So Hum

This writing I feel may be important for a seeker. Hopefully you will bear with me. During my days in the BK movement, there was a phrase used in their “scriptures” (Murli) it was written something like this: “ Hum so, so hum.” If I recall correctly the meaning given was something like “ I am that, that I am.”

Then, it could have been written as “Hamsa” or “hansa” (in sanskrit= swan) which typically refer to as the “soul.”

Moreover, the word “hamsa” has roots in arabic meaning “five,” and also I read somewhere in Hebrew meaning “five.” There is a symbol of a hand (right hand of course, which means cleanliness or purity as opposed to the left hand which in India is related with cleaning yourself) with an eye in the middle which is believed to mean “protection, power, strength, the five chakras, the five senses, etc.” also known as the “hand of Fatima ,” (Islam) or the “hand of Miriam” (Judaism.)

As we can observe, so far I have been given information which has many interpretations but it could be relating to the same thing.

As I experience it now, the word “so Hum” is a symbol which also could mean the sound of breathing: Inhale (hum) exhale (so) which in related with “that which I am.”

What is that which I AM?

I found this interesting explanation which I quote and link: ”This eternal nature is conveyed better in the Hebrew than in the English. The first time God says I AM (“I AM WHO I AM”), the Hebrew says, “Ehyeh asher Ehyeh”,  which translates as “I will be what I will be.” When God then tells Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: I AM has sent you” (Exodus 3:14), it is “Yahweh.” Yahweh is the third person version of Ehyeh, which is first person. Yahweh could also be translated as He will be. “

If you were able to follow up to this point, I see the convergence of different symbols into “I AM.”

There is also a spiritual group believed to be lead by St. Germain speaking about the “I AM” equaling that to God.

Many use their affirmations as “positive thinking,” a way to strength the ego- “I” but, it also goes beyond that depending on which stage of your spiritual path you are in.

When you have experienced a “presence” in you, other than the ego coming from the mind, we can understand that there is “something” which cannot be explained but felt and which has been labeled in so many different ways and changed and misinterpreted in hundreds of ways. That “something” I have been trying to explain in the last 2 articles.

Ramana Maharshi also gives a glimpse into this “presence” which he identified himself with. It can be called “God, consciousness, soul, spirit, I am, SO HUM, etc.

Whatever I have shared above has only meaning for those living in the mind, perhaps an intellectual, researcher or religious follower. It is the experience what only has meaning for me and through that we can understand the rest of the “puzzle.”

We are all one. Consciousness, God IS ( I AM) manifesting in every living being at different levels, at different stages. It is that which is imperishable because has never been born. Has always BEEN.

The mind dictates our sense of individuality. When the mind rules that is a particular drop of the ocean; ego arises and we have created that kind of society where ego rules. That is our perception of individuality. Yes, a drop of the ocean is an individual but it is also the Ocean, God, Consciousness, Brahman, SO HUM.

Do we see that? Better yet, have we experienced that?

In the Brahma Kumaris there was this mantra: “Remember Me alone.” Meaning to remember God alone. Many religions and self-realized individuals will say the same, although language and the listener conditioning, likes and dislikes gets in the way of a clear understanding. You have to experience it to know.

May next year (tomorrow,) be that time for you!