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  • avyakt7- New Generation 7:00 AM on March 30, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Questions: BapDada’s ways… 

    ..Although I have left BKs completely, don’t do amrit vela, no more morning murli classes thrice a week… 🙂 But recently, I started reading murli’s again from a different consciousness, not the judgemental consciousness but with inquisitive awareness 🙂
    So recently, bapdada has spoken about comparison between double foreigners and Indians (Bharatwasis), first bapdada goes on a tour with his children for something that he only knows!

    Now the first question here is, does that tour actually happens or it is a way of bapdada teaching something to his children through some way of telling a story kind of thing?

    Thank you for your question. “Inquisitive awareness” is not a different type of consciousness. It is your same consciousness with a different belief system. That is all.
    Your first answer is BOTH. BapDada moves in a different level (subtle) which most individuals in the physical plane are unaware of. The subtle level has great impact on the physical level.

    He goes ahead and states that on his tour he saw that Westerners have started becoming more spiritual than Indians, although spirituality belongs to Indians and not westeners!
    Now second question is, why baba is comparing at first and secondly how come spirituality belongs to only Indians and not to entire humanity? Why Indians are said by baba to be of highest thing, and westerner of low clan! Isn’t it prejudice!

    Second answer: Baba is making a point by using a comparison. Yes, “Spirituality” was made up by Indians. The Guru that could walk on water, the one who could be buried alive for many days and still live, the one who could project his image to many followers in different cities at the same time, the one who could get favors from spirits, the one who could do many “miracles,” the one who could predict the future etc… and their methods to be “more spiritual” such as mortifying the body, denying pleasure to the senses, controlling eating, sleeping, breathing, sex, etc. Who invented all that “spirituality”? Indians for the most part. That is the spirituality exported to Westerners.
    Most “normal” people will look for those “spiritual masters” for show value or need.
    Ahnanda has shared that he does not see any value in the word “spirituality” but rather in “living Life with joy.” That kind of “spirituality” does not belong to Indians, but to the whole world.

    I have never heard in a Murli, that Baba is making the point that Indians “are higher and Westerners of lower clan.” As far as I see, that “prejudice” may be only a distortion of your mind unless you could show more evidence.

    He goes further and says that today, countries are being run helplessly (in majbori), politicians are not willing to run the countries but they still for the sake of just doing it!
    Third question is, why God is interfering in politics and all, here on earth, people who attain enlightenment don’t speak about politics at all! That’s what my knowledge about enlightened beings says! How God can comment on politics! He says that we need souls of flying stage (udti kala) to run a country properly!

    The answer of your third question is : You are generalizing through a belief that enlightened beings do not speak about politics.
    An enlightened individual could speak about politics and say any words he wishes to, depending on the need of time and circumstances. Jesus was part of the politics of his time. His crucifixion was all politics. Similarly, Osho was in jail in the USA for political reasons. Enlightenment does not mean to be restricted to comply with some belief that “this is spiritual” and “that is not.”

    Well, I request you to take these questions that I have asked and please help us in understanding from a different consciousness.

    I cannot help anyone understand from a different consciousness. Consciousness happens.

    For the common good.

    • Dinesh Chawla 11:58 AM on April 1, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Okay, thank you so much for yours answers, after I read answers and while I was reading, I got a few thing from myself, is Ahnanda not being SELF contradictory in his second answer! Can comparison be used with BEING with comparison!
      well if I go ahead with my reply, I will simply be argumentative and may be like my ego will start proving me right rather accepting Ahnanda’s answers!
      Ahnanda has advised us to be free from words, to go beyond words, I personally too think that it’s time for me to go beyond words and seek more of my own SILENT consciousness 🙂


      • Dinesh Chawla 11:59 AM on April 1, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        I mean “Can comparison be used without BEING with comparison” 🙂 in above reply.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 8:00 AM on March 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , cheiro, , , , , ,   

    Exploring the duality of free will and predestination through a different lens 

    My sister Raysha, has the gift of “fortune telling.” She could place her fingers on your wrist and she could start telling you what she “sees.” What appears does not depend on her. She basically watches the movie and will tell you the “spoilers.”
    Later on, even few years later you may say: Wow! Everything came true!
    I developed a fascination with her gift. In one of my trips to India, I purchased a book written by Cheiro “Language of the hand.” Fascinating.
    While philosophers and religious believers debate intellectually whether free will or predestination exist, my experience allowed me to take a side: Predestination is “true,” although my consciousness  may show me that “I am making choices” through free will.  How is that “contradiction” possible?  It depends from the angle that you are watching the movie.

