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  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on February 12, 2020 Permalink | Reply
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    Going into the “Trimurti.” 

    The trimurti is one of those concepts/explanations used by BKs, but not truly understood. Originally, it is Hinduism but changed a bit to fit the BK Neo-philosophy and make it the “real truth.” However, the trimurti’ s value in BK , is based on its vagueness.

    In a typical BK setting, the trimurti is explained as the “3 acts of God Shiva.” That is creation through Brahma, destruction through Shankar and sustenance through Vishnu.
    That philosophy then is changed as if Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar were some sort of “beings,” that is “subtle deities,” each living in its own “house” someplace in the subtle world (Brahma puri, Vishnu puri, Shankar puri) and those subtle deities are “helpers” of Shiva, to carry out Shiva’s task.
    The original Indian Trimurti was modified: Brahma as the “creator” is needed in the BK philosophy, for (Prajapita) Brahma creates the “BK religion” or rather “Shiva through Brahma.” Then obviously, destruction has to come (end of confluence age) just to give birth to the Golden age (Vishnu,) which gives “sustenance to humanity for half a Kalpa.” That belief/explanation fits nicely into the BK philosophy probably thanks to Bro. Jagdish. To make things interesting, BK philosophy differentiates between “subtle” Brahma and Prajapita Brahma… and most important: Destruction is not carried out by Shiva, but by “Shankar,” according to BK philosophy.

    Confusion in most followers is unavoidable. Is Shankar a subtle deity or that (Shankar) is an act of God Shiva? Maybe both? And so goes the story on how many could come up with explanations where all are equally true, and none of them verifiable. That is a successful religious story.

    In Hinduism, there is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and then, there is Brahman.
    Brahman is translated as the “creative principle which lies realized in the whole world.” Observe how close that is to the word “Brahma,” which is known as the “creator.” Basically, Brahma is personal. Brahman impersonal.

    Intellectually, that is a confusing business. It is the business of concepts which have to be logical to yield some value for seekers living in the mind. From the BK perspective, the trimurti is a validation on their “true knowledge” by correcting traditional Indian (Hinduism) “knowledge;” which in turn, will get “corrected” by “ the advanced knowledge” of offshoot parties of Bkism, later on.

    That confusion brings some tasty salt and pepper for discussion. That search for “truth,” is the carrot for the seeker who is living in the mind. Nevertheless, there is no consequence in change of consciousness (aka improvement) out of this search. It is only a temporary passage, an experience to observe how the mind could go into many fantastic trips in its search for “truth.”

    Creation, sustenance and destruction are only one force in the Universe. The duality is creation/destruction. Sustenance is the perception of time in between. What exists is impersonal, OMNIPRESENT. What appears to exist is PERSONAL, Identity. That is another duality, just like the duality of a personal god versus impersonal god which could be used to explain the Trimurti.

    Another way of saying it: (My comments in parenthesis.)
    Tao te Ching – Ch.42
    “The Tao begot one. (One is what IS.)
    One begot two. (duality is one, perceived as two.)
    Two begot three. (out of 2 things; there is the difference between those, that is three.)
    And three begot the ten thousand things. “ (creation, destruction, sustenance of all beings.)

    Note that Hinduism is into anthropomorphic visual aids, such as Brahma depicted with 4 heads or Vishnu with 4 arms and a wild looking person, almost naked… Shiva. What do they mean?  For me: Thinking, Doing and BEING. OR with could use the more impersonal but poetical explanations of Taoism.  Same toy, different name.

    In a nutshell: The “3 acts of God” are Brahman.

    Brahma Kumaris as a religion is only viewing the reality of the personal “I,” thus; BKs may not be able to grasp the reality of “no-I.” Without that, there is only “half truth.” However, we may need to learn to add and subtract, before learning to multiply and divide.

    In “truth” the above is only “entertainment for the mind” as BapDada used to say. It has no value in self transformation.

    • Gayathri 11:56 AM on February 14, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Om shanti. Yes, brother, one may be able to explain very deep aspects of knowledge, but what really matters is how much transformation he/she was able to bring in one self.

      Liked by 1 person

  • avyakt7- New Generation 6:32 AM on July 25, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Brahma Kumaris knowledge denies the existence of a universal God 

    One of the paradoxical aspects of understanding Gyan deeply, is that the label known as “god” and associated with an all-powerful being who created the Universe and who is the cause of all effects, cannot exist in BK gyan.
    Truly, Brahma Kumaris knowledge doesn’t allow for a universal “God.”

