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  • avyakt7- New Generation 10:52 AM on September 29, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Karma and Drama 

    In the physical plane we could observe that any manifestation of Life will express itself. In the case of human beings, we express through words, emotions, feelings, actions.

    The word Karma as understood in Brahma Kumaris, is without depth. It is good for “beginners,” but depth is necessary to understand beyond the surface.

    In Brahma Kumaris the emphasis is on the ACTION the DOING. Karma means ACTION. ACTIONS are conveniently classified in “good, bad and neutral” which consequently will give as a result a “good, bad or neutral” karma in the future.

    That understanding although “easy” it is for neophytes, thus;  it has overall value.

    As it was explained in many articles in this blog and in “Exploring the Depth of Living,” ACTIONS are the cover up of BEING in “spirituality” for the masses.

    For example, someone with a killer instinct is told to DO “good actions,” that means rather than killing others, to “love” others.
    The killer now will be a lover by ACTING his love. But he IS not Love yet. He IS anger.
    The Killer IS still a killer. His BEING IS killing. Although, he will not get in trouble, he will be frustrated, repressed. To tell him that his karma in the future will be “good” is not accurate, for karma is intimately related with who we ARE, with BEING.

    Although the example above is extreme, it is meant to make a point.

    Brahma Kumaris also teaches that by “practicing” “good actions,” we will be “good,” as our sanskaras will change.
    That is not accurate for BEING does not change by DOING. This little phrase has been used plenty of times now.

    Therefore, what is that karma that “I am” DOING?
    It is the Drama manifesting through you. Yes, you can “change” that by thinking your actions, by “thinking before you DO,” however, what YOU ARE will not change.

    It is very important to understand the following: When we are beginning our “spiritual journey,” we are full of emotions. Our emotions will run our Life. That is why, Brahma Kumaris method is highly positive for those who need to THINK before getting in trouble out of their emotions. That THINKING it is just a break. As the “spiritual person” is able to be AWARE of his emotions, then to dissipate them, to clear them, will be the next step that Life will bring.

    It comes to a point, when to integrate with Life or the Drama, becomes important to be one with Life. That is another level of consciousness not known by many.

    YOUR karma is your DRAMA… your Life; or more accurately; it is what will be manifested through you. It is pointless to call something as “good, bad or neutral” for what it is, is the consequence of many threads of many lives coming from different people, environment, etc. Thus, acknowledge what is. Be Honest. 
    To simplistically say that “I can change my karma” is utterly infantile, for “you” is not something separate from Life. There are many threads making up “you” and our mind only “chooses” a particular thread to call that “Me.” The key is not to change things, but to be AWARE and acknowledge what is, not as an intellectual idea but in your heart.

    When we observe everything that we experience, without labeling it, without putting emotional twists to it, we are “watching the movie,” as a “detached observer.”
    Of course, for that we will need to clear our conditioning, beliefs and emotional traumas.
    That is necessary for the spiritual Life walker to integrate his BEING into Life, without this step; there may not be self-realization. Of course, this will arrive when “you” are ready.

    For the common good.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 4:11 AM on September 27, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Content and Emptiness 

    Life is content. Death emptiness.
    Content brings emptiness and emptiness, content.
    Just like form brings no-form and “I” brings “No-I.”

    That apparent separation of natural states of BEING, are a problem for our society and religions.

    The idea of “Good” and “Evil” are together, just like content and emptiness.
    In BK terms, as long as Maya exists, God will exist. In the “Copper Age,” the age of duality; Maya appeared and thus, God.

    Therefore, there was non-duality and then duality. It is “Natural.”
    One of the most noticeable misunderstandings of our society, religion and morality came about in “choosing” “Good” and rejecting “Evil.” “Choice” is the issue supporting the  “I.”

    Brahma Kumaris as a religion, is firmly established in the belief that we must always “choose” what is “Good.” The definition of “good” is spelled out to followers.