    Free will does not exist. Predestination does not exist.
    Those are concepts created by minds stuck in duality which have the “I” as a point of reference (their angle.) The way Brahma Kumaris explains the Drama is centered in the existence of the “I” because of that, Brahma Kumaris knowledge arranges the “free will” of the “I” to fit into the predestination of the “Drama.”

    In “reality” we ARE but… we ARE NOT (as mentioned in another article) thus, the Totality is what exists.
    Let me put it in BK terms: The movie, the Drama, Life is all that exists. We like to dissect the “movie” in parts such as “I”, “you”, “them”, etc. But that is artificial. The hero actor is deeply connected with the villain in a movie. They cannot be separated. One cannot exist without the other. There cannot be a plot without their connection. Without a plot, there is no movie.

    The phrase: “WE ARE ALL ONE.” May be a pretty phrase to repeat in patriotic events or spiritual gatherings, but it is utterly meaningless in Life. There is the Totality and that is all there is. There is no “We” or “I.”

    Without the use of pronouns, it could be very hard to make sense in most languages. But language is not real. It is a man-made mental construct.

    That is why, to have a different understanding or vision of Life, we must step away from language and the mind, for the mind has a repository of social conditionings which we label as being “me.”

    It is that “me” the one who will necessarily create the duality of free will and predestination.

    ME and I, exist  in a level of consciousness BUT they DO NOT in another, at the same time. The mind cannot understand that, but when we can see this clearly, all concepts previously learned including predestination and free will, are thrown away like used toilet paper.

    “So, what about your sister? Her gift does not demonstrate that we are predestined?”
    Wrong question. There is no WE, there is no predestination or free will. There is Totality, a timeless continuous, just a movie repeating itself endlessly … We are not aware of the repetition but that is how fortune tellers can “see”.

    Baba introduced the “concept” of detached observer, for we know it is a movie repeating. “I” (BK teachings have the “I” as a reference)  could detach from the “movie” because of that knowledge. However, consciousness will not go along necessarily with what we know intellectually, so we “fake it until we make it” to be part of the “few.”

    For the common good.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 9:00 AM on March 23, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , followers, , , , self-transformation,   

    Our path needs to be discovered 

    In my time as a Brahma Kumaris follower, I recall that “knowledge,” “gyan,” was the highlight of the BK movement.
    No one has that “knowledge.” The theoretical “knowledge” of the soul, the 3 worlds, the cycle of time, karma, etc. gave me the sensation that “I knew.”

    Many Brahma Kumaris followers may have the theory in their minds to guide their actions. It is thought that by following “right” actions based on “knowledge” something “good” will happen. Self-transformation.

    Now I see that it is not like that.
    There is one important aspect which is overlooked, it is called consciousness. If consciousness does not change, then all we have is a fake behavior.

    Nevertheless, I understand that even if I write detailed recipes of my own experience, those will not help a reader to change his consciousness. This is merely information or at best,  a way to inspire others.
    I could say that our ultimate reality is that “we are not but we are.” Very few will grasp this. Most will repeat this or write it in other blogs as if they have the “truth,” but it is completely meaningless for the consciousness necessary is not there yet. It is not the time.

    Therefore, to have “knowledge” is very elementary. It is for beginners.
    What is required is “openness” and that is not for beginners, for that means to overcome our own mental structures, our own beliefs and traumas our own “I.”

    Concisely, when you ARE, you don’t need knowledge for you know.

