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  • avyakt7- New Generation 9:02 AM on August 21, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , BapDada, , , ,   

    Being an “actor” or a “detached observer”? 

    The Sakar Murlis mention that “we (souls) are actors, performing a role in the World stage.” Then, it was added by someone that “God is the principal actor and director”. That addition is the expression of someone’s devotion to God; for otherwise the Drama, Life doesn’t require a director to repeat itself.

    What about “principal actor”?
    Do we remember “Karankaravanhar”? That means the one who does through others. Thus, we could say that “God is acting through “me” or rather a BK “instrument”. That is readily accepted by mainstream BK; however, that is not accurate as we go in depth, as in the “Drama”, Life; everything is fixed. Therefore, behind the obvious of someone “acting”, we could perceive a predestined role with a bit of greater depth in BK “knowledge.” That is an example on how BK Gyan could be perceived in different ways according to consciousness.

    The question then is: Who is truly “acting”?
    No one. Things are being done through fixed roles.
    BK “knowledge” doesn’t go that far.

    Let me take that in another way.
    Knowing that BK “knowledge” supports the existence of an entity called the “I”; how is it possible to go a step further from being an “actor”?
    Please hold that thought.

    What is wrong with being an “actor”?
    That is not the point. It is not about being “right” or “wrong.” When a BK follower is told that he is an “actor” then he will use his idea of an actor and DO but the role will affect his mind. After all, if he is doing what the role dictates (which is everything he does,) how is it possible for him to separate from the role? He will believe to be the role sooner or later for there is no separation between his predestined role and his “free will” activity.

    That is why, BapDada came up with a different metaphor in Avyakt Murlis:
    “Become a detached observer”.
    What that actually means?
    Well, we are not actors, we are not roles, we are not in the world stage performing some theatrical trailer…
    Now, we are the spectators. We are watching what is going on. So what is going on? What we are able to perceive, inside and outside. That perception is without judgment, without spicing it up. Simply, let us become aware of what is going on, inside and out.

    Here is my suggestion for the next update in the Sakar Murli:
    “ We (souls) are spectators of the World Stage.”

    That is why, we may need to learn to sit comfortably at every situation; bring some pop corn and masala chai to enjoy the “show.” 🙂

    Observation is not a “practice”. It happens when our awareness increases; however, we may need to “practice” in the beginning, that is to remind ourselves to DO something about it.
    That is how I’d like to tie nicely this butterfly knot, with the popular SM phrase: “Remember ME alone.”

    That is Self remembrance to be detached, a witness.

    • rosem777333 10:25 AM on August 21, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      That’s an interesting connection—when one truly remembers HIM alone, everything else goes into low profile where one automatically shifts into being detached observer. In being detached observer, one enjoys whatever he does and whatever he does becomes his enjoyment and reward; hence he is not worried about reward.

      In contrast, ego thrives in expectations and interpretations; hence is bound to rejoice over “the pleasant” happening and to grieve over “the unpleasant” happenings which is what hell means. Thus in ego, everything is felt very strongly. When desire is not fulfilled he feels angry, and when desire is fulfilled he feels attachment and greed. Thus ego itself becomes a punishment.

      This is something religious leaders could not convey with clarity; hence when they left the stage the ism they founded was plunged into divisiveness.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 6:32 AM on July 25, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BapDada, , , , , , ,   

    Brahma Kumaris knowledge denies the existence of a universal God 

    One of the paradoxical aspects of understanding Gyan deeply, is that the label known as “god” and associated with an all-powerful being who created the Universe and who is the cause of all effects, cannot exist in BK gyan.
    Truly, Brahma Kumaris knowledge doesn’t allow for a universal “God.”

    What is the main task of “god” according to Brahma Kumaris knowledge?
    To give theoretical knowledge, known as “gyan.” Other than that, there is no use/need of “god” whatsoever.
    For that reason, “yoga” came into existence: The connection to ”take away our sins.” However, that only works if we become BK followers. The main requisite then, is to be a BK follower to have access to this “God.” That is why, there cannot be a universal God in BK, who could be accessed by everyone.

    By the way, this is the main issue with all religions believing in a “god.” It is THEIR god only.
    Brahma Kumaris is using a universal label to depict a being that should be confined to the BK world. In India, the universal label “Shiva” was used to identify the BK God. That label has an impact there as Hindus will recognize it.
    How is it possible to link Shiva (God) with Brahma Baba?
    That became the task. It is a source of confusion for most BKs. In fact, most BKs do not know the differences between Shiva, Brahma, Dada Lekhraj, Subtle Brahma and BapDada. That confusion added mystery as no one could clearly pinpoint who is who. Not even the Murlis. It is all up to the word of the administration or just to err on the safe side, we could use the label “god” on every instance.
    At the end of the day, none of that matters.

    What matters is the message of this god.
    A message is something that will touch every individual in a different way, for individuals will interpret the message according to their own experience. Thus, a literal interpretation of the message without considering the intended audience, the historical time, translation and degree of consciousness of the translator, could lead to many misinterpretations.

    For instance, if a prospect BK now (2018) enjoys sex with his wife, if you tell him that ”sex is a sin” or some other colorful label depicted in Sakar Murlis, then if that person follows that “instruction,” without a doubt that person will be repressing sex. That is not good for him. He will not be honest with his own experience as he will THINK that following that direction will be best for him. If the direction is followed and the potential follower is unaware of the repression then inner struggle is sure to follow. Even a disease which will be labeled as “settling karma,” could occur. Thus, the BK system is helpful if we are aware of these inner dissonances. To discover that inner lie, is what is all about.

    That label “God,” has been misused and misunderstood throughout history, but many have invested their wealth, their power, their own lives just to continue with the convenient illusion. That label is indeed controlling the collective mind.

    The Sakar Murli mentioned: “ I am bound by the Drama.” [Shiva/God said that] And so are we. Above that ‘god,’ there is the Drama. Many BKS are completely unaware of this, even though they may hear the Murlis many times. Why is that? Because of their conditioning, not from the religion but from society and their learned beliefs. We come programmed with that to the BK world, so it is easy to accept a small deviation from the well known “truth” of  a “god.”

    The avyakt Murlis have a more accurate label for BapDada, that is the “Father.” BapDada is the father of BKs.

    Want to worship and LOVE something UNIVERSAL? Worship the “Drama.” However, let me take away that tasteless label, “Drama” and label things as they are: Worship LIFE.
    LIFE is it. LIFE is as UNIVERSAL as a label could be. It is equally accessible to all.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 5:55 AM on June 1, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , bad, BapDada, , , , good, , renounce renunciation,   

    To renounce renunciation 

    Those were BapDada’s words as I recall them, from when I was attending Murli classes.
    Observe that the word “renunciation” is taken in many ways by many Brahma Kumaris followers.
    For some it is the renunciation of the “bad” so the “good” appears. That is easy to understand intellectually. It makes “sense.” However, it is completely, utterly meaningless.
    “Good and Bad” are dualities. All dualities are complementary in nature.

