time: Predestination, Free will and Karma 

    I had a little “flash” last night while in “meditation” on this topic that I’d like to share.

    Most individuals are afraid of finding out that their personality is a made up product of their minds, which in turn are only layers of conditioning. It is that fear the one keeping us with the continuous thought that “I am separated from everything else.” Thus, free will is another belief going along with the idea that “ I am separate.” When a religious belief is based on the mind, duality is unavoidable. That is, there is “I” separated from “you,” “them” and “God.” That is why, self exploration through “meditation” or “contemplation” is encouraged, to find out through our own experience.

    Therefore in mainstream religion or spirituality, there is separation (duality) and free will as cornerstones of their idea of how Life is.

    However, there are many instances when predestination is obvious. In my case, I had accurate predictions about my Life. Things that I was told will happen in my “future” which has happened. Perhaps that is not the experience of many but maybe this video of a scientific experiment could help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VZqho-8iJY

    Read the comments on that video and we may understand with how much passion many are willing to defend their ideas of free will. After all, they are just ideas. What “it is” will happen whether we are aware of it or not.

    In the Brahma Kumaris, there is the philosophy of an “eternal recurring cycle of time.” That is, time is cyclical and repetitive just what Nietzche pointed out in his “eternal return.” Then, Am I a puppet of destiny?

    Of course not. We do not feel like that, we make “choices” right? although… there is no “I.” 🙂 Neither is there something as “time,” although we have made up our world of senses ruled by “time.” Can we see that we are slaves of our minds and perceptions through the sense organs? What we call “real” is the experience of the mind, but to discover what is beyond and “real” from another perception, we need to abandon the mind. Naturally.

    As we can see, our unwillingness to be open to discover and investigate is hindering the development of our consciousness. Rather we attach to ideologies or ideas and label them as “truth.” It is safe. It is easy. I can find lots of support from others and make our own little club. “we have the truth” others do not. We are the “chosen ones.” That is self delusion.

    If there is karma, there is self. Correct?

    It depends on what we call “self.” For most “self” is about “my” ideas, behaviors, conditioning, memories and family genes making up an “individual,” which is given life by our own minds. However, is there any self while in deep sleep? Of course not. We do not need a scientific proof of that. We have experienced ourselves that. Any karma there? Yes. There may be things going on affecting what I believe “me” is, even while “I am not “ there which “I” will be aware of when I come back. Thus, there is karma going even if there is no self.

    Q: Is karma predestined?

    It happens while I am aware of it or not. While I wish it or not. It is simple action and reaction based on the quality of “my” intentions or past intentions.

    Q: Then, I do not have to DO anything if everything is predestined?

    Without DOING my part, things will not happen. For instance, I want a job. It will happen if it is predestined, right? No. without doing my part, karma, there is no reaction to that action. Whether that happens or not, that is according to the laws of karma.

    That “DOING my part” it is what is known as the “role” to perform in Life.

    Basically: I need a job (free will) but that need happened through previous karma (predestined.) I got a job because “I” searched for it (free will) but also because of karma of the right jobs lining up in my search (predestined.) Do we see the game? “We” are not separated at any moment from what we perceive as Life. Thus, this idea of being a separated self is an illusion but a very persistent illusion which makes our Life “real” although illusory.

    Q: One more thing: This accumulated karma has to happen to “someone” right? But you just said that there is no self. 🙂

    Correct. There is consciousness. That is the Ocean itself. A drop of it plays a role, which we call an individual embodied in a physical body. This individual is in a particular set up with family, friends, etc. Thus the experience of that role will be felt as “I.” BUT, there is no possibility of feeling anything without that which all sentient beings share, which is consciousness, the Ocean itself.

    The drop of Ocean cannot feel anything unless it was the Ocean itself.

    Q: Well… I do not understand.

    Ok let us make it easy and comfortable. Let us call that drop of water, the soul.

    As we can see… None of the above is necessary to gain self awareness, self realization. It is only a past time of the mind, a waste of time when what truly matters is to realize the Ocean, consciousness, the “real” self, Brahman, etc. Names are abundant, the experience is all it is needed to “understand.” Paradoxically, we are already that which we are looking to realize.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:01 PM on March 12, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , Michael James, , non-duality, , ,   

    The gist of Oneness 

    If I wanted to convey my understanding at this point of my spiritual journey, it wouldn’t be only what I have read but mainly my experience. There is a point in time when reading and searching for theoretical answers to calm the mind is useless, when what is needed is direct experience.