    What is the main task of “god” according to Brahma Kumaris knowledge?
    To give theoretical knowledge, known as “gyan.” Other than that, there is no use/need of “god” whatsoever.
    For that reason, “yoga” came into existence: The connection to ”take away our sins.” However, that only works if we become BK followers. The main requisite then, is to be a BK follower to have access to this “God.” That is why, there cannot be a universal God in BK, who could be accessed by everyone.

    By the way, this is the main issue with all religions believing in a “god.” It is THEIR god only.
    Brahma Kumaris is using a universal label to depict a being that should be confined to the BK world. In India, the universal label “Shiva” was used to identify the BK God. That label has an impact there as Hindus will recognize it.
    How is it possible to link Shiva (God) with Brahma Baba?
    That became the task. It is a source of confusion for most BKs. In fact, most BKs do not know the differences between Shiva, Brahma, Dada Lekhraj, Subtle Brahma and BapDada. That confusion added mystery as no one could clearly pinpoint who is who. Not even the Murlis. It is all up to the word of the administration or just to err on the safe side, we could use the label “god” on every instance.
    At the end of the day, none of that matters.

    What matters is the message of this god.
    A message is something that will touch every individual in a different way, for individuals will interpret the message according to their own experience. Thus, a literal interpretation of the message without considering the intended audience, the historical time, translation and degree of consciousness of the translator, could lead to many misinterpretations.

    For instance, if a prospect BK now (2018) enjoys sex with his wife, if you tell him that ”sex is a sin” or some other colorful label depicted in Sakar Murlis, then if that person follows that “instruction,” without a doubt that person will be repressing sex. That is not good for him. He will not be honest with his own experience as he will THINK that following that direction will be best for him. If the direction is followed and the potential follower is unaware of the repression then inner struggle is sure to follow. Even a disease which will be labeled as “settling karma,” could occur. Thus, the BK system is helpful if we are aware of these inner dissonances. To discover that inner lie, is what is all about.

    That label “God,” has been misused and misunderstood throughout history, but many have invested their wealth, their power, their own lives just to continue with the convenient illusion. That label is indeed controlling the collective mind.

    The Sakar Murli mentioned: “ I am bound by the Drama.” [Shiva/God said that] And so are we. Above that ‘god,’ there is the Drama. Many BKS are completely unaware of this, even though they may hear the Murlis many times. Why is that? Because of their conditioning, not from the religion but from society and their learned beliefs. We come programmed with that to the BK world, so it is easy to accept a small deviation from the well known “truth” of  a “god.”

    The avyakt Murlis have a more accurate label for BapDada, that is the “Father.” BapDada is the father of BKs.

    Want to worship and LOVE something UNIVERSAL? Worship the “Drama.” However, let me take away that tasteless label, “Drama” and label things as they are: Worship LIFE.
    LIFE is it. LIFE is as UNIVERSAL as a label could be. It is equally accessible to all.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 6:53 AM on October 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: agnostic, , , , , , , , , , shiva, ,   

    Your consciousness dictates your “God.” 

    I’d like to clarify my previous article. Avyakt7 NG will not go into the question: Does God really exist? Sometimes, I will insinuate “yes,” but at other times, “no.”

    It is not a matter of “yes” or “no” and then a line of believers and non-believers aligned with their belief. No!
    I shared before that “truth” doesn’t matter a bit. What matters is consciousness.
    When I say “truth,” I refer to the stories and beliefs that every religion has about their gods, origins, salvation, etc. and as a consequence, the existence of the stories of the “deniers” of god, labeled as “atheists;” and the ones in the middle ground, labeled as “agnostics,” as well as the “scientists” searching for “evidence.”
    All of that search of “truth” means quite a bit for humans trapped in their minds. Their “truth” is what these individuals are willing to defend, debate with others, convince others, recruit others and even put their lives at risk. That will give them a “reason” to exist.

    Reality is, it is all about them, the “I.”
    The main ego booster statement is :“I” have the “truth”.                                                                                                             Avyakt7-NG only shares his experiences. Avyakt7-NG has already  fully gone through the experience of finding “God,” finding the “truth” and also their opposites. Avyakt7-NG “knows” and because of that, he must let every reader walk through the path themselves. 

    Once we abandon that childish egocentric idea of “truth;” we can observe that our experiences will shape our consciousness and that in return, our perceptions.