    If we understood the previous articles when the Drama was explained, we could understand that “Good” is not an idea, a philosophy, a commandment, a particular action, but to be able to live according to the Drama of Life. What is necessary according to time, is “good.”

    This is a tremendous shift. We are leaving aside our mind and the proclivities of the mind to live in duality.

    To “Be one with the Drama” is to be “Good” without the duality of “bad,” otherwise, as long as we use our minds to act by choosing according to some morality or some rules; duality will be there, which means that sooner or later that which we rejected will be embraced.
    They come together as a package.

    Brahma Kamaris knowledge is based on resistance of the inevitable outcome of duality.
    Because Brahma Kumaris knowledge is based on the duality of the mind.

    To be able to step away from the mind, is part of the process of some individuals like Ahnanda, for instance; thus, while for BKs living in the mind, God and Maya exist by labeling a particular experience or being as “God” or “Maya;” for Ahnanda; they are just labels denoting duality.

    Content is Life itself. “You” are content. Emptiness is the “soul.” Who are “you,” then?
    According to your consciousness, YOU are content. You are not emptiness, a soul.

    “You” want to be “soul conscious,” empty while being content, Life?
    Do not make a duality out of them; step away from the mind and explore the heart, but if you could go even deeper, go to the “gut,” then “you” and Life will be one. 

    The Drama and you, are one already, so it is a matter of realizing it. However; not through the mind, the intellect,  but through the gut feeling.

    For the common good.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 4:33 PM on September 22, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    The Predestined Drama and “I” 

    As we go deeper into the experience of knowing that we cannot separate the “I” from everything else; for everything is unity; then we could see that the Drama of Life is like a movie. (as we know) however, what we do not realize is that what we call “I” is confused with the label “soul.”

    Your physical body is part of the movie. What will happen to that physical body is already contained in that “movie.”

    Consciousness is what that “magic word” soul brings. That consciousness is like being awake. What we interpret out of being awake is given to us by our mind, intellect and sanskars. That is the information of this life experience as well as many others. Life experiences and their interpretation will dictate our sanskars. The intellect is separated in Brahma Kumaris knowledge as the “seed” of the “I,” the one who chooses, the one with “free will.”

    Basically, mind, intellect and sanskaras are all together to bring us our “role” in Life. That is what most people call consciousness, but Ahnanda is making a difference between the “role” and the sense of being awake, alert, conscious.

    “Soul” goes along with that alertness. Everything else such as what we call “my thoughts,” “my emotions,” “my ideals,” etc. are part of the “role.”

    In Brahma Kumaris we have learned that “I” can modify those things at “will” but observe that any modification is just behavioral. The “I” cannot go to the “root” of itself to make any changes.

    Changes happen through Life itself. The experiences in Life will make those changes as we are all together in this.

    A “detached observer” is aware that everything is the “movie”: My thoughts, My ideals, My emotions, My morality, etc. It is not only about “others” but what is running in “Me.” Are you aware of it?

    The soul will move on and so the content that you knew about “this” Life.

    Therefore, who is that “I”? Who is that “I” who wants to go to Paradise? If it is “I, the soul” that “I” is empty, void of content.
    The content is the role and that role is predetermined… or rather manifests through “you.”

    Most individuals unaware of this, are so identified with the content what they like to call “I.” That identification overflows into the body… when in reality, the body and the content are both part of the Drama.
    Those individuals may feel by hearing this, like “puppets of destiny.”
    However, there is no puppet at all. That “soul” is AWARENESS without content. Destiny is the movie. Everything is the movie.
    AWARENESS will allow the “observation” of the movie without identification. That is how the observer and what is being observed are truly the same thing, when there is only observation, alertness. For there is neither observer nor the object of observation. Only Consciousness.

