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  • avyakt7- New Generation 3:09 PM on January 21, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    A different view of the BK cycle of time 

    The Brahma Kumaris cycle of time is one of the most controversial aspects of their philosophy. In a nutshell, it is believed that there is an eternally repeating cycle of time. It repeats exactly the same way, meaning that every action that we perform will repeat exactly the same. For instance if a circle (cycle) is made of 360 degrees and every degree was a year, then the full cycle will last 360 years. Just like a movie reel in a cinema; it will play the same “movie” again after approximately 2.5 hours. This will bring the question of the existence of“free will,” as evidently all actions from all “actors” in the movie of Life will be the same.

    This question presented a huge problem or trauma for some individuals. For instance if a person experienced a traumatic issue. What happens? That issue will repeat again and to the same exact person (soul.) That means, there is no opportunity for “advancement” but the reel will go on as it was before. Trapped in a hamster’s wheel.

    Why was that person chosen for that “role”? It was her “karma.” End of report. That person also experienced “good” things and to balance things out in duality, “bad” things have to happen to her as well. There is no escape.

    That is a hard pill to swallow, but thankfully; we will not remember what we did, to whom and what will happen next. Obviously, many feel uncomfortable with this belief as most everyone believe to be “special,” and not just an “unpaid” actor repeating the same thing at every show. 🙂

    The real issue from my perspective, is with the Brahma Kumaris belief that the “Earth is the only stage.” In other words, all “actors” (humans, plants, animals, etc.) only perform in “Broadway” Earth and no other “theater near you.”

    Last year (2023) there was a big issue in the U.S congress when some government officials or people who worked close to U.S Government, “whistle blowers;” confirmed under oath that there was in the U.S a program to capture UFOs . The media made a “big thing” for a few days but not so big as to disturb other people who were busy earning a living or enjoying the “American dream.” Here in Peru, almost nothing was said about it. At the end, everything was forgotten, so the “Matrix” can continue with unaware individuals. (https://time.com/6328511/ufo-aliens-book-garrett-graff-interview/)

    As my experience with “spirituality” has increased, I now know that the multidimensional Universe is the “big stage,” and there are other “theaters near you” playing their own “movies.” The interesting thing is that “actors” (souls) are actually acting at different theaters in the Universe, taking all sorts of “costumes with masks.”

    In short, what I am suggesting is that “Yes” the roles are predestined but those are not necessarily being played by the same “actor.”

    Trivia Question: What do Adam West,Michael Keaton, George Clooney, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck have in common?

    Answer: They played the “Batman.” That means “Batman” is the role but actors change.

    Let me put it in another way: Every drop of the Ocean is a “soul.” The “Drama” is like a water distillery: At the end water comes out purified which will go into bottle water. Do I collect that water again and recycle it? or perhaps I can use more water from the Ocean?

  • avyakt7- New Generation 3:33 PM on August 26, 2020 Permalink | Reply
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    The ideal of improvement as a BK follower. 

    As a BK follower, have you considered if the cycle of time supports the ideal of “improvement”?

    Let us not take this question lightly, as the word “improvement” has popular positive connotation.

    In easy to understand language, we could demonize ego, lust, attachment, etc. Those “vices” are something which “i” have to work on, something which “i” need to “conquer,” to “get rid of” to improve.

    Now, let us observe the cycle of time once again. A what point in such cycle did “I” do something to improve myself? Wasn’t the route a “downhill” from the beginning? Bks believe that “now” is the time to “improve” for “destruction is just ahead,” and “I only have this lifetime as a BK to elevate myself because God is helping me.” The law of karma and the effects of multiple births could be “settled” in this BK birth, all “i” need is to “make effort,” and so the belief goes. Thus, “I” separates from the downhill “Drama” and creates a path for its own “salvation” based on self interpretations.

    Look at the cycle again. Forget for a moment the “i” and the “me.” Do we see that it is a “predestined play” which will repeat again and that it is repeating now, as we read? Do we see that anyway we go, it is in fact; how it should be?

    Why is it that “I” am trying to control things and change things according to ideals and beliefs?

