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  • avyakt7- New Generation 8:00 AM on June 26, 2019 Permalink | Reply
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    The 5000 year cycle of Brahma Kumaris 

    Nothing entices a would-be-follower more, than to know that “he would be saved” and the rest will not. He is an “exclusivity” of Destiny. A “chosen one.”

    The gist of existence of the Brahma Kumaris for those without an experience with Brahma Baba, is without a doubt; the “end of the world.” “We are about to end the cycle of time. Save yourself. Now or never.” Moreover, since this is an identically repeating cycle, then “if you make a mistake this will repeat cycle after cycle…” That is a very strong selling point, indeed.

    “I” don’t want to make a “mistake” and not be able to “fix it.”
    That sort of teaching, teaches to fear living Life. However, there is nothing better than fear to stir people in a particular direction: “Eat vegetables rather than candy, otherwise; you’ll be doomed.”

    Many former followers feel cheated because the “prediction of end of the world” among others, did not happen as believed: “I wasted my life for nothing”. They eagerly expected the world to be destroyed.

    All millennial prophecies have proven “wrong” so far. Nevertheless, still people believe in them for their minds are plugged into the “future” and they want some certainty in an uncertain world.

    As a BK, I had a very particular experience with the cycle of time while meditating. From that moment on, I was able to grasp with certain depth, the significance of it.
    First, it is important to realize that humans pretend to understand Life under their own conditioned consciousness. We have 5 senses. Have you ever asked yourself if what you perceive with those is the actual “truth” or merely some limited perception of what is?

    I have experienced that there is a world beyond the material world which has influence over this world. “Science” is based only in the laws ruling the material world without knowledge of what is influential, but coming from “beyond.”
    Bottom line, our minds cannot be sure to know anything, but only to have a limited perception. The collective consciousness agrees in a perception which is later labeled as “truth”.

    That is the reason why, a seeker needs to trust their own particular experience rather than what everyone else says. There is a “reason” for having an experience. A spiritual seeker is not trusting his experience so he can be “better off” or “get ahead” in Life. He is trusting his experience out of his own inner honesty, because he is interested in knowing himself beyond what he has been taught and conditioned to believe. If that is not the case, you are not truly a seeker, but someone who is only looking to be “right” by keeping the approval of the masses.

    Destruction did not happen. “I” was “right”, they were wrong.
    Of what good is to be “right” when your consciousness hasn’t changed a bit? This is “spirituality.” It is not a “gamble with a prize.” The outcome of spirituality is not geared to make you rich and famous and “secure your future.”

    The “5000 years cycle” of the Brahma Kumaris means very little to me. It is of no consequence whether it is “right” or “wrong. For me, that is worth not even a peanut. You could dress up as Lakshmi and Narayan and believe to be those in the future. Your mind will be happy; but your consciousness will be the same as it always has been.

    Nevertheless, what for me has value is to have experienced predestination in all its extent. That is what I will share today.
    Predestination is the most sublime of all the beliefs. Why?
    “I” cannot make “mistakes.”
    “I” cannot make “sins.” Therefore, “I” cannot feel guilty or ashamed. It is all cause and effect. Nothing personal. Therefore, this in itself proves that there cannot be “salvation or punishment.” After all, there is repetition of the same act, cycle after cycle. BK teachers will emphasize that “now we have the chance to change things as whatever we do, will repeat cycle after cycle…” That is only a convenient interpretation to inflict fear.
    WHAT “YOU” HAVE “DONE”, WILL HAPPEN AGAIN… AND THAT IS PERFECT. (Notice the “ “ in “YOU” and “done” there is a “reason” for that.)

    How do “I” get out of this vicious cycle?
    When “I” don’t take things “personal.” For isn’t it that “I” am experiencing something which “I” am not DOING? Although it appears as “I” am DOING. If we see the “unlimited” repetition, then I could see that I have “no choice” but to DO what I have done before. Thus, Am “I” truly DOING?
    “I” am an OBSERVANT without knowing it. (Light bulb on: Karmateet – Detached Observer.)