    DO what you BELIEVE to be “Good.” Sooner or later, it will turn into “Bad” for others and yourself. That is the superhero story in the movies. That is self-righteousness.
    There is movement of dualities all the time. Observe Life! Nothing remains the same but only the IDEAL that something is “good,” forever.
    Of course, the above will not be understood by the masses, the majority; so it will be dismissed as “manmat.” There cannot be a “best-seller” book with that.

    BapDada has said many things about renunciation in every type of Murli, there are many apparently contradictory statements.
    For most Brahma Kumaris followers, it is about letting go of whatever they feel it is “bad” for them based on what the religion believes to be “bad.”
    Sex is bad. Renounce it.
    To eat food from non-Brahma Kumaris followers is “bad.” Renounce it.
    Anger is “bad.” Renounce it.
    Relationships with people is “bad.” Renounce it.

    Let me ask: How would you make sense of the greatest renunciation of all, to “renounce renunciation”?  🙂

    If I AM anger and then I make myself believe that “I will renounce anger,” I am kidding myself. I could reject anger, I could suppress it… to make others as well as myself believe that there is no anger in me. However, it is a lie.

    When anger goes away, then that is who I AM. It happens without renouncing anger. I have renounced renunciation.
    It is natural. Remember that word, natural? BapDada uses it as well.
    We may ask, how do I make anger go away?
    The answer is: “I” don’t make anything happen. “I” ALLOW it to happen.  If that “I” DOES something, it will only be to comply with an ideal, a belief which does not fit, who “I AM” now. Observe that.

    To understand anger, we need to observe it. We need to be AWARE of the triggers. Then we need to be AWARE of the emotions that are making the knots of anger… and untie them through emotional healing, realizations, forgiveness, etc.

    “I” AM not renouncing anything. “I” AM not labeling anything as “bad” to make me feel guilty if “I AM” that. Neither I am labeling that as “good” to judge others. “I” am out of the duality, thus I can observe, realize, become aware and use this opportunity to know myself by allowing it to change…naturally.
    I have renounced renunciation, thus; I am truly following Shrimat.

    The stern, serious face of a renunciate is almost like he is constipated.  He must renounce going to the bathroom, for that is dirty, impure, etc. The “bad” things are kept inside, not allowing them to express. Think about the consequences.

    For the common good.

    • Dinesh Chawla 5:19 AM on June 4, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Ahnanda,

      I remember long back I was attending en evening murli class, and on this topic of renunciation a sister was teaching about renunciation of our own subtle desires. She said that every type of desire no matter what it is, is a burden on the mind, so we must renounce all of our desires.
      That’s where I started realising that me desiring for knowledge is also a burden on my mind, me desiring to enhance and repining my yoga experience with Baba is also a burden on my mind, me desiring for sister’s appreciation for doing some seva is also a burden on my mind.
      My experience of being good or bad has also changed like you have described in the beginning of this article. With BKs I was using all that for teaching other brother’s too, but now the same knowledge and same experience of meditation is simply for myself, yes some people consider it being selfish to some extent, but I think I need to first apply all those things on myself first rather than teaching other’s first.
      And I remember long back Ahnanda had also exclaimed for me being so much concerned about what other’s are doing… 🙂
      Om shanti brother 🙂


      • ahnanda 7:31 PM on June 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Nothing wrong with having desires. Those are mental things. Just like renouncing those mental things. Whether we renounce them or not, it doesn’t matter. What matters is how consumed we are through those mental things, how much do we expect them. Are we AWARE of that?
        Is the desire to go to heaven something that needs to be renounced as well?
        Perhaps it is a “pure” desire? That is the power of words. It is the “ninth” power.

        Best to you, Dinesh.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 8:00 AM on April 4, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , BapDada, BK lies, Brahma Kumaris false predictions, brahma kumaris info, Brahma Kumaris lies, ex-l, , lies, ,   

    Question: BK Lies, methods and BapDada 

    The questions/comments are here. I will summarize them in my response.

    Thank you Ex-L for stopping by. Your presence in this blog, is an open invitation for anyone with an interest in Brahma Kumaris.
    I’d like to acknowledge “Ex-L” contribution to changes in the BK methodology. For those of you who may not know, Ex-L is the main founder of the website “BrahmaKumaris.info.”

    A “method” is a label representing a bunch of steps, beliefs, ideas, ideals, procedures which are used with the objective to accomplish something concrete or ideal.
    “Spirituality” is full of idealistic “methods” or “yuktis” for that is the intellectual way of tackling a “problem.”
    Brahma Kumaris is an institution made by a diversity of people. There are honest and dishonest people and everything in between.
    The common BK objective is the ideal to be like God, gain salvation, a high status in the Golden age. Being a BK follower means to follow the prescribed method to accomplish that goal.

    A characteristic of a “spiritual method” is that it is never wrong. It is perfect (ideal.) But a follower may fail in following the method so failure is shifted onto the follower. If there is apparent “success” it is because of the method, which brings validity to the institution teaching the method. That is the game.

    BK ideas/beliefs may be lies to others. Even though proven lies, the method is infallible and to protect it becomes a sign of someone who is “worthwhile” (pukka.) BK procedures may be hurtful as seen by others. Their modus operandi may be devious as seen by others; but those are natural consequences of the interpretation of the method by followers. It is not “wrong” from their perspective, but “numberwise.” For a BK, the ways of society may be looked at as “wrong,” sinful, impure. There is rejection underneath. This rejection is necessary in the beginning, to transition from “normal” society into the BK method.

    A “normal” person thinks that he can distinguish what is right from what is wrong however; their selection is according to their conditioning. Society is a way of conditioning, a “method” by all means, just like BK conditioning, thus our ideas of morality are heavily conditioned.
    Hope that I clarified what I mean by the word “method.”
    Let me go into the lies now.

    “Raja Yoga is the most ancient path.”
    From the viewpoint of world history (mainstream beliefs of society) Raja Yoga may not be/ is not the most ancient path. From the viewpoint of Brahma Kumaris (the method) Raja Yoga is the most ancient, considering their belief in cyclical time and their belief that Brahma Kumaris influences the future “Deity religion” in the Golden age. Thus, when the new Kalpa “starts”, it is according to the influences of BK Raja Yoga.

    Who is lying? It all depends on what you subscribe to.
    From my perspective, a cycle means that the most ancient is at the same time, the newest thing (which is the perception of mainstream society, since the BK movement started less than 100 years ago.)

    Mainstream morality condemns lying as evil, bad, sinful, etc.
    Nevertheless, there are times when lies are not only necessary but “good.” Lies may have utilitarian or psychological value, they may be said unwillingly, by omission, for protection, etc. Thus, I lie, you lie, Brahma Kumaris lies, the rest of the world lies, Jesus Christ lies as well. His line: “ I am the son of God” from my perspective, is a lie. From a Christian’s that is the truth.

    Here is a referential link . It is about the morality of lying. As you could see it is a complex topic from an intellectual, philosophical viewpoint. Not all lies are “bad.” Intention seems to be the factor that decides the consequences of that lie. Look at the consequences of the lie. Look at the intention. Religious “spiritual” methods typically “lie” through simplicity so masses can understand. A black or white commandment: “Thou shalt not lie,” sounds “good” it is ideal, but Life is not a “black or white” “reality.” I am not defending lies. I am not defending truth, for both are 2 extremes of the same rope. A duality. Truth brings lies and lies bring truth. That is why, I have written that I do not share “truth.” I share my experiences.