    While I was a Christian, I had an experience which was different than when I was a Brahma Kumaris follower. Now, I do not belong to any religious movement or follow anyone, but my field of experience has expanded and that means that I acknowledge the paths in my journey to be able to understand what I do now. Without those paths, my journey wouldn’t be complete. Obviously, this is not the “end of the road,” for BEING what we talk about is in itself a process of unlearning, of letting go of that which I was taught to be “true.” Even my behavior is mostly social conditioning and family conditioning even from my ancestors, all of that are layers of personality which are no longer needed to reach the root, the center, that which remains.

    The following video which Life has provided to me, explained very well what I find to be mostly my own experience at this point in my Life. Obviously there are some differences that I could point out, but I feel that any “seeker” who is able to grasp this video by Michael James (https://www.happinessofbeing.com/michael_james.html) will be able to clearly see how confusion appeared along human history in trying to understand an experience which cannot be put into words. Religious followers have mostly changed the original teachings of sages and self realized beings by their narrow interpretation. It wasn’t done on purpose unless their purpose was to control individuals. It is just that their consciousness was limited by their own understanding of the world and to go beyond, the mind needed to be left alone.

    This video lasts 1 hour and 11 minutes. It is al worthwhile to listen. However, if you feel that it is not for you, that is fine too, for your journey is unique.

    The author mentions about non-duality vs duality. I like to use the term “Oneness” for it is all inclusive. All religions, all faiths, all beliefs are included . We are all One. Even God is included. 🙂

    Hope you enjoy the audio before it disappears.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 3:49 PM on February 16, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , krishnamurti, , , , , , vigyan bhairav tantra   

    Meditation: Krishnamurti, Osho, Ramana Maharshi and my experience 

    When I was in college, I met Krishnamurti through a book. After my Brahma Kumaris’ days; Krishnamurti took much of my interest of well known spiritual “teachers.” A few months ago, his teachings no longer resonated with me. How is that possible? Krishnamurti gave my mind “food” for thought. I could understand where he was coming from as what he was saying was my experience most of the time; but as “I” abandoned the mind and into the heart, Ramana Maharshi and Osho had significant impact to explain what “I” was going through.

    I wasn’t looking for answers or new things to learn. I was looking without knowing, to read in their teachings my own experience. That is affirmation in some way.

    If while in the Brahma Kumaris my main “goal” was to know God, Now it is to “know myself.” That is a big change isn’t it?

    Not quite. I shall stop here with my experience because I could be misunderstood.

    Krishnamurti mentioned that there was no method for Meditation. In fact, for him meditation was living.On the other hand, Osho taught methods for meditation. One must be “right,” right? and the other “wrong.” Who is “right”? Those who do not have any experience whatsoever in “meditation” (which I call contemplation) will look for the right answer through a bona fide “expert” and follow that in order to be “right.”

    J. Krishnamurti wasn’t interested in followers. He shared about his experiences and realizations. Osho on the other hand, had many followers and he was guiding them. The issue is the audience.

    As Osho later mentioned, there is no need for methods to meditate BUT for the “normal” individual, there is a need for methods for otherwise, it will be very difficult to experience meditation.

    In fact, Osho had 112 methods for meditation which he mostly took from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra (https://o-meditation.com/shivas-112-meditation-techniques-vigyan-bhairav-tantra/) a well known book which Osho used and explained those techniques (BTW, that website has very interesting material.)

    As a matter of fact, the Brahma Kumaris meditation method is somehow related with techniques # 18,23 and 51. Check it out!

    I have shared that the first time I received a glimpse of it was in 2013. Now, it happens more often when I am not moving, but as Brahma Baba used to say: “Remember ME alone while walking and moving around.” That “ME,” to understand it…. is a matter of experience not belief. The same with the word “REMEMBER.” Why is that? Simply because to “REMEMBER” means to use the mind.

    A word to the wise is sufficient.

    Is “meditation” an effort? Only until it happens, until it becomes “normal.”

    What do you “gain” through it? 🙂 When we experience it, we will know. In the meantime, it can be used to gain “peace of mind” (as it is usually sold) for enlightenment, yoga, self-realization, to get a break from the rat race, for mindfulness, to listen to nice music, to sleep quickly, etc.