    How is it possible not to take things personal?
    That is not something to “work on.” That is not a decision to make. It is a matter of consciousness. That will happen when “I” become AWARE of that which “I” call “I”.

    That is what we may need to take home after going through the “5000 year cycle” subterfuge.
    Why is a subterfuge? It should allow you to look for that “I” and inquiry into its existence. However, most miss that and will be lost in proving or disproving the “5000 year cycle.” That is not the “reason” of that subterfuge. Religions such as Christianity which believe in “free will” will not give you the opportunity to inquire into the existence of that “I”, for the “I” is a given. Therefore; “I am guilty, I am a sinner, I need salvation”, that is the output of such conditioning.

    Through that BK subterfuge we have the opportunity to go one step further in our inner search. However, I can assure you that this is not the end of the search. There is more.

    Brahma Kumaris is truly full of subterfuges. As your AWARENESS increases then, you may see that the “cookie monster” of fearful subterfuges is only a way of perception. None of those philosophical words have substance to change consciousness. Most BK followers are not in the stage yet to see that, but all they are looking for, is for words to feed their minds and give them some tranquility. The mind is happy with the mirage of knowing “some conceptual truth.”

    Were you looking in this article for the answer, if the “5000 year eternally repeating cycle is “correct” or not?” Maybe you should read this article.
    Do you believe that Life uses the Gregorian human calendar to fit nice round numbers (1000, 5000, 10000, etc)?

    There is no doubt that “Destruction” will happen some way, some how at some time. It is a matter of time. Many don’t require the Bible or the Murli to be AWARE of that. However, when you discover the nature of that “I”, and start living it… “you” will not BE there but only as an observer.

    • Gayathri 11:48 AM on June 26, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      Dear brother, i notice that i had sent my comments on your other article (which is referred in the present one) 6 years ago! 🙂
      Yes, now my understanding is different. Yes, at any given time in the time cycle, my perception would be based on my state / level of consciousness/ awareness at that moment. So, the drama repeats identically every kalpa.
      My consciousness may keep changing…. 🙂


      • avyakt7- New Generation 4:00 PM on June 26, 2019 Permalink | Reply

        Yes, dear Gayathri. However, the comments of Max Planck ( German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.) still remain. Here a couple of his quotes that fit this conversation: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

        Max Planck said in 1944, “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent spirit (orig. geist). This spirit is the matrix of all matter.”
        and this one:”A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

        All the best.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 10:39 PM on June 18, 2019 Permalink | Reply
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    The flavor of personal experience aka â€śpractice.” 

    I have full appreciation for the BK movement. For me, it was like my “elementary school” in “Spirituality.”
    Many of the elements I was taught by the BK movement are still with me, those are part of my personality now. Those have helped me to understand “spirituality” beyond a simple concept to follow.

    “Spirituality” is to learn to live Life harmoniously. We will need to learn to feel our balance. That is known as harmony.
    Balance cannot be defined or described. It is not a concept. The world exists through balance. Some put things in, we label that as “good”. Others, will take away. We label that as “bad.” Nevertheless, when these movements are harmonious, there is balance.

    The same is within.

    Society will give a perspective of Life. We learn to compete, to “advance”, to “make our own future”, etc. It is like trying to obtain a comfortable position then, we think we have “arrived.” That view is typically taken to extremes and we see people out of balance. To harmonize this view of Life a counterpart is needed. We have been exposed to religious or “spiritual” views to gain that balance.
    Nevertheless in those religious, “spiritual” teachings; we learned that we can “advance” as well, we can become “somebody.” India has been great in giving hierarchies to many “saints” in this respect. You have the swamis, the Paramahansas, the mahatmas etc. All those labels mean “achievement” to laymen. However, those achievements are not something to “have” like money, power or position in society. Those things are related with “being”, inner work rather than outer achievement.

    Spirituality is not an achievement.” It is to outgrow limitations. Those limits are very personal.