    Because it is about “me.” “I” need to “improve” by DOING certain actions everyday, for repetition will “erase” previous sanskaras, correct? And “i” know exactly how to “erase” a particular one.

    That need to control, to conquer, to get rid of things inside “me” are ego based ideals of improvement. As long as we have ideals to follow, there will be ego enhancement in that. Why? Ego feeds itself through the ideal of becoming something “better,” which is not at the moment, but promised in the future, after some time. Thus, how do we “improve” without getting our egos involved?

    Do we see that the problem is not how to “improve myself” but rather to become truly aware of that which we call “i”?

    Do we see that actions coming from that “i” are self-centered, egotistical actions? But how is it that “improving myself” could become egotistical?

    Observe the need to control. To act within a recipe, to create a vacuum so “I” am “safe.” That creates an artificial separation of that “i” and the rest of the Drama, the cycle of time; when in fact, “I” am part of it.

    Do we see that conflict? Can we go spiritually anywhere while we have unresolved inner conflicts?

    All virtues are together with what we call vices. In fact, the cycle of time only displays those at certain times. At one time, here are the virtues; at another, the vices. All are needed as they are.

    Am I suggesting to leave things as they are and not DO anything?

    Not quite. I am suggesting to become AWARE of how ego appears in the movie of the Drama. What makes it tick. I am suggesting to study our own ego, the reality of it and to observe how many religions or spiritual paths have been built to cater the existence of the ego. The conflict is that while many religions proclaim that ego is “bad” and we need to be egoless and conquer ego; on the other hand, there is a continuous promotion of it.

    Do we want a higher status in the Golden age? That is ego. Do we want recognition, name and fame now? That is ego. Do we want to become an angel? That is ego. Do we want to be someone who we are not now? That is ego.

    Do we see how trapped we could be? Is what we want to “improve” our ego? We need to observe it, to become conscious of it, aware. That observation and apparent inaction is true action, for clarity comes when we see clearly without wearing the glasses of a belief system.

    • Gayathri 7:30 AM on September 4, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Om Shanti brother. Welcome back. Yes, to be able to realise who we are and if we are trapped in our ego is the only effort we have to make in order to bring in the needed transformation according to Drama. Thanks.


    • salwa369 7:55 AM on October 28, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Thank u sweet brother .ego is always there …we should use it for the common good that s all.as long as u exist ..ego is there .but how will we use it ..and in what intention ..that what will creat the drama


  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on May 27, 2020 Permalink | Reply
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    Karma and the existence of God 

    Many believers of “God” don’t realize how mutually exclusive the belief in Karma and the existence of God are, when God is viewed as an “individual,” the “seer,” the one who administers “justice” in the physical plane and above. Thus, “karma” is not mentioned in the main monotheistic religions directly, but there is an interpretation of it when said: “One reaps what one sows,” that is all fine until we talk about a previous life as the cause of today’s consequence. For those monotheistic religions , that is unthinkable: “Only God knows,” is the “right” answer fitting all questions.

    Brahma Kumaris was able to harmonize that contradiction. “God” only arrives at the “confluence age” to teach. That is all God does. He doesn’t administer “justice” for that is the job of “karma.” The rest of the “kalpa” there is no need of “God.” What does “God” have to teach?
    For starters, how to “save” yourself in this lifetime. That is, “how to go to the Golden age.” Forget the knowledge of past lives and karmic accounts, you can burn all of them “now” through “yoga.” It is magic. Thus, “God” can go over the law of Karma, just at this time…. And so the belief goes. Ah! And that only works for “bad” karma, the “good” one accumulates in the “bank” of “good” deeds.

    That belief may work as long as: 1) We are only concerned about personal karmas without looking at the “big picture.” 2) As long as we see “karma” as “debit that we have to pay.” That is how God becomes the banker or the philanthropist who is able to give us a loan or to completely forfeit our “debt,” in such a way as to be able to “make it” to the “Golden age.”

    Observe the easy terminology needed to explain in a simplistic way, something which has greater depth.