    The label “Drama” is insipid, it is separating “I” from everything else.
    Drama is truly Life. Do you love Life? That is why “spirituality” cannot be separated from Life.
    Ahnanda loves Life. He is in love with it, for Life IS.
    Observe the changes, the newness, the plot… and how the mind, intellect and sankaras and all its content is limiting the enjoyment of something that is meant to touch the heart, the feelings, not just the mind and its interpretations.
    The soul feels the “movie,” LIFE.

    For the common good.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 11:45 AM on September 20, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Going deeper into the “Predestined” Drama 

    I could only share about the Drama with Brahma Kumaris brothers and sisters.
    It is paradoxical how such a piece of extraordinary “information” it is taken so lightly, so superficially, as if followers truly did not understand what the Drama means, but rather have it clouded, with assertions of the “I” and worship of a God who “saves” when there is no need to “save” anyone.

    Let us say that you knew exactly what is in the Drama. In other words, you knew what is going to happen in the “future.”

    Question: Would you be “acting” differently?
    Let us say that you are living in 1938 and saw that the “second world war” was coming.
    First, you didn’t label it as the “II world war.” Probably you may have use another label, such as the “great war,” “The end of times,” “Human annihilation,” etc.
    Then your own conditioning will “interpret” what you have seen or know.
    The question is: Would you DO something to stop the war, even if you knew that your action will be for nothing? Would you give away your own Life for nothing?

    Here is another question to consider: If you contacted God and you prayed for the war to be stopped, do you believe that he will DO that?
    Isn’t God all “righteous,” and “good,” and therefore he should DO something to stop such a massacre?

    Obviously “God” acts with a different morality, which is not the one humans know about.

    That is the first teaching of the Drama.
    What you think to be “good” or “right” or the “way to do it,” is of no consequence. Many times we tend to judge Life from our conditioned insipid, human morality.
    Ultimately, if you truly understand the Drama… what is truly “good” if it is not to go along with the Drama?
    But… we typically do not know what is coming next…  🙂
    That is why, whatever you “think” it is what you have to DO, is on “you.” Defend your actions with pretty labels, morality, worship… It doesn’t matter.
    “You” may not realize it, but “your” DOING is according to the Drama… and as it is… it is “good.” Of course “good” with knowledge, means “necessary.” Do you like that “definition”? It is not in the dictionary.

    To learn to go with the Drama means to learn to listen to your “pure” gut feeling, your intuition, without the conditioning of society or the religion. That conditioning uses your mind and it separates “you” from Life.

    If “you” DO according to your gut feeling would you call that: “ I am doing according to what I feel”?
    Observe that it is not “you.” It is happening to you… It is part of the Drama and “you” are a manifestation of it.

    Nevertheless, we are so caught up in being “right,” in DOING according to some artificial morality, in understanding what “God wants out of me,” and all those ego trips that only support the idea of a mirage.
    What is that mirage?
    That “I” am separated from the Drama.

    Please go into it, if you would…

    For the common good.

    • Gayathri 9:08 PM on September 21, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Om shanti.

      Yes brother, it takes time to understand and then to assimilate the reality and certainty of Drama. When we really realise how the entire universe as a whole, continues to change in which all souls/ human beings, and other living beings, and the 5 elements are part of, and creates the Drama, the ego becomes humble.

      Baba tells us again and again that the Drama is predetermined and that it repeats itself identically every kalpa. None of us could play our roles independently of the rest of beings and elements. Eternally we are all linked to one another and ‘create’ the drama.

      The roles are fixed… the drama continues, the changes continue to take place and comes to a point where it is more or less in equilibrium like it was some thousands of years ago and then goes on changing once again…

      When we realise that the roles are being played through us and not the other way round (we are not playing the roles using our intellect), we become ego-less. Yes, we do ‘use’ our intellects, according to the role in the drama!

      In a cinema, the actor may play a role in which he/ she ‘uses’ his/ her intellect to achieve something ‘written’ in the story (according to the script). But the actor has no choice but to act that way, the script is the deciding factor.