    Human morality is not a standard of “goodness” in Life. But only in our society.
    BapDada does not act based upon our conditioned understanding of human morality. His perspective is different and it comes from knowing what the “Drama” (Life) is and will be, not what human morality dictates.

    Even though many “lies” of the BK institution have been disclosed with evidence, yet still people will sign up with the Brahma Kumaris. Why?
    Because people had an experience which was valuable for them. That is their valid perspective. That is their starting point in “spirituality.”
    I signed up with Brahma Kumaris because I had experiences with Brahma Baba through my sister. Without those there is no way on Earth that I could have followed the BK “method.” Along the path I met many unique individuals and had many karmic accounts to “settle” with BKs, which were necessary to change me.

    Let me clarify. I don’t mean to say that to lie is OK. There are consequences. A liar will not be trusted. That is a consequence. Many could say:  “How terrible the BKs are because they are liars, they deceive people, steal their money and try to get VIPs because they are social climbers.”  But let us not generalize. In our society, what the BKs do is legal until proven otherwise. No one better than the BKs to understand about the consequences of actions done with the intention to deceive individuals although the label used, may be  in the name of “service.” 

    Do I feel that I was conned?
    The BK method put me through a lot of experiences. 10 years of my Life with many unconventional experiences. I went honestly, full force with it from the beginning. Without the BK experience I wouldn’t be able to understand what I do now. In Life, experiences are meant to change consciousness. Humans judge whether an experience is “good” or “bad.” Life does not. It is not for me to judge the method that Life brings for change. Thus, the word I may use after about 4 years of being out of the BK movement is “thankful” rather than conned. Of course, I went through my process of feeling relief, then anger and denial, but the outcome is gratefulness. I can move on.

    We cannot say that we are over the BK experience, while we have rejection in us; while the memory of it is moving us emotionally. It is out of our system, when we could accept that others and I have the same right to go through this experience, if willing to. I have experienced very dear ones literally dying while in the BK movement, for their belief in the BK experience was very strong. That is their right, and the extent of acceptance of the BK method that I am talking about. If the BK experience lingers by upsetting us even though we are not there anymore, there is a trauma which needs to be healed.

    The BK method has many lies and false predictions, but still is “good” for many as it is. Change of consciousness does not judge if a method is made up or lies or not. What matters is to go honestly through the experiences that this method will bring. When we discover the shortcomings, the method is no longer valid for us. It is over, but an honest follower will need to discover that for himself. No second hand in it.

    “Don’t think, don’t question” is an incomplete line. It could be labeled as a half-truth or a lie.
    Don’t think, don’t question, don’t do, don’t make effort… Just BE…is the complete line… but yet, it may be a lie for others.

    For the common good.

    • ex-l 3:19 PM on April 4, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I’d like time to think about this more.

      One of my more pronounced criticisms of the Brahma Kumaris is that ethics and morality, or the discussion of them, really have no place or are given no emphasis within the “method”, or madness, of BKism.

      For me, not far from what you are saying, “expedience” … that is what is convenient, useful or practical for their aims … and submission and conformity to the leaders’ will are their primary guiding principles.

      Attitudes, I would argue, that are rooted in the founders’ very specific Sindi merchantile culture rather than spiritual absolutes. One thing for sure, the The Buddh’s fourth precept was not “inspired by BKism last kalpa” … unless it was a reaction against BKism.

      To start to raise questions about ethics and morality is to lead very quickly to unravelling BKism and, consequently, I would say, is responded to defensively as a threat of challenged. This was my expeirence with skilled and inveterate liars, like Janki Kirpalani.

      Within BKism, it is OK to lie and knowingly mislead, for example … and, yes, I mean lie … to the authories, non-BK family members, employers, VIPs or official immigration departments, if it is useful or beneficial to the cult. All one has to do is magically invoke Shiva in one’s “rememberance” and all karma is reduced or removed … so they claim.

      How can I say this so surely? I was told to do so by seniors.

      When is a lie and lie rather than a “method”?

      I would when it done so consciously and manipulatively, hence flagging up the “Ancient Art of Raja Yoga” canard. At least senior and educated BKs know that BK Raja Yoga is not the real “Ancient” raja Yoga of Patanjali and all BKs know that the rest of the world rejects their 5,000 Year identical cycle of time theory. Therefore, in something as key to their marketing, manipulating of others beliefs, I think we can can say it is a deliberately deception. And ‘deliberately deception’ of those less aware, less educated, more vulnerable … for the sake of self-interest or gain … has to wrong.

      Or at least very carefully used in extreme situations only.

      Again, I think you have tilted the conversation or my criticism back again to “BK ideas/beliefs may be lies to others”.

      That is a different question … who know what the “truth” is going to be at the end of time … who knows who or what The Baba™ is and what their agenda is, except for the annihilation of 7 billion human beings by nuclear war. Who even know is that is a good or bad thing (sometimes, I’ll admit, I think it would not be a bad thing as far as the environment and other species go!).

      My concern is with the deliberate and widespress practice of deception by the leaders over the followers, and by the followers to their families and outsiders, through simple, real world dishonesty.

      It’s amazing but even know, perhaps 10 years after we debunked many of their historical claims as deliberately constructed lies intent on protecting their own self image, the inner circle of BKism is still unable to accept and correct a true account of their beginnings.

      They oppose simple truths even in sincere followers and supporters, and that’s a dangerous symptom. For if they are willing and able to construct defences to even simple truths … what is their response to even more complex and difficult ones … such their claims of being god inspired and an exclusive and elitist monopoly over god etc.

      (* BTW, I found your site searching for an original version of the 16 Celestrial Degrees or Divine Arts. I see they’ve woven a few more layers on top of it. I had not been following your evolution until this time).


      • Dinesh Chawla 2:05 AM on April 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Hey ex-I, (Ahnanda, may be it’s ex-I and not ex-L 😛 )

        This is awareness_being here, hope you kind of remember me from your bhramakumaris.info site 🙂

        It’s so good to see you here on Ahndy’s site, well Ahndy is nickname I have given him (Ahnanda). Umm, your concerns and things raised about BKs are valid, but again I would emphasise on one thing here, there are many small and mediocre organisations in India having fake gurus and they preach hanky panky stuff. We surely can’t go against everyone and stop them from doing what they are doing.

        But I am not saying that you are against BKs here, may be you want them to clarify that they are not what they claim to be… May be 🙂

        But you know something that matters is that what we want to do with our life, like in my case I want to know whether I can get rid of this cycle of birth and death or not. But so far, the cycle of birth and death is kind of confusing me… 🙂

        Anyways, hope to see more interesting stuff from you on Ahndy’s site 🙂 BTW I belong to Sindhi community too, that too from the same village of dada Lekhraj Kriplani 🙂

        Isn’t that interesting!! 🙂


    • ex-l 8:41 AM on April 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      From the same village of dada Lekhraj Kriplani? That’s very interesting.