    A BK follower will need to be attentive to this; otherwise, what he will “practice” is only a sophisticated, subtle version of society’s teachings: Another way to achieve name and fame which may have meaning inside the BK institution, but otherwise meaningless in Life.

    Society pulls one way. Religions pull another. Those “pulls” are typically seen as contradictory by intelligent individuals. How is it possible to talk about brotherhood, when there is continuous “back-stabbing” behaviors in society? We see continuous fights, wars at different levels. That contradiction will bring a dissonance in the minds of people. Dishonesty is the outcome. Guilt and shame will be the emotions to experience.
    Talk one way, act in a different way. Neurosis.

    The same principle holds true while embracing the BK movement. It is like a little society inside society. Any extreme will not bring harmony, balance.

    Observe that any practice should have a particular “flavor” to be enjoyed. Without that “flavor”, things will turn bitter.
    “As it is your food, so your mind,” it is said in the BK movement. Therefore, as long as there is “flavor” in a “practice”, we will be in balance. Once the flavor is gone, perhaps is time to change. Look for another “flavor”.

    Have you read about the Life of Ramana Maharshi? Observe that he was honest with his own experience. He left society because he experienced a greater “flavor.” He wanted that. Observe some of his “followers.” They did not experience any type of flavor. They merely wanted to experience what Ramana had and thought that by following his “austerities”, they will experience the same. Truth is, Ramana did not follow any “austerities”. He only wanted to experience the flavor that he knew, without the worries of society. Thereby; he left society. Some label that “renunciate” although there wasn’t any type of renunciation on his part.
    There is much to learn about that.

    Be honest with your own experience. It may not be the one that is “supposed to be”, but it is yours at a particular time. That is the starting point. It may change later on.
    Life is change, anyway. We only have to be “real” for change to be “real.”

  • avyakt7- New Generation 6:31 AM on June 12, 2019 Permalink | Reply
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    A Life of “effort” does not bring â€śsalvation”. 

    Sam became a BK because he thought there was true spirituality in Brahma Kumaris. He had an experience with God while meditating in a BK center.

    Sam pursued and practiced all “codes of conduct” as prescribed by Brahma Kumaris (BK). Sam believed that the “Drama” of Life was predestined, although; he thought that within him was the ability to change his destiny as he wished.

    After 18 years, Sam became worn out and his faith was shaking since he had experienced many illnesses due to pushing himself beyond his limits through the ideal of becoming an “emperor” in the “Golden age.” Moreover, he became progressively disenchanted with BK as he felt constrained in Life. He was about to quit after so many internal battles; when fortunately he had a “deep” conversation with someone who he admired in the BK system and that changed his mind: Sam was going to stick with it until the end of his days…

    Sam wanted to change his destiny and be “saved.” Although he truly didn’t feel deep inside that the BK system was for him anymore; he followed his mind (what he thought and was told, was the “right” thing to do) and his conditioning to stay no matter what.
    Needless to say, Sam had all sorts of inner conflicts, although those did not seemed obvious to others. Sam learned to put the “happy face” despite feeling angry.
    Eventually, Sam suffered from cancer and died within a few months of being diagnosed.

    Do we truly believe that Sam changed his future and “saved” himself? Do we truly believe that he will be in the “Golden age” based on his Life as a BK?
    DOING the things that he was supposed as a BK, do not bring the desired effect, unless there is a deep change in BEING.
    Sam’s inner dishonesty could not be changed. Could we say that he wasn’t predestined to be an “emperor” in the Golden Age, despite his efforts to be something that he wasn’t?

    We could assume that he needed more “Yoga with Baba,” so he could have made many “efforts” there, but if there is no true love (BEING) there cannot be change. Love happens. It cannot be taught or “practiced.”
    As a matter of fact, if there is a thought such as “If I do yoga 3 times per day with love, every day; I will make it”, that person does not feel true love. It is only self- interest.