    If it is true that we experience the effects of our past action, if it is true that we are living in a eternally repetitive cycle as the Brahma Kumaris’ teachings go, then; Do we have any “choice” to improve by learning the lesson and applying through “free will” the solution for the next time around?
    No. That is how that philosophy finds a “problem.” My “debt” will repeat endlessly.
    It is not “punishment” then, for things will repeat identically. It is not “debt” or “credit,” it is simply an EXPERIENCE that we need to experience in order to keep changing, as change is the “fact” of Life.

    Another inaccuracy is to believe that there is something “good” or “bad” in karma; for Life is an unlimited Drama, and cannot be divided in such simplistic an erroneous way. Many times what we considered “bad” is actually “good” when viewed from a different perspective. Those infantile terminology of “good” and “bad” when referred to Life are far from the truth, specially when knowing about karma and a predestined Drama.

    The issue of knowing about those religious “philosophies” is that we will use our mind to try to protect ourselves: “Don’t DO that for your karma will hunt you.” Therefore, we are afraid and we don’t. We think we save ourselves from experiencing trouble, but if the desire to perform that action is repetitive, and we denied it many times, then we are repressing. There are no repressed souls in the “golden age.” Do we see that? Could we say in our next life that the cause of our repression was Brahma Kumaris’ philosophy? wouldn’t that repression be “bad” karma? 🙂

    Life may put us in close relationship with someone who is able to deeply push our buttons. No matter what we DO to live harmoniously, it will not work. All we need to be aware of is the EXPERIENCE. We need to go through it CONSCIOUSLY, regardless of the labels we use, regardless of the philosophy we believe in. It is of no use to believe in a “past life karmic account.” Just live the experience, do your best and continue on.
    Life is a plot, a story. Karma is the experience of the consequences of our activities which are predestined and necessary as they ARE, for our story will weave with other stories in such a way as to create something greater with far reaching consequences, which we are unable to see.

    An important measure of “improvement” in consciousness is when we abandon all sorts of philosophies an mental games so we can BE. Our actions are a reflection of who we ARE and not a farce obtained through mentally following some philosophy. We could be apparently “safe” but the devil will be growing inside. That is the karma of such farce.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on April 8, 2020 Permalink | Reply
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    Question on “Churnings” of BK Jagdish Chander and BK intellectual knowledge 

    A reader (Kirtan) asked many questions concerning intellectual/ mind matters of “churning BK knowledge” and also cited Jagdish Chander’s book on the “5000 year cycle.”
    He also asked me to reply a question ASAP and to give him my email address in case he had further questions.

    Let me start from the end. Avyakt7-NG does not want to be a “on-demand free resource.” He only shares here within his available time, and will respond to questions and/or comments if required, in his view.  Also, Avyakt7-NG does not give personal advise. All the “churnings” he has done while being a BK, are available in the website: Explore7.wordpress.com between the years 2012 and 2013. All is required is to “search a keyword” on that website if someone would like to read my particular take on a topic at that time.

    As a BK, I was an avid reader of scientific and BK materials, but now that doesn’t interest me.
    I understand that perhaps for Kirtan is very important to confirm BK knowledge in an intellectual way, so he can share it with others or to feel firm within his faith. That is part of the BK experience.

    Upon having read some books of BK Jagdish, I could say that he was in that intellectual line. He read a lot and put his interpretations and findings, in his books. However, his “knowledge” was as good as his bibliography. Very limited at the time. His research was mostly based on classical physics (Any Quantum physics there?) On the other hand, because of the Internet; we have way more information and as we can observe, it changes in little time. Science is a work in progress. A “truth,” yesterday could be a “lie” today. That is a possibility. Nevertheless nowadays, the well known “search for truth” of the scientific community, is financially supported by organizations concerned in demonstrating a particular “truth” according to their interest.  To use science to “prove” spiritual topics or a particular belief system is to interpret and dissect science to fit our beliefs. Science deals mostly with matter for that is “objective.” Spirituality on the other hand, is very subjective for it depends on a beyond or below “normal” (depending on our point of reference) level of consciousness or experience, while science resides mostly in the collective consciousness: The 5 senses. 

