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  • avyakt7- New Generation 7:31 AM on October 19, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: atheist, , , , , , openness, reinvent the wheel,   

    Bridging opposite beliefs 

    Intellectual debates about “truth,” “righteousness,” “God,” and so on are USELESS. Avyakt7 has done his share on that in the past. However, if you feel compelled to debate, by all means DO IT. Reinvent the wheel.
    What matters is consciousness and that is not changed a bit by intellectual talks.
    If someone is convinced by an argument, it does not mean that this person has a new consciousness. “Compassion” in a person is not there because he was convinced through an argument. Openness to Life will not be part of  our consciousness unless we abandon the conditioning of the mind.

    The above is not a recipe for “success.” It is merely a general observation.  Just as we have arrived at this point in time with heavily conditioned minds, the opposite will happen as well: De-conditioning.
    There is nothing to DO, but just to OBSERVE that is happening and that every time we rely on the mind to be the driver of our lives, we can only drive through the lanes of conditioning.

    Once we embrace a particular religious group in search of God, truth, righteousness, purity, etc. we will contrast society’s ways with our current religious conditioning. There will be antagonism. That is why, every religious group, political party or “chosen one” group believes to be “better” than anyone else. 
    The mind creates that contrast based on ideals of what “should be right.”

    Life does not have a moral value of what is “good or bad.”
    That is  only a necessary human invention to live in society.
    Life offers experiences to be experienced and those arrive through their full range, which will be experimented at particular times. 

    Today I may be a criminal. I am not saying that this is “right or wrong.” I am saying that “I” will experience the consequences of that role just to change to the opposite, a “saint” or whatever other “good” label, opposite to “criminal” we could think of.
    On the same token, a “saint” now is on his way to become a sinner, if that wasn’t part of his experience before. Our society has taught us to judge others, because we believe in a law, protocol or moral value, above the reality of change. A person should conform to that value, if that person deviates then a label to condemn that person will be used. Behind that label, there is a strong feeling of disapproval or even disgust.

    Please OBSERVE that Life offers a range of experiences. Humans on the other hand are caught up with the “limited” version of that: You are a criminal now, a convict, you are “evil.” But… I am “good.” Be like “ME.”

    I am not saying that to be a “criminal” is “good.” Avyakt7-NG is stating that good and evil are limited human perspectives. “Yin and Yang” are labels for 2 opposite but complementary forces which work together to make changes in the Universe. 

    That is why, there cannot be “God” without a “Devil.” There cannot be a “theist,” without an “atheist.” It is through their apparent conflict how changes happen in the world.

    What we label as “bad”  is a necessary experience for the one experiencing, so it is “good” as well: Someone may be suffering a disease. Through that experience, there will be learning. There will be change. That experience will not last forever. That person has the capacity to go through that particular experience. From that experience we could learn to reach out for help. We could learn that our health is precious. We could learn to feel the support of our loved ones practically. We could learn that once the experience is over, the medicine will magically appear, perhaps through ways that we had rejected in the past (i.e: oriental medicine vs traditional “take a pill” medicine.)
    It is that experience the one that will open up our consciousness.  In Life, “to learn” means to “open up” and not to understand intellectually.

    That openness will make us “good” without following books, philosophies or religious teachings. 

    But if we remain conditioned, then all we can DO is to compare ourselves with others. The “poor me,” syndrome will appear and with that lack of self- esteem.
    We may think: “That is “bad.” I shouldn’t have low self-esteem.”
    That is a limited perception.
    In the “unlimited,” low self-esteem will bring the movement into the experience of a higher self-esteem. That is the range of experiences. So, why pick a moment of the whole experience to label it as “good or bad”? 

    Our mental conditioning will keep on telling us that “this shouldn’t be, this shouldn’t happen to ME,” etc.
    That will prompt the “atheist” to look for a “God.” Suffering does it every time.
    The inflated ego needs to deflate. That is the range of experiences.
    Is to have an inflated ego, good or bad?  That is a silly question. That is just part of the whole experience.

    Life is to be Enjoyed according to our consciousness. But if this experience of living Life is not enjoyable; then we are taking ourselves too seriously.
    Relax. It is time to laugh at this “I.” The “worst” that could happen to the “I” is to die… and that may not be “bad at all.”  Death will happen anyway… so why not enjoy while “I” am AWARE of MYSELF.
    That will bring “good karma,” and others will feel “good” around ME.
    Isn’t that what “God” and the “atheist” alike want? That is what  a “theist” and “atheist” have in common. That is the bridge to their differences.

    For the common good.