    There is no way that inner dishonesty will bring us greater “spiritual advancement”.
    Staying a BK for a life time is not guarantee of anything if we haven’t had the awareness to OBSERVE our inner world.

    Many will stay because they like the life style. Many will stay because they have “invested” too much in it, to change to a different life. Many will stay because they don’t know anything else, they have no place to go.

    “What is in it for me?” That is the only question which matters for many. That sort of personality cannot “advance” even if he wakes up every day at 3 AM or if he opens 108 BK centers.

    For those who feel that they want to continue as BKs, I would humbly suggest to leave the “show” behind. What show? To pretend to demonstrate to others and yourself that you can be someone who you are not. Rather acknowledge who you ARE and outgrow your own limits. That requires maturity and not a childish imitation of some ideal.

    To speak “knowledge” to everyone does not mean a thing other than self reassurance of believing that what you know is the only truth. The world has already many “coaches” doing the talk but only few do the walk.

    Any sort of “service” done with the intention of DOING “service” is only a way of displaying ego. “Look, I am helping, DOING something special.” Big ego.

    A true BK life is the one walked without show, just like the “father.” “Make effort” to be unknown. “Incognito” is the word in the Murli. Use the BK teachings and atmosphere to ground yourself and learn more and more about YOU. The setting is already there. The BK system provides that.

    What is predestined cannot be changed no matter what we DO; therefore, learn to listen to your heart, not your mind.
    The heart has your direction in your lifetime, it is void of “ego” and its needs, wants and dreams. Your mind only has conditioning: What others think, what you believe, what the scripture says, etc.

    Thus within your BK life, “yoga of the mind” needs to be changed into “yoga of the heart.” That is the “effort.”

    • Gayathri 8:18 AM on June 12, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      Simply marvelous!


      • avyakt7- New Generation 3:16 PM on June 12, 2019 Permalink | Reply

        Glad you liked it. 🙂


        • Gayathri 5:53 AM on June 16, 2019 Permalink | Reply

          Dear divine family,
          Om shanti.

          Feel like sharing some thoughts on YOGA.

          We have 4 subjects in Raja yoga; Knowledge, Yoga, Dharana, and Service. Most of us know a lot of things related to Gyan. We do service with our thoughts, words, and actions as well as with our body, mind and wealth. Dharana – We have been inculcating virtues and powers through our spiritual endeavour. Then comes the subject, Yoga.

          There are 3 stages in yoga – one is just ‘trying’ to consider one self to be a soul and remembering Baba in Paramdham. The next step is to go deep in remembrance and experience the angelic/ flying stage wherein we still entertain thoughts. The third stage is the SEED stage where all the thoughts disappear and there would be no remembrance of whatsoever but just experiencing the stage of peace and silence.

          Baba says that we need to practise the SEED stage more and more in order to transform our sanskars, and to burn away the sins. Baba says that if we could sit in the seed stage for an hour, we could burn away a LOT of our sins and there would be drastic changes in our sanskars.

          But the problem with most of us is, we can stay in the angelic stage for quite some time, but maintaining the seed stage is difficult.

          An easy way to reach the seed stage is given below; please give it a try.

          Sit comfortably on the floor (on a mat) or on the bed cross legged.
          If you are sitting on a chair/ sofa, cross your feet at the ankle level.
          Inter lock your fingers.
          Close your eyes.

          In this method of meditation, closing the eyes during meditation, crossing the feet, and crossing/ interlocking the fingers are very important so that the cosmic energy/ divine energy that we draw from the universe/ God, is not lost while doing meditation or immediately after completing it.

          Now, focus on your breath.
          Just observe the breath, the air going in through the nostrils and exiting through the nostrils. Just keep observing it.

          Many thoughts may try to pass through your mind as usual, ignore them and try to bring back your attention to the breath. Do not even think of points of knowledge, Baba, service, etc.

          Slowly, with practice, we notice that the speed and frequency of the thoughts reducing. We may even find short spells of ‘no thought periods’ too. When there are no thoughts, no need to focus on the breath, but once the thoughts start, again start observing the breath.