    I couldn’t find a free version of Jagdish’s “5000 year World Cycle,” but I found one on “Brahmacharya” which I will use to make a point later in this article.
    If I recall correctly, there is a word used by Jagdish while explaining how from the Golden age, we “descend” into the Iron age: “Entropy.” However, that word is used very different in Science and Business. In the world cycle there is “renewal,” (which is not the correct word to describe the well known phrase -Going “up” and “down” the ladder – which is merely a viewpoint of a dualistic mind.) That “renewal” does not follow the way “entropy” is typically understood. The dualistic mind selects the “Golden age” as “order,” and the “Iron age” as “disorder.” We are “descending,” it is said; when from another perspective it is only a different experience that a particular “soul” may have. We are not “descending” in a predestined cycle. We are only having a complementary experience, if we decide to compare the Golden age with the Iron age.

    Observe the following paragraph from Jagdish’s book “Brahmacharya.” (Book: -Brahmacharya the true path of God realization- Pages 4-5 – Chapter 1- The significance of Brahmacharya in the social set up.)

    “The Gita declares that sex-lust produces anger which in its turn causes confusion of the intellect. From this point of view all the violent turmoil that is there in society or revolutionary disorders of today have their origin in the lack of continence of people. It would, therefore, be good if the Government and those engaged in social service understood the importance of brahmacharya as the basic solution of all the predicaments of society and of the country at large.”

    Jagdish has generalized that sex-lust in people, is the origin of the violent turmoil in society by following the perspective of the Gita (according to him.) The “basic solution” is to follow brahmacharya, he says.
    That generalization has no support other than Jagdish’s and Brahma Kumaris’ beliefs. “Proof”? There are many angry BKs “practicing” continence. 
    In my experience, we ARE already anger (we could discuss all day about the ’cause’ but what matters is the reality of observing that anger) and sexuality only manifests that reality.

    Jagdish has mentioned in one of his books that he is not “trained” in science. He has only given his opinions although heavily conditioned by his beliefs and experiences. However; without a doubt his writings are very important for Brahma Kumaris’ followers, as those support BK knowledge.

    To finish, I will share with you an article I wrote on the same line as Jagdish. I read a science book and I interpreted that based on BK knowledge that I already knew. I discovered many things in that exercise.
    The write up is here.
    If you would like to follow current scientific theories on cyclic models of the Universe, you may want to read the “Steinhardt-Turok” model and the “Baum-Frampton” model. As a BK I was reading some of Turok’s work as I recall. As I said before, now I have no interest at all in scientific findings supporting “spirituality” and religious beliefs or going against it.

    In my experience, cyclical time exists. I don’t know if it is 5000 years or not. It doesn’t matter to me; but I can say that “this writing here, has been written before” and it will appear sometime in the future again or the past … Depending on your point of reference, and that will repeat endlessly.
    I don’t have the need to prove this, to convince others. For I am merely sharing my own experience.

    All the best.