    It is of very little help to know that we are souls, for our intrinsic nature is to BE and not to BE. The container could be a glass (soul), but consciousness is the element inside the glass. That consciousness will give us BEING.

    Most religions are concerned in changing the external color of the glass, for that is the extent of their “help.” The glass is transparent, so whatever consciousness we have will be eventually shown.

    That is how we arrive at acknowledging our own process. I can assure you that self-realization is not a “mass event” of a particular religion. It will happen to an individual when his timing has arrived, not before.

    Therefore, a dogmatic view full of beliefs, separating what is “right” from what is “wrong”, is only the beginning of the journey.
    Nonetheless, a very important episode but… the beginning.

    For the common good.

    • Orquidea 5:41 AM on March 24, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Coincido totalmente

      Liked by 1 person

      • avyakt7- New Generation 10:59 AM on March 25, 2017 Permalink | Reply



        • Dinesh Chawla 12:48 PM on March 25, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          Hi Ahnada,
          Really nice article, well although I have left BKs completely, don’t do amrit vela, no more morning murli classes thrice a week… 🙂 But recently, I started reading murli’s again from a different consciousness, not the judgemental consciousness but with inquisitive awareness 🙂
          So recently, bapdada has spoken about comparison between double foreigners and Indians (Bharatwasis), first bapdada goes on a tour with his chidren for something that he only knows!

          Now the first question here is, does that tour actually happens or it is a way of bapdada teaching something to his children through some way of telling a story kind of thing?

          He goes ahead and states that on his tour he saw that Westerners have started becoming more spiritual than Indians, although spirituality belongs to Indians and not westeners!
          Now second question is, why baba is comparing at first and secondly how come spirituality belongs to only Indians and not to entire humanity? Why Indians are said by baba to be of highest thing, and westerner of low clan! Isn’t it prejudice!

          He goes further and says that today, countries are being run helplessly (in majbori), politicians are not willing to run the contries but they still for the sake of just doing it!

          Third question is, why God is interfering in politics and all, here on earth, people who attain enlightenment don’t speak about politics at all! That’s what my knowledge about enlightened beings says! How God can comment on politics! He says that we need souls of flying stage (udti kala) to run a country properly! 🙂

          Well, I request you to take these questions that I have asked and please help us in understanding from a different consciousness 🙂

          Thanks bro, spiritual love for you 🙂


  • avyakt7- New Generation 11:25 AM on March 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , empathy, , Global warming, , , pity   

    Compassion is the only knowledge 

    When we perceive that the Drama is as it must be, a sense of compassion arrives.
    I am using the word compassion, because it is known by the masses thanks to Buddhism. However, the definition of compassion as “sympathetic pity and concern for the suffering and misfortunes of others” is far from what compassion is.

    In my experience, compassion is to acknowledge that every experience as perceived by others or the self, is important for the development of that being.

    Empathy is perhaps the closest word to compassion.
    When there is no knowledge, then pity is the outcome. That energy of pity is highly detrimental when sent to others.

    Compassion arrives as the understanding “that I have had a similar experience which was necessary in my development.” Thus, I feel with you, I empathize with you; but I understand that there is benefit at the end.

    This is hard to understand when we are caught up with what is happening at the moment without knowing the BK motto: “The Drama is beneficial.”

    In my trip to Peru, we experienced some days without water in the capital. There were mudslides in other parts which were contaminating the water supply. Many people experienced hardships (inundation, diseases, animal death, etc.) TV was showcasing sorrowful images and people’s cries for help. Sorrow was everywhere, even for those who did not experience the things first hand.

    Individuals may believe that “God is punishing them.” Very few realize that it is merely a consequence of their own acts to control Nature and that global warming is a reality thanks to Human “Progress” driven by “economy of scales.”

    Yes, someone could help. Someone could act and go there and lend a hand. That is great!
    What is the feeling fueling this action?
    That is awareness for those who are ready. This feeling is the decisive factor for the consequence of that action.