    There are many humans suffering in the world. Suffering is part of living. It is part of “growing up” in consciousness. Suffering is also relative: A kid without much to eat and without a good hygiene in India, may not feel that “experience” as suffering, as a kid from the USA that is put into that Indian setting.

    So many “well to do” people living in “first world countries,” may experience other types of suffering: Emotional, immune related diseases, mental issues, etc.  as a consequence of their separation from Nature, which the same Indian kid may never know about.

    It is that suffering the one that will prompt for a solution. A seeker is born.
    God will bring hope to a person. Many experiences will be linked to “God.” In an apparent “insecure” world, where anything could happen; “God” brings that security; the seeker will feel safe under his “protection.” Even though, he may be experiencing “hardships,” the seeker knows that God is with him.

    God is necessary, for he will bring hope to many, a turning point in many lives.
    All sorts of religions are available for this experience.
    Let me repeat one more time: Whether “you” are in the only “truthful” religion or not;  it does not matter a bit.
    What matters in Life is the experience that this seeker will be going through, for that will change the consciousness of that person.

    Why consciousness is so important?
    Because according to our consciousness, we could perceive Life experiences under different lenses. thus, what is the “truth”?
    For most people, Life is a struggle. A fight at many levels. In another consciousness, Life is to be enjoyed, relaxed. Nothing to “prove.”

    Many want the later consciousness, but it doesn’t happen because “I want” or because “I bought a  spiritual book” or “I followed a guru.” That consciousness will happen as a natural consequence of having experienced other types of consciousness: When there is a saturation of “I” then, a lack of that “I” is what comes naturally next.
    Life has its own ways, for that. It may not be necessarily in this life time, but rest assured that nothing happens through randomness. “You” are not forgotten.
    Everything that occurs in Life is meant to BE.  A Brahma Kumaris follower is aware of this.  
    The “I” struggles to fight against that. So, Do I recommend not to fight?
    No. I recommend to observe in ourselves why fighting IS.

    Our consciousness will dictate our “truth.”

    For the common good.

    • Joseph 12:57 AM on October 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Points in Your consciousness dictates your “God” are excellent—especially about suffering (same experience in India may not suffering) and life (though same, for some it is a struggle, and for others it’s an unfolding of enjoyment

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dinesh C 2:37 AM on October 15, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      What is the Hindi word for “consciousness”, is it smirti, chetna, or sajagta? Baba uses the word “Smirti” a lot in murlis!


      • ahnanda 7:31 PM on October 16, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        However, the word “consciousness” is hardly used in English and Spanish Murlis.
        Could that be that those are different “words of God”? 🙂


        • Dinesh Chawla 8:25 AM on October 18, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          You know Ahnanda, sometimes you tell me deeper secrets in the form of questions you know 🙂


  • avyakt7- New Generation 5:58 AM on June 15, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    God in Brahma Kumaris 

    Conditioning could be successful if there is an authority to obey behind it or a strong feeling, which will take us to do things and believe things which otherwise we wouldn’t.

    The conditioning of mainstream society has power, for there are authorities behind it: The law and their representatives, religious leaders, politicians, business owners, etc. There is a hierarchy which is built upon each level. A member of society knows about obeying certain things and the consequences of not doing so. The concept of punishment is introduced and that will shape our view of the world and the one beyond.

    Who is the authority to follow beyond this current existence?
    Obviously our “leaders” have no clout over the “after life.”
    That is how “God” was introduced in mainstream. If we observe his “job description,” it is a mirror of our society’s hierarchy, which is clearly seen in the most popular religions. He is the “one to obey” (love) to fear, to get salvation from or to be punished if his law is not followed.

    The collective consciousness understands this easily. That is my point: The realms beyond the physical world do not comply with our understanding or our laws. Human understanding is limited by conditioning.

    The question then, is not whether God exists or doesn’t. The question is, if we are willing to look, to observe deconditioned.

    In Brahma Kumaris, the “job description” of God changed completely. God is no longer the “creator.” God is no longer the one who punishes disobedient people. God is no longer watching everyone, everywhere. God is the one who gives “knowledge.”
    However, most followers do not understand this knowledge, no matter how long they have been following.

    The title of “God” then is changed to “Supreme Soul.” Another set of beliefs could be added to make a difference between a human soul and the “supreme” soul. Observe the power of words, the terminology used, basically refers to the same thing:  The Authority.

    An “experience” with the realm beyond the physical is cherished by most. Sure, it is unique. This will give the opportunity to affirm our ego: “I am special.” Moreover, we could add the word “god” to make our experience the “top one.”