    ********** Will resume writing on April 29th. Enjoy. 🙂 **************

    • Kirtan 6:05 PM on April 9, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks for the reply Ananda. I really appreciate your time on this. And I truly admire you for that. Well I see you did a tremendous researches on complete package which life can offer. And now you are not much interested in such researches, perhaps you no longer feel its more needed, as for science it’s never going to be possible to come closer to the truth as the scientific community is more likely to perform such tasks for humans with some “agendas”. I completely agree with you. Also is see as you achieved no-I state, it doesn’t matter whatever comes up. But let me add one more thing for not be not interested in such things,; assumptions on which science is based upon. It all lies on false premises and that’s the reason I believe Brother Jagdish was not much interested in taking out any meaning from quantum physics rather he targeted all premise/axioms on which science is standing. I don’t think he could have ignored the top selling of his time by Fritjoff Capra. But he thought attack on root and take out whole tree, instead of cutting branches😂. But guys like you and me was not going to stop there only. We are much interested in participating every hunt.
      OK now coming up to Quantum Realm. Its a world of vagueness. Why it happened like that?Is quantum world has vagueness or its our understanding of it. I am sure its our understanding of it and one day we can come across any final theory, for that I believe science has to make some corrections in their definition of Consiouness as it relies mostly on 5 senses as you said.
      Here is the live example of it, “Deepak Chopra in one of his debates with Richard Dawkins, said atoms are sentients as Freeman Dyson said it. Richard Dawkins: no its not, Dsyon never said that.” There’s a nobel prize for those who can prove which of them is correct. Well only condition, is to use double slit for it.
      I believe, though we might have some firm belives which we come up with, scientific knowledge, we should take agnostic approach only while studying anything. Don’t need to make out any sort of meaning of it and just see the picture as a whole without Dissecting and interpreting it for our own spritual understanding.
      Again Thanks for suggesting Steinhardt-Turok” model and the “Baum-Frampton” model. I will definitely go through it. As I see its an attempt to prove cyclic time but we no longer need to prove anything which we have experienced as you say. Apart from this if you get some time I would like you to entertain yourself with some of the videos of Dr. Steven Greer. I think he wants to be rembered as a man way way way ahead of his time!

      And finally for all angry Bks out there practicing continence. Brothers take the advice of this man seriously. This is definitely not what Baba wants you to pass from. And leave the clan immediately!

      Dear Ananda Really Thank you for your article based on my comments. You nailed it Bro! Enjoy your time! 👍


    • Kirtan 9:13 PM on April 9, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Free version of Eternal World Drama can be downloaded from this link.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 7:05 AM on July 3, 2019 Permalink | Reply
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    The cycle of time beyond BK conditioning. 

    A deep understanding (if at least intellectual) of the significance of the cycle of time will give us the answers which many different religions, philosophies and “isms” have presented during our history.

    Cyclical time is not an exclusive belief of Brahma Kumaris, but in my humble opinion; there hasn’t been writings or “churnings” which I am aware of, considering the depth of it.

    Let me present some items to consider using BK philosophy.
    Have you heard in “New Age” the popular: “we are all ONE”? Probably we have heard several explanations to try to make sense of that one: “Brahman is Atma. Atma is Brahman” is one of them.
    Everything which is included in the cycle of time is bound to belong to it, including “your” thoughts. Yes, we are all ONE.
    A jigsaw puzzle has pieces. Every piece has meaning as part of the puzzle. However, the puzzle has meaning thanks to the picture over the pieces (typically landscapes.) That picture is the “Drama of Life” depicted by the movement of the world cycle. Every piece has a small chunk of the whole picture. A piece is nothing by itself; but only in relationship with other pieces to make something bigger than themselves.

    Even the picture of the “3 Worlds” depicts a relationship between “Parandham”, the “Subtle Region” and the Physical World. The “world Drama” happens in the physical realm; but there is influence of the other two realms. There is a continuous interchange. What is the “purpose” of “Parandham” other than to supply “souls” to the physical world? At the same time, isn’t the purpose of the physical world to supply souls to Parandham? Isn’t the subtle region in a way, a reflection of the physical world?
    Therefore, everything works in synchronicity and there is no one accounted for that feat. No need of a “creator”. It just happens.
    The Universe is perfect, despite the popular saying that “Nothing is perfect”, we could now observe that nothing could be but perfect. For it IS as it has to BE.
    “Perfection” is not a human ideal to reach. It already IS.

    Therefore, Who are you?
    Isn’t the “soul” merely an agent of destiny “equipped” for every journey, every Life, with particular experiences?
    Where is your “free will” then?
    That will probably hurt most “unprepared” egos. That is probably why we haven’t heard about the cycle of time with certain depth yet. It is easier to say: “ Baba says, it is a predestined Drama; but you can change things “now” (free will) because we don’t know what will happen.” A “shrewd intellect” could realize that we have to DO things, certainly; but we are driven to DO something based on circumstances, conditioning, etc. That unobserved drive we could call “free will”, the name is irrelevant; what is important to notice is consciousness behind an action; and consciousness does not depend on us. It happens.
    Religions have pretended to go around this obvious observation, by creating an artificial moral system whereby a particular ACTION is labeled as “good” without care on consciousness. The output of such trap is that many followers will DO something labeled “right” although, they do not feel in the same direction.