    That is why, to help someone because it is “right” has no meaning. That creates individuals who are unable to feel and empathize with others.

    Of course, there are individuals who can take advantage of this by saying: “Why don’t you empathize with me?”
    The honest answer is: Because I don’t feel it.
    To empathize does not mean to necessarily take action, but the feeling may be the action itself.

    Empathy and not pity is the type of compassion that builds up feelings to take us away from the “righteous mind.” Paradoxically, “real knowledge” is beyond the mind.

    For the common good.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 9:00 AM on March 2, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    DOING to Change BEING 

    The idea/philosophy of repressing something, not DOING something labeled as “bad” to become the opposite, “good” is flawed.
    Energies that make up BEING have a polarity in them.
    For example, repress the energy of anger and the energy of compassion goes away as well. Every energy has its opposite, which is truly the same energy at different levels.

    For individuals living in a “Black or White” mind, to repress is something that makes sense. They do not have the capacity yet to transcend a particular energy. The Murli talks about “conquering sex lust” we may think this to be an inner fight, but we can only “conquer” what is no longer necessary for us, otherwise; we may need to transform it. Please keep this in mind, in the Murli to “conquer” is to “transform,” not to repress.
    Did Brahma Baba repress sexuality?
    Very unlikely. Look at his age when he began his BK path, look at his experiences (he was a father and married for many years) Sexual energy was no longer needed.

    Now, observe a young BK. Sexuality is in him/her. Methods to repress that sexuality will be “practiced.”
    That repression will explode inside him at some point in his life. Diseases may appear, which will be rationalized as “part of his karma,” or “settling karmic accounts to become pure.”

    “You” want to be “pure.” What do you DO? Refrain from DOING those things deemed to be “impure.” Very simple for simple minds.
    What is considered to be “impure” is a list of labels which are believed to be given by God himself. Beliefs running a Life. Beliefs controlling the mind. The bottom line is a fight, where the “winner” is you, but also the “loser.” 

    The Brahma Kumaris path is truly an exploration of the mind. If you leave the path, you will go back to be even “worse” than what you were before. Isn’t this what the Sakar Murli says?

    Do you know why?
    Because all of those things repressed, will come out with great force, like water coming out of a faucet that has been stopped from flowing, the barrier will give in and there will be great force when it comes out.  You see, there was never a change in BEING. It was only in DOING.
    To become “worse” is a natural outcome, until all energies level off again. Nevertheless, we are scared of the label “worse.” We do not see what we are DOING to ourselves, as the mind has the “right” answer, the “truth”, “God”,  and you will comply with it, no matter what; even if you die… For you are a “Pukka.”

     I have done that. I have learned my lesson about the mind. 

    Love is truly capable of changing individuals, but love that is capable of making this to happen is called ” surrendering.”

    To surrender cannot be understood when there is an “I” trying to be One with God, when there is an “I” trying to achieve “Heaven,” or a “High status” in the BK organization or in the afterlife.

    To surrender is to dissolve that “I.” Then, what “you” are will come out and the theory of “we are truly love” may no longer be “theory” for you.
    Surrendering is not only with Baba, but with anything; for it is not about who you surrender to, but is about surrendering the “I.”

    Even though BapDada have gone many times in the topic of surrendering, this keeps being misunderstood, for we want to make sense with our minds, and that cannot happen.
    Through surrendering, BEING changes without DOING and that change IS.

    Until March 21st! I will be taking a vacation. 🙂

    For the common good.

    • Anil Kumar 9:57 AM on March 2, 2017 Permalink | Reply


      Happy vacation!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dinesh Chawla 12:15 AM on March 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        You really rock Ahnanda, the article “Nothing is everything” was so so amazing…:) It threw light on many things in just one place. People are really too much into words and BECOMING you know! I am already an editor working on a higher post in an MNC but my mother thinks becoming like “Neal Armstrong” (the guy who reached moon) is something a human should achieve to BECOME the BEST!
        Thanks for the article, it makes us feel lighter…:) I wish my mother could understand such articles!! hehehe 🙂


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