      Baba says that one who is beyond the effects of praise and defamation is a mature soul who is close to his karmateet stage. When we realise that fact, the race for superiority, to become a world emperor, to have a huge ‘kingdom’ now and in the future will cease. Ironically enough, only those who are desire-less and ego less are the ones who will become the world emperors in future as it is the basic quality/ sanskar needed to become one. Thanks for your churnings.


    • Gayathri 5:07 AM on September 22, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Modified my previous message a little bit.

      Om shanti.

      It takes time to understand and then to assimilate the reality and certainty of Drama. When we realise how the entire universe as a whole continues to change in which all souls- human beings, and other living beings, and the 5 elements are part of, and creates the Drama, the ego of being quite intelligent, an accomplisher, a self- made man, etc. fades away and we become humble.

      Baba tells us again and again that the Drama is predetermined and that it repeats itself identically every kalpa. None of us can play our roles independently of the rest of the beings and elements. Eternally we are all linked to one another and we ‘create’ the drama.

      The roles are fixed… the drama continues to unfold, the changes continue to take place and comes to a point where it is more or less in equilibrium like it was some thousands of years ago and then goes on changing once again…

      When we realise that the roles are being played through us and not the other way round (we are not playing the roles using our intellect), we become ego-less. Yes, we do ‘use’ our intellects, according to the role in the drama!

      In a cinema, an actor may play a role in which he/ she ‘uses’ his/ her intellect to achieve something. But the actor has no choice but to act that way, he has to follow the script, it is the script which is the deciding factor. In the case of a filming of a cinema, the actor practises his dialogues before the film is shot. So, he is aware that he is acting out his role. But in our daily life we are not ‘given’ any script to learn our dialogues; here the ‘script’ automatically gets played through all of us, there will be no rehearsals nor prompting. 🙂

      Baba says that one who is beyond the effects of praise and defamation is a mature soul who is close to his karmateet stage. This is because getting rid of the limited “I” and “mine” frees us from getting influenced by praise and defamation. Baba keeps reminding us to surrender that “I” to Him with love. When we understand that all our achievements are not the product of our intelligence and creativity but it is the universe expressing itself through us, various actors; there will be no scope for the ego to survive.

      When we realise that fact, the race for superiority, the urge to become a world emperor, to establish a huge ‘kingdom’ now and in the future will cease. Ironically enough, only those who are desire-less and ego less are the ones who will become the world emperors in future as it is the basic quality/ sanskar needed to become one.


      Liked by 1 person

    • avyakt7- New Generation 4:41 PM on September 22, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      A very good explanation there. Thank you! AT the end of the road, it is about experience. We cannot understand what we do not experience…. that is the beauty of Life, the synchronized changes catered to “me” and everyone else, to all of us. Such synchronicity and harmony needs to repeat to maintain itself eternally, and we are “helping” on that, whether we are aware of it or not…. Go left, go right… It is the same…. Such Paradox escapes the understanding of many… but not yours 🙂


  • avyakt7- New Generation 12:01 PM on September 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    The word is “God.” 

    Why accept the Sakar Murlis as the “word of God”?
    That is a good question.
    A writing which “officially” has been changed many times to make an attempt to fit it into the changing world, is without a doubt; a writing away from its source.

    The “avyakt” Murli is completely different in content and intention, it is the “current” word of “God” without changes but yet is not used as much as Sakar Murlis.

    There may be many explanations, but the core of the religion with the “Do’s and Don’ts” is in the sakar murli.

    There are many BKs brothers and sisters still wondering if “God” is truly part of the BK religion.
    Their own experiences is all they have as “proof.”
    For many, that is enough to promise to themselves “never to leave that God.” After all it is “stupid to leave God.”

    Many fail to realize that however wonderful your experience may have been, it is just your experience and there may be other experiences which we may be denying to ourselves to keep a static belief “current.”