    Let me illustrate: According to BK knowledge, “sex is bad.” Don’t DO it. However, is that truly the way you feel? In other words, is your CONSCIOUSNESS according to that action? That is how repression arrives and many mental problems after that.

    Now, let me go into the trap of “I”.

    Who “I think I am” is merely that. It has no significance in Life but in our artificial society. Moreover, It has no significance if “I think that I am important, now or in the future.” It is all human day dreaming.

    There is NO ONE in “you”. Nothing. Go to sleep at night. The mirage is gone. It happens every day of our life.
    Alzheimer anyone? Who are “you” if you don’t remember? Others may remember “you”, but we are always changing. What “YOU,” do they remember then? That “soul” (Atma) is only a container. It is not “self.” As every BK knows, that container can have up to 84 lives (experiences in Life) all “recorded” already.  Again, “self” is not “soul.” “You”(self) will not go beyond this experience which we call Life. Please “churn” that. It is all coming from the understanding of the predestined world cycle.

    Now, let us take a look at “Predestination.”
    It merely means that the consciousness that we have is already set up, as we are part of the cycle of time; and it has to display different circumstances according to “time.”
    “We” are merely agents of “time”. “Fabricating” changes which are already set up. Thus, the morality of “good and bad” is another human creation not supported by Life itself. Life is beyond “good and bad”. There will be consequences of “our” actions, yes; but we will be equipped to withstand those as well. That is known as “karma.”

    What is this idea of “God” then? I will not go into that at this time, as I have offered enough to “churn about”. If you’d like to explore that, you may do it.

    Don’t we feel trapped, like “puppets” moved by the puppeteer, the “Drama”? Do you feel unhappy?
    That is because we do not understand a thing, yet.

    Nothing is asked from “you”. Nothing to “do.” No purpose to reach. “You” are already FREE.
    All you have to DO is ENJOY, APPRECIATE and SMILE. That is the “effort”.
    Whatever you DO is meant to BE. Wherever you ARE is meant to BE.
    Look how the conditioned mind wants you to “achieve,” to “make effort,” to “save yourself”. No time for enjoyment. Got to get busy… “Do service.”

    As “I” am dying from “myself”, death becomes not only acceptable but liberating. Do you think “I” am afraid of “destruction just ahead”? Isn’t that only another picture of the jigsaw puzzle?

    “I” am a soul. 🙂 How could you BE a soul (container) if “YOU” are not?
    “Atman is Brahman”. That is more accurate but typically; misunderstood.

    There you have something “new,” precious to churn about; thanks to the cycle of time. 🙂

    • Gayathri 2:30 AM on July 5, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      I like the words, “..Every piece has a small chunk of the whole picture. A piece is nothing by itself; but only in relationship with other pieces to make something bigger than themselves….”
      “Even the picture of the “3 Worlds” depicts a relationship between “Parandham”, the “Subtle Region” and the Physical World.”
      Well, i am a soul, the container, that contains all the roles that i need to play in a kalpa.
      Thanks for sharing the gems.



      • avyakt7- New Generation 8:37 AM on July 5, 2019 Permalink | Reply

        An empty soul, with nothing other than pre recorded roles to play. It is that emptiness the one that we discover when the mind is still or not there. We call that peace. Another name “Brahman.”


    • Gayathri 12:07 PM on July 18, 2019 Permalink | Reply

      Here is an article by “Rose Mary” on Drama.

      If everything is fixed, why should I try?

      When it is told that everything in the Drama is fixed and repeats itself every Kalpa, some may feel: “If so, why should I try? Would it not be boring? ..etc.”