      I always found the Sindi family naming conventions difficult to penetrate. I read that this was deliberately done so for superstitious reasons (astrology/numerology/witchcraft) and, later, unlawful reasons … a lack of transparency in business.

      Can you confirm his original caste status?

      Yes, I agree with you regarding the “small and mediocre organisations having fake gurus” and, of course, that’s not just limited to India.

      Organised religion to me is pretty much 99.9% business and the majority are a scam.

      But this is the question Ahndy has raised … should we authenticate a scam by calling it a method.

      I can see where, in his position, it is “bad for business”, or bad “method”, to be too openly critical of BKism, if his primary readship is BKs.

      I can also understand how, having made such an intensive investment into BKism, he cannot bring himself to be too openly critical of it either. That is understandable.

      However, I reject the question of morally being dragged down to a too subjective level, that including the emphasis on “the experience”.

      And I think he is absolutely wrong, from a moral and a legal point of view, when he rights what the Brahma Kumaris does is “legal until proven otherwise”.

      That’s wrong. A crime is a crime is a crime regardless of whether the police catch me, and I am prosecuted and found guilt, or not. The majority of guilty criminals are never successfully proescuted.

      If I mug or con and old lady out of her life savings, if I traffick a young girl and make her work as an unpaid servant for years or even her life without any rights … as the Brahma Kumaris have done time and time again … I am guilty of a crime whether that old lady or young girl have the strength to report me and the police to resources to build a prosecution or not.

      We are trying to define the line between deception and dishonest, and spiritual method.

      In this case, I am attempting to defend the good name of “spiritual method” from deception and dishonesty plain and simple.

      And I’d like the BKs to stop doing the later. To stop polluting other soceities than their own.


      • Dinesh Chawla 12:04 PM on April 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Dear ex-I,

        Thanks for your reply, I can think about going totally against BKs only after I destroy my “I”. Ahnanda may be able to know what I mean by this “I”. Observe Ahnanda’s writings, in spite of writing in English, which is a two-ness language, meaning duality exists in the language itself. He is able to explain everything yet nothing, one needs that much understanding and level of enlightenment to speak in favour or against some spiritual organisation.

        Have you heard about Master Osho, he was against all religions and spiritual organisations including BKs, he has spoken against BKs as well, but only once for 10 minutes, that was actually sufficient for him to prove that BKism is not the path of SELF realisation and God realisation. One needs that level of enlightenment to prove that something is not a valid thing. And according to me Osho did posses that level. Well Ahnanda too, but … you know… Ahnanda has said in one of his comment that Ego can’t be dissolved completely, but I need to verify that!!

        Anyways, Sindhi’s are criticised for one thing that they thing about only about their profit all the time, they are business minded people, that’s the speciality of Sindhi’s, that’s all I know about Sindhi’s being criticised. And about the village, most probably it was Hyderabad city, in the state of Sindh in Pakistan where BKs was started by Dada Lekhraj with a small satsang at his home named Om Mandli.

        Well, peace and godly love for you ex-I. 🙂


        • ahnanda 10:58 AM on April 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          You are very inquisitive and you like to improve yourself. Those are good qualities.
          A couple things that may help: Nicknames are not accepted by everyone. Ask before taking the liberty to do it. In this blog, I am known as “avyakt7-ng” or “Ahnanda.” That is what i wish to be called.

          I also suggest that quoting others without context is misquoting. You know that language is dualistic. You know that language cannot express things accurately, but yet you keep quoting others. Please share your own realizations, your own experiences and ideas.
          Osho couldn’t be against all religions and spiritual organizations, if he was a realized being. Osho merely showcased that those who thought to have “truth” were deceiving themselves and others. Since religious organizations, spiritual organizations, etc. are interested in “having truth,” these organizations were shown that in fact, they didn’t.

          As misinterpretation came around through followers, even Osho’s legacy was turned into another organization. Followers tend to water down and misinterpret the “teachings” of their gurus.


          • Dinesh Chawla 1:00 PM on April 8, 2017 Permalink | Reply

            I agree with Ahnanda, but tomorrow even if I get some of my own experience, my own realisation, my own idea, can I call it mine, can I really say that Dinesh has found it!! that experience, realisation or idea already exists out there in the universe, Dinesh is not just AWARE about it, has any scientist created any law, has any enlightened being created any TRUTH! they simply came across it!!

            Calling any experience as my experience, my idea, my realisation is also subtle ego and attachement Ahnanda… 🙂


            • avyakt7- New Generation 8:38 PM on April 10, 2017 Permalink | Reply

              Even though many times we think that we “understood” the “concepts,” we did not. We may not call a realization, experience, idea as “mine,” but yet you have this idea (your idea) about liberating yourself from the cycle of birth and death.
              That idea you can talk about all you want as “yours.”
              Let me tell you about “my” experience. This is “my” experience; but it is not really “mine,” for the experience was there and I only became AWARE of it. For if I say that it is “mine” that is subtle ego and I become attached to it….
              So was that really my experience? Or should I talk about “the” experience?
              OK! This is “the” experience…
              Wait a minute! Who’s experience? Is that yours or someone else?
              It is “mine” but I cannot say “mine” for I am AWARE is not “mine.”


      • ahnanda 11:02 AM on April 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Time is precious. At this time, I do not have lots of it. Life changes.
        You have shared your views. I have shared mine. We could agree to disagree.
        Your attempts to defend the good name of spiritual methods from deception and dishonesty, are laudable. All the best to you in that huge task.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 7:00 AM on March 30, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , BapDada, , , , , , , ,   

    Questions: BapDada’s ways… 

    ..Although I have left BKs completely, don’t do amrit vela, no more morning murli classes thrice a week… 🙂 But recently, I started reading murli’s again from a different consciousness, not the judgemental consciousness but with inquisitive awareness 🙂
    So recently, bapdada has spoken about comparison between double foreigners and Indians (Bharatwasis), first bapdada goes on a tour with his children for something that he only knows!

    Now the first question here is, does that tour actually happens or it is a way of bapdada teaching something to his children through some way of telling a story kind of thing?

    Thank you for your question. “Inquisitive awareness” is not a different type of consciousness. It is your same consciousness with a different belief system. That is all.
    Your first answer is BOTH. BapDada moves in a different level (subtle) which most individuals in the physical plane are unaware of. The subtle level has great impact on the physical level.

    He goes ahead and states that on his tour he saw that Westerners have started becoming more spiritual than Indians, although spirituality belongs to Indians and not westeners!
    Now second question is, why baba is comparing at first and secondly how come spirituality belongs to only Indians and not to entire humanity? Why Indians are said by baba to be of highest thing, and westerner of low clan! Isn’t it prejudice!

    Second answer: Baba is making a point by using a comparison. Yes, “Spirituality” was made up by Indians. The Guru that could walk on water, the one who could be buried alive for many days and still live, the one who could project his image to many followers in different cities at the same time, the one who could get favors from spirits, the one who could do many “miracles,” the one who could predict the future etc… and their methods to be “more spiritual” such as mortifying the body, denying pleasure to the senses, controlling eating, sleeping, breathing, sex, etc. Who invented all that “spirituality”? Indians for the most part. That is the spirituality exported to Westerners.
    Most “normal” people will look for those “spiritual masters” for show value or need.
    Ahnanda has shared that he does not see any value in the word “spirituality” but rather in “living Life with joy.” That kind of “spirituality” does not belong to Indians, but to the whole world.