    As Ramana Maharshi mentions, “…to know the self requires energy. ” If we are tired, sleepy, a busy bee… it will not happen, so if we want for that to happen…

    Oh yeah! Who was right J. Krishnamurti or Osho? 🙂

    • Rinku 3:25 AM on March 14, 2024 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you for sharing your experience. You left your journey with Brahma kumaris on 2013 and I started my journey with Brahma kumaris in 2013 and following your Blog Exploring the depths of living since 2015 which is a great help to understand Brahma kumaris and beyond but I couldn’t understand your sharing properly at that time as it was not in my experience like about observation, awareness and being of light etc.. but I liked your honest sharing about Brahma kumaris and tried to solve the issue which I was facing then. Through your Blog I found Videos of Rajnish Osho and Sadhguru JV (Isha Foundation) and other spiritual masters among them Sadhguru JV teaching resonated me I tried Isha kriya it helped me a lot but I wanted to understand the science behind it and got confused and left the practice but was listening his you tube video trying to understand observation, awareness because he explores the spirituality in depth and is a contemporary living master. Later in 2019 life provided me Anant Sri (Lucknow, India) his videos on thought, energy and awareness brought some clarity. in 2020 I started facing more issues in Brahma kumaris for which I shared with you, you suggested to leave the Brahma kumaris path as it is not for your current journey but I didn’t leave then. Later in 2022 I left the Brahma kumaris path because sister told you are doing dis service by spreading knowledge different from baba. Now I am in my own unique journey in this search Sadhguru JV and Anant Sri teaching resonate with me and I am planning to learn inner engineering online soon. Please also share your understanding and experience about Sadhguru JV on meditation.
      Thanking you 🙂


      • avyakt7- New Generation 11:57 AM on March 14, 2024 Permalink | Reply

        Thank you for your comment. First, articles shared here are made for the “common good.” Avyakt7-NG is not interested is being for or against anyone or any institution. I am basically sharing my experience. That is all.

        I also recall suggesting someone in this blog to leave the BK movement when that person didn’t follow their code of conduct and could risk harming a member of the opposite gender. That was probably the last time I suggested something in a personal manner. I do not feel comfortable doing that anymore in this blog.
        Questions and comments are welcome in this blog, if they are for the “common good.”

        I am glad to know that you are exploring other avenues in Spirituality. I am not familiar with Sadhguru other than watching a few videos of him in the past. As you experienced, sometimes available information doesn’t resonate with us until sometime later, thus; we just need to be open for change.

        All the best in your spiritual journey.


        • Rinku 2:15 AM on March 15, 2024 Permalink | Reply

          Thank you for your response now I realize that suggestion is not really needed but when we are going through certain situations we try to get free from it. I was not ready to follow your suggestion at that time but it happened that after 31st March 2022 I postponed every week to visit ashram till now I have not. Coincidentally on 31 March 2022 you also wrote an article about the beauty of change since then I visited your Blog few times but recently I found that you have started writing for Brahma kumaris readers blog. When I read the article meditation: Krishnamurthy, Osho, Ramana Maharshi experience, I felt Sadhguru JV experience should also be shared as he is a contemporary living master and you have more experience than me.Your Blog helped me to find my way. In Brahma kumaris path I felt energy which was a good experience for me but after two years I started feeling toofan which was quite disturbing and their suggestion also didn’t help me, family and society also have different consciousness so I explored and found other possibilities which is working for me.
          Thank you

          Liked by 1 person

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:18 PM on February 14, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , enlightenment, , , , , , ,   

    Experience, truth and Osho 

    The “world out there”as known for most is a place where competition rules, where “skills” matter and where your “value” as human being is compared and assessed by “experts” on what “you bring to society” or to “yourself.” An inventor, a “saint” or a multimillionaire have “value.” Most think that perhaps they are not cut to be a famous inventor or a saint, but definitely, most would like to try to become a millionaire, that is “successful.” Thus, most chase “success” for themselves which mean to compete, to fight, to conquer and “win.” We could group these individuals into nations, ethnic groups and religions. They are most everywhere.

    Observe the mind setting of a person conditioned in this lifestyle. Keep that in mind.