    Everyone else has a belief in their own “God,” what makes you so sure that yours and not theirs, is the “true and only God”?
    Your experience?
    What about theirs?
    Your knowledge? Even though most BKs do not understand it?
    Let me suggest to start the search with the word “God.”
    Please observe all the conditioning behind that word, all the expectations behind that word and how much ego celebrates to be the only one, the chosen one by a particular “God.”

    Even though BK knowledge doesn’t need a God… there is the belief in God.
    Why BK knowledge does not need a God?
    Because everything is already in the Drama… and it is predestined. Correct?
    God doesn’t create the Drama. God cannot modify the Drama.
    Is that your “definition” of “God”?   🙂

    You are in “love” with Baba because “he is God.”
    No. You are in love with the word “God.”
    That “word” is important for you and to know that you have found the “true” God only makes you self-righteous. It is about your ego.

    Every religion will bring different aspects of “knowledge” that others lack. Brahma Kumaris is not an exception.
    The deepest point in BK knowledge which is to know about the Drama is looked at so superficially… but you don’t need to go deeper for you have “God” there to “save you.” All you have to DO is “love him.” How can you love someone who you don’t relate with?  Is your need for touch and closeness being met? Is your relationship based on sharing the same experiences in Life? or it is just you going through an experience and his words of wisdom?  The extent and depth of LOVE is meant to be experienced with human beings… a human with a human, not a human with a spirit. Why? Because to be a human being means to experience the fullness of it. Love is in that fullness. To deny your own body is to deny Life.

    For the common good.

    • Gita 9:44 AM on September 18, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Some observations:

      Brahma Baba has made it very clear in the sakar muralis that he gets up early in the morning and churns the knowledge that he has understood. Shiv Baba used to speak through him only some times and most of the time it was Brahma Baba who spoke.
      Baba (Shiv Baba) has told many times that He has chosen Brahma Baba because he was an experienced person and also was on the family path hence he could understand and explain the knowledge with ease. Shiv Baba does not have the experiences and sanskars of a human being, He only gave deep experiences to Brahma Baba and helped him in understanding and assimilating the knowledge slowly and steadily.
      How many times did Baba say that Brahma Baba was also a student and that he also had to learn this Raja yoga along with the others.
      Baba also mentioned it many times that both of them speak the murali, some times it was Shiv Baba and some times it was Brahma Baba who spoke the murali on any given day. It was always Brahma Baba who used to give the examples of lokik life to explain the spiritual knowledge.
      Brahma Baba was also a student and he himself accepted this fact many times. That is why he also took his own time in understanding gyan. In the early days he felt that the soul was in the shape and size of a thumb. Once he realised the actual size and shape of the soul, he got all the previous muralis destroyed.
      After he got transformed into Brahma Baba, it also took some time to get rid of his anger completely; he was attached to the divine family a lot and slowly he became detached and loving. He became karmateet after three decades. He became an angel.
      That is why his avyakt muralis are very much different in quality and substance. His way of teaching changed enormously after becoming karmateet and angelic.
      Shiv Baba accepted many times that He can not change the drama and that He too is bound by the drama. How many BKs would be born, how many of them reach the 8, 108, and 16,108, etc are all fixed. The intensity of effort to be made and opportunity to become any particular variety of actors is also fixed in the drama.

      Since we are so much immersed in playing our roles, we experience the roles to be our real form. It also happens to us when we are deeply immersed in watching a movie; we tend to get excited or feel sad and agitated based on what is happening in the movie even though we are aware that we are watching a movie. 🙂

      We can not experience GOD completely if we remain in our body-conscious stage. To experience Him fully, we should ‘go’ to His abode/ stage and our ‘form’ should match that of His; if we are in the incorporeal stage, we can experience Him in His incorporeal form. IF we stay in the angelic stage, we can experience BapDada.

      Om shanti.