    I have never heard in a Murli, that Baba is making the point that Indians “are higher and Westerners of lower clan.” As far as I see, that “prejudice” may be only a distortion of your mind unless you could show more evidence.

    He goes further and says that today, countries are being run helplessly (in majbori), politicians are not willing to run the countries but they still for the sake of just doing it!
    Third question is, why God is interfering in politics and all, here on earth, people who attain enlightenment don’t speak about politics at all! That’s what my knowledge about enlightened beings says! How God can comment on politics! He says that we need souls of flying stage (udti kala) to run a country properly!

    The answer of your third question is : You are generalizing through a belief that enlightened beings do not speak about politics.
    An enlightened individual could speak about politics and say any words he wishes to, depending on the need of time and circumstances. Jesus was part of the politics of his time. His crucifixion was all politics. Similarly, Osho was in jail in the USA for political reasons. Enlightenment does not mean to be restricted to comply with some belief that “this is spiritual” and “that is not.”

    Well, I request you to take these questions that I have asked and please help us in understanding from a different consciousness.

    I cannot help anyone understand from a different consciousness. Consciousness happens.

    For the common good.

    • Dinesh Chawla 11:58 AM on April 1, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Okay, thank you so much for yours answers, after I read answers and while I was reading, I got a few thing from myself, is Ahnanda not being SELF contradictory in his second answer! Can comparison be used with BEING with comparison!
      well if I go ahead with my reply, I will simply be argumentative and may be like my ego will start proving me right rather accepting Ahnanda’s answers!
      Ahnanda has advised us to be free from words, to go beyond words, I personally too think that it’s time for me to go beyond words and seek more of my own SILENT consciousness 🙂


      • Dinesh Chawla 11:59 AM on April 1, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        I mean “Can comparison be used without BEING with comparison” 🙂 in above reply.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 9:00 AM on February 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BapDada, , , , , , , , Subtle World   

    Question: Evaluating BapDada through human eyes. 

    “The teachings of BKs projects that BapDada is the only being of light. There is also a promotion given to some selected senior BKs as advanced party once they leave their present body. It looks like BapDada hides the fact of existence of other beings of light from children or may be the senior administration of BKs modifies the original murlis to suit to the masses. I think for you, the experiences with mathias (a being of light manifested through a tree) has provided a better understanding of drama. From your experience, is there any other organisation/system in the world which is presently running under the guidance of a being of light?”

    Thank you for your question.
    I wouldn’t be able to share this writing in the other blog (Exploring the Depth of Living) but I can do this here, because most reading this are somehow connected with Brahma Kumaris. A reader from the other blog, seeing this could say: “You are not telling us the truth. You are withholding things. You are not honest. You are not spiritual.”
    Readers from the other blog are not ready for the eternally predestined Drama. Even though, I know the Drama to be “true” I cannot share this openly but in bits and pieces. Similarly, hard core Brahma Kumaris followers are not ready for some of the things I share in “Exploring the Depth of Living,” because their belief system does not agree with what I share.
    Here is what I learned from this: “Truth” does not matter. Consciousness does. 

    Brahma Kumaris is a method and to disclose something that will not make the method effective, will beat the purpose of the method. In that method, BapDada is not a being of light (Brahma Baba) but the combination of “God with Brahma Baba.”
    The Drama/Life “has selected” particular individuals to fit into the Brahma Kumaris’ method. I was one of them.  Method for what?  To increase ego for many. Self-realization for a few.

    The method was good for me at one point in my Life. Without it, I wouldn’t be where I am now. Thus, to blame BapDada or anyone working for the method, is to overlook the benefits of what the method has brought.

    Granted, this method could be used in abusive ways by some people, nevertheless; as we know; whatever happens is what has to happen. We learnt that at Brahma Kumaris. If you fought against it or supported it, is not relevant; what is relevant is to be aware that whatever is going on, is what needs to be. Everyone expresses their role, we label them as “right or wrong.” It is irrelevant. Our petty morality does not define Life.

    “Beings of Light” is a label used for some beings who have specific tasks. What these  tasks could be? In my experience, to preserve the Drama as it is meant to be. If a person has experienced the full range of experiences (through many lives) that Life can offer, then this person is ready to leave the physical realm and perhaps continue on with a subtle role. Beings of light will help that individual through that transition. That is all.
    That person who is going through the transition may appear as “spiritual” or “gifted” to others. That person is transitioning.

    Brahma Baba was an example of that. However, for many BKs this is an opportunity to worship Brahma Baba or to enhance their own egos by a sense of belonging to this ‘holy’ person, rather than learning and being inspired through Brahma Baba’s experiences.

    Many groups or religions claim to have a being of light as a head of their organizations. I cannot say if that is true or not, as the subtle world has many different kind of beings, some helpful to human development, some challenging; for they are concerned only with their own agendas. That is the danger that Brahma Kumaris knows about and thus, it is sparing the “children” from this knowledge in their method. (after all, they are children.)

    Therefore, a being of light has a particular purpose; although we may call them “Gods” “angels” or whatever label. Once their task is accomplished, they go on with their business, they are not looking for recognition or followers, that is human stuff.

    In my experience, a Being of light will only give the necessary tools to someone according to time and according to the needs of the human they are helping transition. That is why many “enlightened” individuals appear to have different “teachings.” The beauty is that the “teachings” that they may share are necessary to the people that they will relate with in their paths. We are all connected. Thus, as we can see; it is not about having the “truth” for everyone will have a different perception,  a different take, but rather, having a changing Life experience which will change consciousness. 

    That is why, when some accuse Brahma Kumaris of “lying,” they do not realize what the method represents. Even though, BKs may say that they have the “truth,” now you may see; that this is just the “method.”

    Want a date for destruction? Observe how it changes. Oh! They are lying!! No… That is the method. There are many individuals who need to go through that particular method, so dates need to change. Brahma Baba will contact some of them.
    These people will feel special, unique, blessed, etc. That is the beginning of their journey. It is good! This is a great chance to solidify ego:  “I know God. I have the truth. You don’t. I am special. A mouth born Brahmin, not a simple lokik Brahmin. Listen to me. I will teach you.”
    Please see that Life is not about complying with human understanding or pathetic human value systems, it is not about the so called “truth.” Again, “truth” is a perception. There are facts based on a particular referential perception. Humans believe that human perception, truth, is the highest standard. It is just a perception.

    Life offers experiences that will change your consciousness. Do not judge the method that Life offers for that. Consciousness is what matters.
    Whatever path you feel to be good for you, follow it wholeheartedly. Now, you know that it does not matter whether you are  in  the “right or wrong” path.  What matters is to go through the experience. We can call it “good experience or bad experience.” It does not matter….Consciousness will keep evolving through the whole range of experiences, that is all. This is why the Drama is benevolent for all, but conditioned humans are mentally stuck with their little “truths.”  Wah Drama! Wah Life!