          This practice takes us to the seed stage easily.

          Start this practice when you have ample free time so that you would not be disturbed. Initially, one hour of meditation might result in a few minutes of the seed stage. But that is fine, it is not a small achievement!

          Once you are through, and want to get up from the meditation, slowly unlock your fingers, gently rub your palms, and place the palms on the closed eyes for a few seconds (6,7 seconds), then slowly remove the palms, and then slowly open your eyes. Unlock the feet.

          These movements should be gentle so that the divine energy that we have received during meditation would not be thrown out and wasted by our jerky, abrupt, movements.

          Please practise this as many times as you can.


          Various diseases that people are getting these days is because of the negative emotions, weaknesses like irritability, fear, dejection, hatred, jealousy, anxiety, stress, lust, anger, greed, attachment, etc. that they have been harbouring.

          When one spends some time in the seed stage everyday, these negative qualities would slowly cease to exist. In other words, practising seed stage is the sure way to get rid of our diseases.

          Most of us have one or more health issues which have been troubling us since a long time. Let us not give up by assuming that it is our karmic account, but work on ourselves and improve our spiritual as well as physical health.

          Best wishes and regards,
          Gayathri ben.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Gayathri 12:40 PM on June 16, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      3 more points which i forgot to mention earlier are given below :

      While we are trying to focus on/ observe our breathing, we may feel subtle sensations in some parts of the body. It one wants, one may unlock the fingers and adjust his posture or if one feels like scratching some part of the body, one may do the same, but should not open the eyes unless it is needed.
      And afterwards, please lock your fingers and start observing the breath.
      There is no need to regulate or control the breath, let the breathing be normal.
      If one is wearing spectacles, it should be removed before starting the meditation.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 5:36 AM on June 5, 2019 Permalink | Reply  

    The “spiritual” importance of blood family 

    The word “family” has been used and misused in many forms. There is the “family” at work. The BK “family”, etc.

    In my experience, eventually part of the process of self-realization and liberation will take someone back to their own blood family.

    Why? Because who we ARE is closely tied up with our “DNA” ancestry. In other words, many traits which make “me” are not related just with “me” but they come through the tree of grandparents from both sides of a family. Therefore, there is a family liberation which will need to take place. This fact is explained in therapies such as the “family constellations.” A search of this in the internet will bring the result that all of this is plain quackery, nevertheless; in my experience; it has helped me tremendously to observe certain family patterns which are ingrained in “my” personality.

    There is no “power of yoga” which could take away what has been forged through centuries in a family tree. After all, it is not just about “ME” when that “ME” has a baggage through family ancestors.

    Observe how Brahma Baba had to deal with his own blood family in many ways to experience his own liberation. It is not always a happy ending, but a settlement of relationships, only those who are going through it will know as for the rest, what is happening will have no meaning.

    Yes, we hear stories of people leaving their families to be with “God”, but in my experience; their time hasn’t arrived yet for self-realization unless they come back to their blood relatives somehow, someway. Perhaps in another lifetime.

    In our society we have built “family” relationships with friends, associates, etc. but if you want to know who you really ARE, observe yourself in action with your own blood family setting.

    Who we ARE is easily faked with other “families”, but not with our own.

    Gautama Buddha came back to his former family after becoming a Buddha. He did not leave them and went onto “more important tasks of world proselytization and teaching”, but he was bound to settle those relationships.

    In the BK world, there is the belief to be “ancestors souls of humanity”, however; they key to untangle the web of relationships happens through our own family tree when someone is ready to start the process of self-realization. At the end, that person has to be free, unbound and that does not happen by walking away, misinterpreted as being “detached.”

    One thing is to believe to be settling karmic accounts by separation, denial or repression. Another is to actually settle them through relationship.

    Nevertheless in Life, the way to come back to that which we have denied or purposely separated through repression, is to reject it.

    That which we reject, certainly will come back to us.

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