      • ahnanda 11:03 AM on September 20, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        Thank you for taking the time to come up with those interesting points. 🙂


  • avyakt7- New Generation 4:43 PM on September 13, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    The perception of those outside the BK world 

    My sister, an ex-BK like Avyakt7; suggested to me to write about the significance and perception of those who are outside Brahma Kumaris Life.

    She mentioned that the stigma used to the ones who have left, is similar to the one of other religions. However, the main point is the showcase of a “God” with resentments, severities and negations.

    From that input, I could go on… 🙂
    Many are aware of the words of Sakar Murlis about how “God gets upset” when a child is gone from the religion.

    The knowledge of “predestination” and the “eternally repeating cycle” is forgotten at that time, to allow for condemnation and damnation.
    The strong disapproval is followed by some eternal punishment.
    That is the way of the main monotheistic religions, but Brahma Kumaris without a doubt, is even stronger in this severity.
    The negation of the “fortune” of the child which is known only by “God,”  is reminded, the labeling to discourage others is uttered: “Tamopradhan soul.”

    The label of “tamopradhan” soul is even stronger than “heathen,” which is used by mainstream religions.
    Without a doubt, fear is used as a tool to discourage other “children,” to look around and follow their heart.

    The other day, I was communicating with a BK friend and she mentioned that “Many BKs are angry at Avyakt7” and that officially, “Avyakt7 is a tamopradhan soul for those BKs.”

    I couldn’t help but laugh at those remarks.

    I wonder if that anger, is actually anger at themselves for their inability to express a different view, a different perspective.
    Isn’t that the anger of someone who has put their faith in avyakt7 to support their own ideals and beliefs?

    That is almost like a father who puts his expectations in his kid and when the kid decides to do something else, then the father gets upset, angry… The father is living his dream out of his kid. So much for “love.” So much for “respect.”

    Brahma Kumaris is a great path. A path for few although it has been “massified.” As we can see; we could hide our hidden agenda under those white robes. We could hide our own hangups and fears under the façade of a morality. We could be completely dishonest with ourselves for the sake of being complaisant to a “God” due to fear.

    A BK TALKS knowledge. A BK DOES service. A BK FOLLOWS a life style.
    But who ARE you? ARE you hiding behind those white walls of beliefs in “purity”?
    You see, to know that you ARE a soul, is completely meaningless… What you truly are is hidden, suppressed, repressed, negated.

    Do you see that?

    There is no doubt in my mind and experience, that what have been taught by Brahma Baba has been modified. He wouldn’t be a being of light (as he is now) if his personality was showing resentment, contempt and severity.

    That  type of “God” is a creation of human minds, as we have seen throughout history.

    For the common good.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 10:39 AM on September 8, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    The inner journey starts with the mind 

    Looking back into my own journey, I could see that whenever I felt comfortable with a particular experience, my world was shaken to be placed into a different one, usually the opposite.

    I was comfortable “achieving things,” “getting ahead,” and “showing who I am,” to the world, when I had an experience with “God.”
    That took me into the Brahma Kumaris experience.

    Even though, both experiences are opposites; they also have a similarity for both experiences are about the mind.

    Achieving in the “Office World” is of the mind and so to achieve enlightenment, Paradise, the karmateet stage, etc. The Mundane vs the Divine.

    Raja Yoga is about the mind and so is Brahma Kumaris knowledge. However, anything that is of the mind does not bring “constant” change (using Baba’s word) but only behavioral change for a little while.

    Thus, to be a “knowledge-full soul” as in keeping lots of information in the mind, means very little… Unless “I” put it into “practice,” right?
    No! Practice is the mind, it has to go to the heart, the feelings to be “you.”
    That is why, paradoxically even though Brahma Kumaris is an experience of the mind (Raja Yoga) “love to Baba” is emphasized to open the heart.

    Knowledge is not to know that the Drama is eternally repetitive. That is only information.
    Knowledge is not to “churn” that “who I am now, I was before.”
    Knowledge is to BE the practical aspect of knowing that the Drama is eternally repetitive.