    For the common good.

    • Anil Kumar 10:12 AM on February 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply


      Thanks for the well explained answer.

      Liked by 1 person

    • ex-l 5:24 PM on March 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I wonder who are you referring to when you write, “when some accuse Brahma Kumaris of “lying,” they do not realize what the method represents”.

      I often, quite rightly, accuse the Brahma Kumaris of lying because they do. They are phenomenally dishonest and without much sense of ethics.

      But I think you are confusing two issues here, ‘lying’ and ‘making false predictions’. I see the two as quite separate.

      The BKs’ god spirit most certain did make numerous false predictions and many, many false or exaggerated claims (amongst other offences to true spirituality) … but I would not class them as “lies”.

      What I would class as lies are when the BK establishment hides or covers these up and makes their usual mishmashes of plain and simple true, like Kirpalani’s date of birth, their history, etc.

      Let’s agree that there are two basic categories of lies;

      knowingly stating that which is not true, and
      lying by omission

      The BK leaders, and many senior BKs and BK centre-in-charges, are absolutely guilty of doing so – and much more – as they are guilty lying about their beliefs and intentions to VIPs and outsiders.

      One could go on …

      But, can I ask you, is it really enlightened to accept this as acceptable under the guise of it being a “method”.

      I might agree with you if you were to define it as the method of a confidence trick but you still appear to upholding it as a valid spiritual path, rather than a confidence trick.

      It’s easy enough to remove the BK from BKism, but a little hard to remove BKism from the BK.. Many individuals, including myself, go through an apologetic phase before facing the reality …

      We were conned.

      At what level would that put the BKs’ god spirit?

      Thank you.


    • ex-l 11:16 AM on March 29, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I think it might actually be a valid and useful exploration to discuss what constitutes the nature of “lies”, dishonesty or deception, and their place within spiritual practises.

      I picked up a copy of a BK publication the other day and, for me, it started with a lie or deception, one of the BKs’ usual ones about “Raja Yoga being the most ancient path”.

      I don’t know where you would draw the lines between lies, general dishinesty or deliberately deceptions … or how responsibility for repeating them is passed on by the followers. I am open to discuss this.

      I think Buddhism really outstrips BKism in this area with its 4th precept “I undertake the rule of training which consists in abstention from false speech”, defining false speech as “abstaining from lying, from divisive speech, from abusive speech, & from idle chatter: This is called right speech”.

      Not just with the precept itself but also in its approach to its basic precepts (which contrinue to be applied at a more and more subtle level as the adherent continues on their path).

      BKism, for me, has become “The Art of Lying” …. more and more subtly … to make money and gain social status putting on a pretense of spirituality. Much of the attention and control within the cult, at an individual and corporate level, is focused on just this … the control of “the message”, the control of personal expression and so on.

      In essence, one … adherents … are judged on their willingness to accept and conform to the lie, and to repeat it.

      Is this good method?

      With regards to dates of Destruction, the current corporate lie for that is, “Baba has never given a specific date for Destruction”. This is repeated ad nauseum by adherents as a defence to anyone question and exposing their god spirit’s failings.

      How do we define something like that … a half-truth, a half-lie, or a willful deception, a misleading of other souls away from the truth?

      One of the interesting findings our independent research brought to like, was that there was no God Shiva in the religion until sometime after 1955/1956. The much repeated 1936 “Shivoham, Shivoham” story was a … absoutely lie. The story of the early days and the cause of the reaction against has been extensively falsified. The implications of our understanding of their claims and practised are huge, e.g. no god Shiva to remember during the beggary and retreat period to “purify” themselves.

      Was the covering up of that “method” or deception to defend their egos, plain and simple?

      I think we also need to define what is “method”

      Thank you.


    • ex-l 4:02 PM on March 30, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Just to frame discussion, I offer a link, taken quckly at random, on “Right Speech”.


      For me, what would define “method” would be a conscious awareness of the method. I don’t get a feeling of that from general BKism.

      Rather to the contrary, a culture of mindlessness has been engendered, summarised in Dadi Janki’s old “don’t think, don’t question” line.

      As to the “spiritual status” of BapDada, it’s interesting to see the opinion within BKism being moved towards reintroducing the “Piyu” channelled being of the early Om Mandli, and equating it to the voice and singular identity of ShivBaba/BapDada.

      I wonder if one can really do that, or wether it is just another laywer of deception and manipulation?


    • vivek 1:29 PM on April 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Hello..I think you taken the mutual contract..To contradict BK knowledge and to spread malice against them…U actually deceptive against BK knowledge which once uplifted you …Now u have spreading your so called wisdom..Through your blog.. u r the real traitor.. . Avyakt 7… If possible comment on this openly…


    • vivek 1:36 PM on April 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      U r the one who once explaining daily Murali….Proving people how 5000 year cycle possible by collecting tons scientific data.. now u r contradicting the same which u haven proven. U r contradiction in yourself ….


      • avyakt7- New Generation 4:13 PM on April 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Thank you for your comment. Sometimes I wonder if language is a “good” tool for communication. 🙂

        In your perspective, I am spreading malice towards BK. I am spreading my so called “wisdom” and I am the real traitor.
        I once explained daily Murlis, how 5000 years’ cycle was possible… and now, I am contradicting myself. Correct?
        I wonder what makes you think that way?

        I wonder if you have read the reason behind this blog. It is not because I wanted to tell the “truth”. It is not because I have malice against Brahma Kumaris, when in fact I have said that I am thankful. I am writing here because I was asked to share my experiences.

        Nevertheless, I am no longer a BK, just as I am no longer a College student.
        You want to know why?
        My consciousness has changed.

        Where is the malice? Show me.
        I am contradicting what I have proven, you say. What I have proven, I ask you?
        To say that the 5000 years is possible and to show scientific data to back that up, is that “proof”? To explain the Murlis with my experience back then, is that proof?
        My consciousness now has changed, just like a child changes into a teenager. Shall I continue to believe in dolls and Santa Claus just to make others happy? Just so I cannot be called a traitor?
        My experiences have changed. Shall I ignore them and believe in the same?


    • vivek 12:35 AM on April 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I regret for the strong words..I have used..But Everytime u say u r just sharing your experiences..But deep inside u may not understand ..U r actually trying to disprove someone else..People are living with BK believes…And i think they are happy…Why to tear them apart..I agree u r experiences and your knowledge really terrific …I respect your ingenuity…An u have the authority with u r knowledge to go inside brain….So use is it wisely…I may not be one who can advice you…But understand it is really depressing for someone to raise once their believes are broken… Thanks


      • ahnanda 10:45 AM on April 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        You are free to read the posts here or not. I am not pushing anything on anyone. Reality is, that there are people happy with BKs and those who are unhappy too. That is Life. There are some who believe in your beliefs and some who do not. At the end, we believe what we belief in, that is great…but let us not call that the “truth.”