      Just like there could be wrong answers, there could be improper questions also. For example, after seeing non-vegetarians enjoying their food, one cannot ask “Is flesh of other living beings a very enjoyable food?” This question is not fully right because it has conflicting answers. Flesh is a delightful food for one group whereas flesh is highly abhorrent for people who value lives of other living beings. Similarly, you can’t ask “Is an idol (pratima) good?” because some religions hate it whereas in India, pratima is helpful. Prathima [from the root ma = to measure] is defined as Prathimeeyathe ithi prathima which means conveying the character of god/goddess in equal measure into another medium, as in the case of picturization of Narayan whose core characteristics are shown through four hands holding swadarshana chakra (knowledge that he is atma), mace (victory over Maya), lotus (purity) and conch (announcing the knowledge of incoming Golden Age with others and enabling others to become like him).

      That means conflicting answers can have for certain questions depending on various factors, and true meaning of a statement is inseparably connected with its context. In the context of saying history repeats identically every cycle, God may say ‘even a fly that passes by your face may do so in the next cycle too.’ People who look for essence rightly think: “If so, the more important things too will surely repeat identically.” It is not unusual to take minor things to highlight major things. For example, Jesus said: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye” (Mathew 7:3) He was not thinking about a dust particle. Rather he was saying most people are inclined to see even the minor faults of others (not their own major faults); thus they never feel the need to change, hence good and bad people repeat what they have been doing (Mathew 12:35) and because of this he declared: “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” (Mathew 7:13, 14)

      When God Shiva says ‘everything repeats itself’—it is simply His experience that everything repeats itself. He gives a perfect start to humanity at the start of every Kalpa and they reach decadence in the end, hence He has been renewing what has become old at the end of each Kalpa. Things begin to become old as inhabitants on earth fall into forgetfulness about true nature of themselves and of God; thus history is cycle of “forgetting and not forgetting” (Murli 05.09.2017) which is all about repetition. Things repeat in small and large scale. To mention a few examples: Billions of deaths have occurred, yet people repeat the style of living as though they will not die. Even though mechanism of Cause and Effect is everywhere, most people repeat hoping they can evade consequence for their actions, thus we have increasing crime rate, abortions …etc. Everyone knows sensual pleasures are sweet in the begging but bitter in the end resulting in many sufferings, yet people repeat running after them. Even though everyone in India knows Gandhiji entered into politics with no selfish interest, people repeat entering into politics with selfish interest.

      The reason why people repeat is that each atma is unique and has also unique sanskar. Hence even though one may think that he is choosing his action, in fact he is only unfolding according to his likes and dislikes. People going to a restaurant and ordering for different items may give the impression that they are choosing. In fact, each one is only acting according to his taste and liking which is NOT CHOOSING. Likes and dislikes are fixed whereas choice is dynamic. One may unwillingly donate for a welfare cause all because he is worried about his image, thus his donation was a forced giving, NOT A CHOICE. What people do is only an expression of what they really are. What one is doesn’t depend on him. What is in the tank only will come through the tap. What is in one’s sanskar only will come out as his actions/reactions. Hence whatever one does is unfolding of his likes and dislikes which is, in effect, like ROLLING DOWN, hence choice is not a right word to describe our actions. Our actions are best described by the word nimith or “instrumental consciousness,” says Gulzar Dadi (World and Wisdom of Gulzar, p. 74). Because it is under various factors and forces that each person acts. This word nimith is a combination of ni (down, back) and mitha/mith (moderate/measure, from the root ma, to measure) [as in nirog which means “free from disease”]. Hence when you say “I am nimith” it means your part in any happening is too small to measure as you are flowing with many factors and forces (seen & unseen, discernible & indiscernible). When you say “I had my lunch” it may look too simple. But, to make it possible, how many people should work directly and indirectly—including the invisible labor force of micro organisms working beneath the mud in the farmlands?