    “What is that?”
    Well… that is what the “power of churning” is all about…
    Guilt, shame and fear should be left aside.
    Because you are not that. It is the role DOING the things through you as the role manifests now. Guilt, shame and fear are not “bad.” They have timing. The heart cannot be open until those energies are released.

    Allowing for that emotional energy of fear, guilt and shame to go away, is of great importance, for the empty space created when that energy vacates ourselves, is full with newness, for we are already that which we would like to be.

    When you churn deeply the point of the “Drama repeating identically every kalpa,” you should get over the emotions of fear, guilt and shame. If you can’t, then you will discover that even though the mind is full of information, the heart is full of emotional energies… and that release of energy is what makes the change.

    For the common good.

    • Gayathri 7:30 AM on September 14, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Yes brother. It is of no use if we just repeat the words, “Drama is pre destined”. The real understanding gets reflected when we are able to let go of our guilt, shame, and fear. It is not easy, but that attitude could be developed by reminding ourselves about the pre destined drama. 🙂


  • avyakt7- New Generation 3:29 PM on September 6, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Having the “right answer” 

    When we live mostly in our minds (thus yoga of the mind,) we believe that Life is known through information.
    We believe that a “BK soul has knowledge” and for that he is a “special soul.”
    The ego trip starts at that point.

    We have been influenced by the way society values information. We use the same procedures that society has taught us to reach a “spiritual” goal.

    Life, as we know it… even though we may have the “right information” is not as we think it is. Life is not bound by the complexities of our minds.

    Then, the avid seeker; the hungry seeker looking for “answers,” may ask:
    “So what is the “right” procedure to follow? What is the “right” path?”

    My answer is easy: “You are not ready yet. You are asking for someone to give you an answer, that answer can only be a belief for you.”

    “How do I get to know then?”
    Once the mind allows you to see. Once the mind gives you a gap to look into Life.
    2 known ways for that:
    1) Increasing the feelings of your heart
    2) Decreasing the control of your mind

    There is a “catch” however…
    “You” cannot do anything about it. Any DOING will take you away from points 1 and 2. “You” can only be aware of the opportunities to increase/decrease, feel/think.

    Perhaps you will find out that there is no “right answer” but “right or left answer.” 🙂

    For the common good.

    • Anoushka 10:01 AM on September 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Re BK method…..Is that an ego trip…… Or a method of filling up depleted self esteem?


      • ahnanda 7:13 PM on September 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        Isn’t that “depleted self esteem” being filled with ego? 🙂
        “I am great, I am special, I am the chosen one, I am a deity, an angel, an ancestor soul…” is that part of the increase of self-esteem?
        But isn’t it that Baba at the same time says: ” Where is that I and mine coming from?”


  • avyakt7- New Generation 6:32 PM on September 1, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Love to Baba 

    When we learn to distinguish love from sacrifice; new doors will open.
    Ask yourself if you LOVE Baba (ShivBaba, Brahma Baba, etc.) or if you are willing to SACRIFICE to love them.

    LOVE is not something that we learn, for that is conditioning.
    LOVE is not something that we “work on” for that is mental.
    LOVE arrives in relationship: With ourselves, with someone else, with the world.
    LOVE is not meant to have barriers as in: “Love me alone and not one else.”

    LOVE is inevitable. You are in Love.
    LOVE is timeless. You are in love today, it will be there always although with different intensities.
    LOVE does not need a reward like Paradise or God or some other idea. LOVE is its own reward.

    If you have not experienced the above and you believe to be in Love, then perhaps your love is different than mine.
    Perhaps your love to Baba is “real,” and therefore, happiness should be radiating in your face… for that is the signature of LOVE.
    Not always? Just sometimes?
    That is the signature of the mind.

    The Love of your mind is not the same as the love of your heart…. to recognize one from the other, may be a Life time journey. Every step of it is worthwhile.

    For the common good.

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