    The other day I watched some videos about Osho’s life. It was interesting to hear what some of the “disciples” were commenting.
    “ A enlightened individual wouldn’t say that…” said one. Another: “ I loved him very much… I couldn’t keep up with his demands for expensive watches and Rolls Royce.”

    Osho had a dream of a different society, which he called “an experiment.” People working for no compensation. People having free sex without the moral standards of a regular society, and the unconventional view that Life was a celebration and not something serious to “think about.” He wanted for his followers to be “rich inside and outside,” meaning that they did not have material needs. This last point clashed with the typical view of mainstream religion which values someone not needing material things (a.k.a poor.)

    How do we think someone conditioned by mainstream society will “judge” Osho’s view of his “experiment”?
    First, they will call the outcome a “failure.” Then, they will go on about the conditions of “slavery,” working for nothing. Although most enjoyed the “candy” there (free sex) all of the sudden jealousy, envy and fights appear when switching mates was no longer what they wanted. Do we see how the old conditioning pops up?

    How hard it is to look at yourself and see what needs to “improve” in yourself, given the conditions? How easy it is to blame someone else and voice your disappointment? How easy it is to judge from our own vantage point and come up with some “conclusion” which then we can call the “truth”?

    Our experience is not the truth. It is only our experience. It has value for us. We can share it; but that is not a judgment or a conclusion, for if we do that; we are using our own conditioning to “save face.” However, when things go our way, that is according to our expectation, then everything is “godly,” “good,” etc.
    The above is known as “ego-mind.”

    In my experience ( I am not calling it, “the truth is…”) any spiritual group or setting is worthwhile if only helps me to observe my own limits, my own ego. If I want to pamper my ego, then “regular” society has all of that. This may seem controversial or even many could disagree; but when someone is deeply interested in “knowing themselves,” then this may make sense. On the other hand if I join a religious group or some other society different than mine, because I want to fulfill a need that I have, then I will be disappointed. To know yourself, is the most important aspect of this Life in my view, because we only “live here” for a short time. Right?

    Osho played a controversial role at that time. Notice that ultimately he had to face all of those things that he voiced to be “against:” That is politics, religions, marriage and his belief in being the “guru of the rich,”( brought homeless people into his ashram when it was necessary and convenient.)

    What do I learn from that? Not to be against anything. In fact, harmonize everything that “is.” That could be the new spirituality. We are so segmented and divided in society that the game of duality of being against something is no longer valid. That is my experience. It is not “my truth.”

    Many may ask if Osho was “enlightened”? He was. Meaning that he self realized. (How do I know that? That is for another writing.) He played like Gurdjieff the role of the “very smart but crazy” guru to take away some ingrained values of “regular society” in his followers like respectability, shame and other aspects of the egoic mind. They played the role of “de-condition” agents.

    Keep in mind that after all the attempts of murder that went on in his ashram, no one died. That is truly a miracle!! That is help “from up-above.” His vow of “being silent” for 3 years helped to expose the “problems” within his ashram by themselves.
    He died in a mysterious way, although he claimed that he was poisoned. That was his role in the duality of Life. Similarly, Siddhartha Buddha died of food poisoning although, it is said it was accidental.

    When “values” from our “regular” society are used to judge something different, we will be biased. Any form of judgment does not bring benefit to know the self, but on the contrary, it is “pure” poison. The appreciation of the roles of every actor that we encounter in Life or know about, is what brings harmony within, in my experience.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 12:02 PM on February 9, 2024 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , , , , , , , self-awareness, , , Your Higher self   

    Change: The gist of everything 

    Today is a special day in my “spiritual” development and wanted to share this article. If you read something in this blog, I highly recommend this article. In my view, it is worthwhile to read and understand.

    Last article was about Tilopa’s “six nails.” He wasn’t “teaching” anything but merely describing a state of BEING which is known as “no-mind.” To understand that, we need to go first into the mind.

    If you are “new” or “seasoned” in the path of “spirituality,” or “searching for truth,” the most important thing someone could do in my experience, is to have a deep look at their own mind AND to be aware of their own emotionality or unresolved traumas. That is all. 🙂

    How deep you go into those 2 rabbits’ holes is what will give you a state of BEING.

    By sitting and looking at the wall. Literally. Doing “nothing.” The caveat is that if “you” DO something, awareness will not be known.