    “I have experienced God.”
    Avyakt7 knew that line very well. Avyakt7-NG (Ahnanda) respects that, and sees the personal evolution through that.

    For a kid, to say “dad” is important. Everyone else says it and beyond the word is the feeling of having someone near and dear, someone who cares. When humanity feels in despair, God is very important to feel that company and like “Santa Claus,” someone will play that role, to bring smiles and joy to those kids. That is the gift of God.
    Of course, human ego can only see that their “Santa Claus” is the only and true Santa. That is how many religions appeared and how the clothes wore by Santa became more important than the person inside them.

    For the common good.

    • Dinesh Chawla 5:15 AM on June 18, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Ahnanda, When I was involved with BKs, I had tried implementing most of the teachings of Murlis, but amongst those, I need your help to explain us two of the very beneficial teachings which I still have not been able to implement 100%, but want to as they are required to keep the flow of my life smoother. So here are those two teachings:

      No 1: Your thoughts, words and actions should be in harmony, what you think, same thinking should be reflected in your words and actions. (Mansa, Wacha and Karmana should be same)

      No 2: Abstain yourself from creation of waste thoughts.

      The only reason I still want to implement these two teachings in me is that I think about one thing, I say another thing and end up doing totally different third thing in actions. Can you PLEASE explain what a person can do (By now I know that you use DO and BE in caps in all of your articles 🙂 ) to implement these two things by being and by not being a BK.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 10:19 AM on October 4, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Aware of the way of Life 

    Why God doesn’t stop evil in the world? There are many people suffering and God doesn’t do anything about it! Why?
    Why there are so many things happening in the BK organization and BapDada doesn’t stop that?

    Do you want to know why?

    It is simple. We are “eternal”  as Life itself. If someone is experiencing suffering, that is not the end. It is a process without an end. It is about experiences. It is “karma,” and that process will lead someone into a different experience.
    What is the need to interfere with that? Life is DOING it.
    Yes, feel compassion. That is the present, the “now.” That feeling acknowledges the situation, empathizes with the “actor” without feeling pity. However, any attempt to change things just to fit our biased and conditioned morality and beliefs, is truly violence. It is the “I” trying to change “what is” into what “I” think should be.
    If you ACT because it is in “you” and not because you are following some law or some belief, then that action is non-violent.
    Because the Drama, Life is manifesting through “you.” “You” are an “instrument.”
    The word “instrument” is misunderstood. An “instrument” follows his gut feeling. It is not the “I.” However, that is very hard to “do” for someone who has been conditioned to Live Life at the mental level, he cannot live without that “I.” Therefore for “normal” individuals, to discern the “gut feeling” is very hard.

    The beauty of Life is that whether “you” act from your gut feeling (no-I) or from your mind (“I,”) either way is necessary as it is. The difference is in what comes back to “you,” karma… which is meant to eventually change as Life changes. Thus, the Drama, Life itself, is “beneficial.” It is a circle.

    Knowing all of this, what is the need for God to do anything? Our limited morality and conditioning does not allow us to see beyond the limited “reality.” We are caught up with the image of the hungry kid in Africa. We want to “send money” as the solution for their suffering. Humanity has created the problem and also the solution: Money.

    Obviously, “sending money” helps the sender feeling generous. That is the impersonal way to feel that “I am helping,” “I am good,” “I am earning Paradise.”

    FEEL them. Be with them. Give your time. Feel compassion not through the images of the TV, but allow for the experience of being there, to change you.

    “Are you kidding me?” I don’t want to leave my cushy job, my nice apartment, my comforts, my status to be with them…I’ll just write a check.
    That is fine. Just stop pretending to ‘help’ someone.

    Since everything is as it needs to be, what is the need for a God?
    Think about that.
    To give “you” knowledge? To give “you” salvation? To give “you” the Golden age? To give “you” miracles?
    How about, to give “you” ego?
    Thank God for that.

    Here is the “knowledge” in a nutshell: Life is a movie. It has already been made. “You” could be in the consciousness of the “actor” or the “spectator.” Enjoy the movie. It is unique. Everything that exists in the movie is eternal and recycles itself. That is Life.
    Life will take you from one experience to the other at the right time.
    Compassion and Love are labels until you feel them. The mind is our worst enemy when left unchecked.
    The rest may be either misunderstanding or tales for grown-ups. 

    For the common good.

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