        All the best Vivek.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 10:53 AM on February 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BapDada, , , , , , , ,   

    BapDada: When a religion defines what “God” should be 

    It is apparent that Life is full of “exceptions” to the “rule,” but yet when a dogma is more important than Life itself, then the mental dogma will rule over Life.
    This is an issue of seeing Life as a “black or white” matter of fact.
    This automatically will blind a person from seeing the many colors that Life offers.

    Because is “secure” to see only 2 colors. If we call the color “White” as “good” and the “Black” as “bad,” we have made things easy for the masses to follow.
    Exceptions to that are not encouraged for any exception will take the follower out of the dogma. In a “subtle way,” we are expressing that a religion and its dogmatic view is most important than Life which is full of exceptions, full of colors.

    BapDada has “no choice” but to follow the script made by a religion.

    It is as when a Milk company hires a rock star to endorse its products.
    Even though the rock star may suffer from Milk intolerance, he has to say: “Drink Milk: It is good for you.”

    BapDada, as we know him now, does not resemble a bit the person/entity that is portrayed behind the Sakar Murlis. To believe that by following those words, a person will “go to heaven” is just a belief in lieu of knowing that every person is different and have different experiences. Reality is full of exceptions, the ideal does not.  Nevertheless, I truly understand that Sakar Murlis are a very important part of the BK method which is geared for the masses. There is no individual journey when we are dealing with the collective consciousness.

    Many could say: “Why BapDada does not oppose? He is God after all…”
    That question comes from individuals who only know their own little world and extrapolate their conditioning to everyone and everything.

    BapDada is not about “Action” now. BapDada is a detached observer. This is the time for the “children” to act, to change, to make up their own versions based upon their limited understanding,  to unleash their own little dramas etc. All is good. 🙂
    Because the Drama is predestined, BapDada knows what will happen.
    Thus, he relaxes, unwinds, says hello to the “children,” smiles with them, eats with them, asks them to raise their hands, gives them sweet words of encouragement, gives them homework… and once in while, he will pull their ears… That is it.

    The children’s expectation will be fulfilled. Everyone is happy!  🙂

    For the common good.

    • Anil Kumar 2:23 PM on February 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply


      Does comments on this blog are disabled? On last article I made a comment which is not appearing.



      • avyakt7- New Generation 4:06 PM on February 21, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Comments are allowed.
        When I click your comment on the right side of the blog, I can see your comment underneath the article. Perhaps is a glitch, as I have not changed any settings. 🙂 As far as your last comment, I see what you mean. I am able only to read part of it. Definitely a glitch….


    • Gayathri 2:04 AM on February 22, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Drama! 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Gita 6:30 AM on February 24, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Om shanti.

      I feel that BapDada knows if He tries to explain things that the old and new devotees are not familiar with, it would only confuse them a lot and they would not get much benefit from His present role of being a Guide. So, He works on the virtue/ sanskar of Love that the devotees have for God and makes it grow by showering more and more love on them.

      When people feel that they are getting love directly from God, they experience ecstasy. And then they strive to receive more and more of that love and protection from God. This love for God automatically gets extended to His followers, and to the Godly service so as to prove their real love for God. As a result, people get used to being loving, cooperative, humble, and serviceable to the extent they can. So, the end result will be good. Sanskars do change with time as the atmosphere needed has been created.

      At the end, whether what the people believed for many years may or may not have happened, but their sanskars would have changed greatly and very little of it could be reversed.

      This is how God may be preparing the future divine beings. This is an easy way of transforming people. LOVE is the instrument used. 🙂 God is a detached observer and knows that drama would take its own course irrespective of how and what is taught to the people.

      Drama / Life is predestined.


      Liked by 1 person

  • avyakt7- New Generation 9:00 AM on February 16, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: BapDada, , , , , role of bapdada,   

    The role of BapDada 

    BapDada has a very unique role in Brahma Kumaris.
    In the Drama there are certain experiences that humans have to go through in order to complete the full range of experiences, for this is the way the Drama moves.

    Note that I am not saying to “become better.” If we truly understand the cycle of time, we can observe that every experience is fleeting, but eternal. There is no point of arrival. Thus, we can say that those who become “better” are giving the steps to become “worse” after a while. This is the perception of duality in the world.

    The above is not comprehensible by most “spiritual seekers.”
    Most Spiritual seekers are only concerned in becoming “better now,” not in being aware of what they ARE now. Moreover, most spiritual seekers have already an idea, an ideal of what “better” means. Their minds have that objective to “work on.”
    They strive to get to that “ideal” by behaving like the ideal, although they ARE not like that.

    The ideal is to become sweet, gentle, loving, angelical… If this does not happen, or improves then something is “wrong.” Fake it ’til you make it.

    That childish idea given by an ego driven mind needs to be put aside, sooner or later.

    In Life everything is a process. That may not be a word that Baba has said, but just observe the Drama through an unlimited perspective.

    Therefore, BapDada’s task is to take Brahma Kumaris followers to a particular experience, which is needed for their development. That is what all BKs have in common, the same type of collective consciousness: Their objective is to become someone, somebody who is spiritually “better.” This ideal will propel a BK follower to endure an ascetic Lifestyle as duality is part of their consciousness, vision and understanding.

    BapDada then is the highest authority in Brahma Kumaris, their God. Although the religion itself as it has developed now, is not necessarily a creation of Him. Many items have changed and evolved thanks to followers and people in charge. This has been the same situation with all organized religions.

    Many times, deep experiences cannot be put into dualistic words.
    A Sakar Murli is very different than an Avyakt Murli, but yet both are believed to be the words of “God.” Both Murlis denote a process of  personal change, just like Avyakt7 changed into Ahnanda (Avyakt7 NG for BKs.) The Murlis are not a static theme made by the same unchanging “God.” Observe that.

    Most are unaware of the issues of “channeling” a being. I know that this may be an unnecessary topic here, as most do not have an experience of this. However, let me say that the “words chosen by God” are narrowed down to the vocabulary of the medium channeling and to the quality of the connection.

    Yet BapDada will communicate personally only with those who he needs to communicate with according to the Drama. For the rest, it will be a matter of belief. Not fair?
    That is according to the Drama. Observe how our little concept of “fairness” goes down the drain.

    Many have an expectation of BapDada as if he was an “all powerful, all knowing being” based on someone’s definition of those words.
    Rest assured that when you are at the level of a being of light like BapDada, to conform to the ego trip of humans is out of the question.
    BapDada will reveal only what it is needed according to the Drama, for what it is according to the Drama is what has to happen. Nothing else.

    It is in that perspective that we can see that human desires and perspectives of what is “good” or “bad” or “desirable”  or what “should be” are merely kindergarten wishes in morality, law and codes of conduct. Childish stuff.

    BapDada will do as his role calls… and that is “good” because it is according to the Drama. Any human judgment on BapDada’s role based on human morality, is the cry of an infant looking for baby formula.
    That may be why BapDada sees children.

    For the common good.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 9:54 AM on February 2, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , BapDada, , , , , , ,   

    "Choice" to come down the ladder 

    The “eternally predestined Drama” means a plot which allows for Life to recycle itself. Observe that nothing in it can be labeled as “bad” or “good” but rather necessary. However,  there is this idea that “I” can change things the way “I” want to, based on an understanding of human or “godly” morality. 