    • Anil Kumar 5:46 PM on October 19, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Fantastic Avyakt7-NG. Right now I’m going through the experience of low self-esteem. Inspite of knowing that this present experience will take me to the experience of high self-esteem still I feel inside that what is happening to me now shouldn’t happen to ME. I’m feeling that whole world is against me. Off-late I’m getting thoughts of committing suicide. I guess I’m not yet ready for openness to Life. Anyway Drama will take care of everything.
      Thank you.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 6:53 AM on October 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: agnostic, atheist, , , , , , , , , , ,   

    Your consciousness dictates your â€œGod.” 

    I’d like to clarify my previous article. Avyakt7 NG will not go into the question: Does God really exist? Sometimes, I will insinuate “yes,” but at other times, “no.”

    It is not a matter of “yes” or “no” and then a line of believers and non-believers aligned with their belief. No!
    I shared before that “truth” doesn’t matter a bit. What matters is consciousness.
    When I say “truth,” I refer to the stories and beliefs that every religion has about their gods, origins, salvation, etc. and as a consequence, the existence of the stories of the “deniers” of god, labeled as “atheists;” and the ones in the middle ground, labeled as “agnostics,” as well as the “scientists” searching for “evidence.”
    All of that search of “truth” means quite a bit for humans trapped in their minds. Their “truth” is what these individuals are willing to defend, debate with others, convince others, recruit others and even put their lives at risk. That will give them a “reason” to exist.

    Reality is, it is all about them, the “I.”
    The main ego booster statement is :“I” have the “truth”.                                                                                                             Avyakt7-NG only shares his experiences. Avyakt7-NG has already  fully gone through the experience of finding “God,” finding the “truth” and also their opposites. Avyakt7-NG “knows” and because of that, he must let every reader walk through the path themselves. 

    Once we abandon that childish egocentric idea of “truth;” we can observe that our experiences will shape our consciousness and that in return, our perceptions.

    There are many humans suffering in the world. Suffering is part of living. It is part of “growing up” in consciousness. Suffering is also relative: A kid without much to eat and without a good hygiene in India, may not feel that “experience” as suffering, as a kid from the USA that is put into that Indian setting.

    So many “well to do” people living in “first world countries,” may experience other types of suffering: Emotional, immune related diseases, mental issues, etc.  as a consequence of their separation from Nature, which the same Indian kid may never know about.

    It is that suffering the one that will prompt for a solution. A seeker is born.
    God will bring hope to a person. Many experiences will be linked to “God.” In an apparent “insecure” world, where anything could happen; “God” brings that security; the seeker will feel safe under his “protection.” Even though, he may be experiencing “hardships,” the seeker knows that God is with him.

    God is necessary, for he will bring hope to many, a turning point in many lives.
    All sorts of religions are available for this experience.
    Let me repeat one more time: Whether “you” are in the only “truthful” religion or not;  it does not matter a bit.
    What matters in Life is the experience that this seeker will be going through, for that will change the consciousness of that person.

    Why consciousness is so important?
    Because according to our consciousness, we could perceive Life experiences under different lenses. thus, what is the “truth”?
    For most people, Life is a struggle. A fight at many levels. In another consciousness, Life is to be enjoyed, relaxed. Nothing to “prove.”

    Many want the later consciousness, but it doesn’t happen because “I want” or because “I bought a  spiritual book” or “I followed a guru.” That consciousness will happen as a natural consequence of having experienced other types of consciousness: When there is a saturation of “I” then, a lack of that “I” is what comes naturally next.
    Life has its own ways, for that. It may not be necessarily in this life time, but rest assured that nothing happens through randomness. “You” are not forgotten.
    Everything that occurs in Life is meant to BE.  A Brahma Kumaris follower is aware of this.  
    The “I” struggles to fight against that. So, Do I recommend not to fight?
    No. I recommend to observe in ourselves why fighting IS.

    Our consciousness will dictate our “truth.”

    For the common good.

    • Joseph 12:57 AM on October 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Points in Your consciousness dictates your “God” are excellent—especially about suffering (same experience in India may not suffering) and life (though same, for some it is a struggle, and for others it’s an unfolding of enjoyment

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dinesh C 2:37 AM on October 15, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      What is the Hindi word for “consciousness”, is it smirti, chetna, or sajagta? Baba uses the word “Smirti” a lot in murlis!


      • ahnanda 7:31 PM on October 16, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        However, the word “consciousness” is hardly used in English and Spanish Murlis.
        Could that be that those are different “words of God”? 🙂


        • Dinesh Chawla 8:25 AM on October 18, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          You know Ahnanda, sometimes you tell me deeper secrets in the form of questions you know 🙂


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