    That is, if you sit with the purpose of knowing awareness, you are gone! Sit there without a purpose. Just for the heck of it. Thoughts arrive, outside noises appear, inside noises arrive, watch.That is hard to do for mind-driven individuals, who want to “achieve” something for “time is money.” That is why, these individuals are into another path which is not self-realization.

    There is no purpose. No motive other than perhaps rest and relax. (If we want to call that a purpose. That is the “sixth nail” of Tilopa.)

    Here is a nice explanation from Osho:

    Notice that he calls that “meditation.” I like to call it “contemplation,” someone else may call it “mindfulness,” or whatever label. How about “sit there and do nothing.” Labels are not important, but the experience, “your” experience is.

    In this state, things happen to you. Change happens as we develop the habit. Nobody does anything. Little by little, awareness appears as a shy rabbit sticking its nose from its rabbit hole, then the head, ears, etc. It is in that state how we can look, observe, watch, become aware of the mind, so it looses its grip on us by doing nothing. Just by becoming aware of it. Becoming AWARE is not a DOING. It happens.

    Then, I recommend this video:

    You will fully understand it when you have experienced a bit of the above.

    Some may want to use their thoughts to change another. Some may want to use their thoughts to change themselves. Others do not want thoughts to interfere and fight with them, but yet others become AWARE of thoughts and drop their identity from what the mind says, reacts, imagines or recalls. Then, CHANGE happens without changing anything.

    Good to remember: “When we DO something (intentionally, with purpose,) we do not allow for change to happen naturally, for Change is all there is.” When we sit, rest, relax, allow… then Change happens… 🙂

  • avyakt7- New Generation 12:30 PM on February 6, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    The journey without destination 

    The following is my own experience. As mentioned many times, I do not share “truth.” I am not concerned with “truth,” for you have to discover your own and be willing for that one to change, just as “you” change. In our society, we believe that truth is some sort of irrefutable fact which could be understood by the mind. However, that only applies to our “playground,” that is the world of 5 senses and the mind. Beyond the mind and the 5 senses, there is more. For many that last statement is a belief. Correct. Honor that for that is not your experience, your “truth,” however; be aware that it is only “your truth.”

    Many times we try to generalize our “truth” and make it universal. That is a huge mistake which has cost humanity its own psychological/ spiritual advance.

    Let me point out that the word “spirituality,” has many meanings. For some it is about “self help,” for others is about the metaphysical realm of spirits, channeling and so forth. For others is about religious beliefs and yet for others is about self-betterment.

    None of that applies to what I have learned, other than the full recognition that according to who we “think” we are, accordingly our identification will be and thus, our experience will be in Life.

    Notice that “think” is in quotes. That is the word I could find to try to make myself understood without sounding awkward. I could have used “feel,” but that is not the way most “make sense” of Life.

    Have you heard of Tilopa’s six nails?
    Let me write those down in different ways to make a point, which is the point of this article.

    Don’t recall.
    Don’t imagine.
    Don’t think.
    Don’t examine.
    Don’t control.

    That sounds like a commandment, right? Perhaps that was written that way so it could make sense for many. However, out of those many; only few will understand the above. Why? Because most use their experience and conditioning to try to make sense (for most, the above describes a lazy boy/girl,) but we have to be closer to the above experience to understand. So let me put the same in a more “palatable” way:

    Let go of what has passed.
    Let go of what may come.
    Let go of what is happening now.
    Don’t try to figure anything out.
    Don’t try to make anything happen.
    Relax, right now, and rest.

    Sounds better, huh? However it is not accurate. There is no “I” who has to “let go.” Otherwise it will be sheer “effort,” that is “unnatural,” that is; there will be repression of something to “achieve” something else. That is the sort of ideology that society has conditioned many of us, but in the realm of “spirituality” that idea has many limitations.

    If religions, ideologies and even science could “understand that,” then a certain openness for that which is not understood will develop. With that openness, there will be tolerance and awe for that which is mysterious. It is with that attitude how learning in Life and also learning about Life, could take place.

    Trapped in this realm of 5 senses and the mind, we do not know anything, even though we think we do.

    If I say that Tilopa’s words weren’t meant to teach anything ( as it is usually depicted) but simply to describe a state of being, could that make any sense?

    That is why the journey is not about a destination but it is meant to dismantle everything we believe to be/know. If you are “nothing” (a dismantled being of coverings) where will you go?

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