    Who is that “I”?
    “You” have been “coming down the ladder” without DOING something purposely for it to happen.  “You” were not AWARE. “You” were “good” and turned out to be “bad” after a while. Why should you DO a thing to “go up the ladder”?

    A BK follower may say: “That is entropy”.
    That is Jagdish’s terminology, but entropy means “gradual decline into chaos”; however, in the Drama things go back to the way it was before, thus every moment is “eternal”.
    How do we explain this?
    Because the Drama is a circle. It is not a line. For the travelers of the circle there is no “up or down”, there is merely movement around it.
    Because of that, the word “entropy” may not be accurate.

    The conventional idea is that “If I am going down the ladder, I need to make effort to go up”.
    That is the belief behind “effort making.” “I make effort.”
    Nevertheless, in Life what goes down will go up… all by itself… It is in the Drama!

    Going “up” or “down” has no morality in the circle of Life. It is part of the human experience. However, most have agreed that “going up” is “good” and “going down” is “bad”. The efforts of the “I” are needed to remain “up” and resist going down.

    That is the “maya”.

    Someone will ask: “So what DO I DO? To let myself be pulled by Life?”

    Please understand. Whatever “you” consider to BE “you” is Life itself.
    Any decisions “you” make based on ideals are just that, ideals.

    BapDada has taught to BKs in the Avyakt Murlis about “being a detached observer.”
    We can only talk about being a detached observer because there is a predestined Drama. Otherwise, we cannot. Otherwise, there is the “I” who will be responsible and accountable for not DOING the “right thing”.

    A detached observer appears as a consequence of assimilation of experiences. If there is rejection of a particular experience, then we are not being detached. There is a “button” being pushed.

    The Drama is a movie. Enjoy it! That has been the message for a long time now. Your capacity to enjoy Life is “good karma” but that is hindered by the conditioned mind. Therefore, observe that which we call mind, get acquainted with it. It is not about judging, but to be open to discover what it is.

    “You” are the movie of Life. “You” want to change what is in the movie. However: How can “you” change a movie that has already been made?

    The illusion is in the one who wants to change the movie.
    Yes, in the movie you eat chocolate ice cream. It happens that you like that ice cream. You call that “my choice” but you never think about how that liking for chocolate ice cream came to you. It is easier to say: “It is my choice, my liking” but all your choices come from what the movie offers and the conditioning of previous experiences, which you had no “control of”.
    Do you see that?

    Observe the movie, enjoy it… That is all. You can play the game of “making choices” and feel ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or guilty/innocent… all the dualities, but now you know that there is no “true”choice, for there is no “I.” However, if you are not AWARE, a big “I” will be growing and choices/decisions will appear as being “mine.” But do not worry…That is not “bad” or “good”. It is necessary. Become AWARE of it for any change to happen “naturally” and not through following a commandment or a religious dogma. That is artificial… but necessary for many.
    The movie moves through stories. You are part of that story…. But your story depends on other connected stories. A what point then, you could separate from everything else?

    Only in your mind.

    For the common good.

    • Anil Kumar 10:13 PM on February 2, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Yes Avyakt7-NG, there is nothing new in the drama.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dinesh Chawla 9:32 AM on February 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Hey Ahndy, your article on “What is awareness?” was the MOST GREAT … I mean just Woooww… don’t have any more words for it. Thank you so much for writing that article.

        Well I cam here on BK page for a small question, could you please explain that thing in your way, I will really appreciate that… 🙂

        Ok so it is about taking with Shiv Baba in paramdham, we have done that .. I mean I had done that while I wa son that path. We go there by converting ourselfs into a point form of soul and visualize baba in front of us and then we both star talking… like

        Soul: Good morning Baba
        Supreme Soul: Good morning my sweet child
        Soul: Baba I am not feeling good today
        Supreme soul: Why what happened?
        Soul: Someone said something really hurtful in office, and I am a little angry on that guy.
        Supreme soul: Oh sweatheart, that guy was just playing a role in teh drama of your life and in teh cosmic drama too. And that too according to his own sanskars. Forgive that soul and move on child.
        Soul: Oh baba, you are so great you freed me from anger I had on that guy by giving this answer. Thank you baba, now I have a lot of work, going down on stage back and will see you soon, love you baba.

        Well that was my personal example in my own way. But my question is “Are all the replies from Baba are from my own mind and not from Baba, because we feel that when we do? That we are talking with our own mind and not with any supreme being.

        Now sister Shivani has said this in one of her lecture of “Practice Spirituality”… the answer from baba will be something against your own thinking, something like dude how can baba say this, but you need to do it… 🙂

        Please through some light on this, it will help us a lot.
        Dinesh C


  • avyakt7- New Generation 9:01 AM on January 24, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , BapDada, , , conqueror of attachment, cycle, , , , equal to god, like the father,   

    “Becoming” is the teaching of the mind 

    The word “becoming” is used many times in the Brahma Kumaris teachings.
    Become an angel, become a deity, become a detached observer, become equal to god, become like the father, become a conqueror of attachment, become number 1, etc.

    There is a method to achieve that “becoming,” as it is believed that it all depends on “you.” Just got to DO it.

    The burden of responsibility is shifted upon your shoulders. There is little time left to “save yourself”, if you “fail” it will be forever…. 🙂 That is the pressure.

    The game is that you will never know if you have reached any of the “becoming” goals.
    This method is purely of the mind but for people living in the mind.

    How is this teaching of “becoming” congruent with an eternal repetitive Drama?
    They do not fit well.
    “Becoming” is on “you” but “you” are predestined. Whatever “effort” you make will give you a “better” status… Again, the thought is that “you” can improve “yourself” which is impossible given the circumstances of the Drama, “you” are not separate from the Drama, “you” are it… 

    Because “you” don’t know how to “become” “better”, a “method” is given to you, it is something that you have to DO.
    DOING it many times will overwrite your sanskaras, right?

    I used to believe that, until I discovered through my own experience that behavior cannot change consciousness.
    My sanskaras could be overwritten, but consciousness is before sanskaras.

    A brainwashed individual acting like a saint, is not a saint. BEING a saint is the process of consciousness through the assimilation of many Life experiences, it is a temporal stage in the Unlimited Drama, never a “destination” or the “ultimate goal.”

    A detached observer is consistent with the existence of the eternal predestined Drama. Even though you are acting, it is for “name’s sake only” as BapDada says; however, we like to say “I did it,” just like the DOING that is necessary to “become” an angel or equal to god… 

    Do you see the issue?
    The Drama is DOING through me and not “I” am doing. Of course, this DOING through me does not happen if my mind is full of ideas, beliefs and so forth; for what comes through me is filtered through the mind, judged and repressed or expressed according to my beliefs of what “should be.”

    This repression is the product of the belief that “I” should be “saved,” that I should “advance in my career in Heaven,” by sacrificing now… without realizing that the Drama does not depend on the “I” at all.

    The “movie” is already made. ENJOY IT. Get into that space of inner emptiness, of innocence, so the child inside could arrive. That is how we “become” children again, not by DOING, but by allowing it to BE… and it will BE at the right time.

    For the common good.



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