Celibacy, Self Observation, sensation and Life

Celibacy could be viewed as a natural process of self purification. That “purification” means less “density.” When someone is “dense” we could observe that his emotional behavior, physical and mental ways are not in tune with each other. It is a if something is bothering us, but we do not know what it is, and we act in reaction mode all the time. We are completely unaware of the “energies” or “subtle vibrations” coming to us, depending on where we are and what has been going on there.

For instance, I recall that once I entered into a church partially destroyed by an earthquake. Many people “left their bodies” there. I felt the “energy,” “vibrations,” or whatever label we want to put into it. It was heavy and disturbing. I left the place right away. I did not know what happened there until I asked.

Similarly, we can charge a room in our house with certain “vibes” depending on what we are doing there.

Sexual practices could disturb our ability to self observe ourselves, because for most people nowadays, they are completely unaware that other “beings,” “energies” are using them. In fact, their practices will tend to deplete their vitality, which leaves them as a drunk person: Basically unaware. That is the value of celibacy as long as it is not repression masked as celibacy. Thus, through “natural” celibacy, there is one less thing to “worry about,” if we are serious about self knowledge. However, as I have mentioned many times, every one of us has a particular path to follow. Celibacy is not the “only way.”

Less “density” means that our distinct “bodies” (physical, ethereal, emotional, mental) become more acquainted with sound and light.

That is how sound and light can be used among other things, for healing purposes. A “normal” person may laugh at that. After all, he only believes in the power of pills (aka medicine) and its secondary effects; but less density means greater acquaintance with light, energies and vibrations.

Therefore, yogic practices and “new age” recipes have a purpose and that is to “de-densify” ( I made up a new word) the practitioner. That reminds me of the “kriyas,” “mantras,” “yantras,” and such practices. The Brahma Kumaris has such practices from diet to life style, as well.

Whenever our mind is in turmoil, sitting meditation becomes just a way to “watch tv,” that is we ARE our thoughts and we are participants of the story about the future, the past or the “problem” that just came up. Depending on the level of “purity” (lesser density) of the practitioner, awareness will appear and dispel the turmoil. Then, at that point when the mind is stable and we are able to watch it, so it stops “thinking;” at that point we could feel perhaps that natural bliss, elation or joy coming up. That is fulfilling in itself.

Part of the “purification” process entails to switch from the mind to feelings. When a “normal” person is engrossed in the mind then, the visual stimulus drives his life (usually in men) or the auditory stimulus (usually women) but the other senses could be there, except “feeling.” The feeling that I refer to, is not related with the sense of touch. More or less, is the sensation, could be called intuition. For instance, we meet someone and there is this “feeling” that I have met that person before, or there is some sort of attraction of repulsion. Those sensations are actually our best guides for our own lives rather than the popular “thinking, and decision making schemes.” Life is actually telling us what we have resolved or left unresolved and we are there at that time to take another look at it and act.

How disturbed do we feel? Is there passion? Attraction? Repulsion?The key is to know what that sensation brings in us. The mastery is in the way we deal with that.

Is my job more important? The way others think has greater influence? Shall I go all the way and forget about everything?

Decisions, decisions, decisions for some. No choice. Choice-less choice for another.

Welcome to Life 101! 🙂