      In view of the above, one would easily understand the import of what Baba says “even the fly that passes your face will repeat it in the next Kalpa.” This is just another way of saying everything (micro and macro) repeats, and this statement often comes with other statements such as: “BKs are those who do not engage in vices. If a BK commits any vice, he/she will lose his/her status and will also receive 100 times punishment…..etc.” Thus in essence what He says is that Drama is a play of both freedom and destiny. All those who are acting do not feel they are acting in a fixed way but feel that they are choosing, yet in fact they are only unfolding according to their sanskar. There is no choice in unfolding, it is fixed. Hence actions are fixed, and results are inseparable from action, hence they too are fixed.. Fixed by whom? By each individual. For example, Baba says: “You could even go higher than Mama and Baba, but the conscience says that no one can go higher than Mama and Baba.” (Murli October 09, 2017) In other words, in Drama everything repeats because of the fixed thinking of individuals. In some cases it is very obvious. For example, habitual late comers have a fixed thinking; and habitual time-keepers too have a fixed thinking; hence both groups repeat their habit.

      When BK gyan was introduced to us we readily and delightfully accepted it, and superficially it seemed it was our choice. Yet truth is that we accepted because it matched with our sanskar. When I went through the 7-day course of Brahmakumaris, I felt an overwhelming leaning towards it from my subconscious mind to accept it readily as though I have lived through the first perfect half of the Kalpa. In other words, it was like I was re-awakened to BK gyan just like I am awakened from sleep by the sound of an alarm clock which is not a choice in its real sense. Those who reject BK gyan too do the same in every Kalpa. They are like those who have never visited foreign countries; and to them names of foreign countries are just names with no memories attached. But name Switzerland comes with many fond memories to a person who has already visited that country. Those who accept truth will do so in every Kalpa and those who reject it will do so in every Kalpa. Everyone knows there is love, and there is real love too; there is seeing, and there is real seeing too….etc. Similarly, those who see will always see [what physical eyes can see], and those who really see will always really see [what non-physical eyes can see]. Physical eyes see seed-tree-seed mechanism whereas non-physical eyes see an eternal cycle behind them. Physical eyes see the end of Kaliyuga and non-physical eyes can see beginning of the next cycle too.

      Thus two types of people are repeating two different sanskars. Spiritual person and physical person may always repeat acting in a fixed way. For example, when a spiritual person sees a purse falling on to the road from another person, he simply returns it to its owner and feels happy about that very act and WOULD NOT WANT ANY PUBLICITY to it. On the contrary, when a physical person sees a purse falling on to the road from another person, he simply takes it to himself and feels happy about the things he can buy with the money in that purse and WOULD NOT WANT ANY PUBLICITY to his taking the purse. These two types of people would always repeat their style of functioning. This is true in large scales also. In the first half of the Kalpa, inhabitants only enjoy the fruits of their actions performed in the Confluence Age. In second half more souls descend and divisiveness starts—and it is unstoppable. If anyone tries to introduce the features of first half of the Kalpa (such as one Government for all, one religion for all, one economical system for all, one language for all …etc), he will simply be resisted by all, and he will understand how impossible such change is, even though everyone knows it is highly beneficial. What an irony it is! Yet it is a fact! It means highlights of first half of the Kalpa and highlights of second half of the Kalpa simply repeat identically. It is an endless cycle of elevation and entropy! The only thing individual can do is acceptance or Amor Fati (love and accept everything that happens)—a beautiful concept the ancient Romans understood. In acceptance, there is peace, which brings other virtues such as love, joy…etc.

      Thus, in overall view, there is contentment. It is like one praising rain in overall view: “What a wonderful arrangement the rain is! It pours on all places.. It starts from ocean and travels through air as cloud and falls as drops and flows back to ocean. In the process, it cleanses the land and nourishes the living beings.” See what happens when he has limited view about rain: “What wastage! It pours water on rock, mountain, deserted areas …. etc.” Similarly, in limited view one may not fully appreciate the repetitive aspect of Drama saying “What a boring it would be!” Some would even ask: ‘If everything is fixed, why should I try or do seva?’ Such question has no meaning in their personal life because if someone is a skilled cook/dancer/driver/singer …etc, he/she would not ask “why should I be careful while cooking/dancing/driving/singing …etc?”

      The more attentive to one’s talent, skill, and work, the more enjoyable life would be no matter how repetitive the action is. As John Milton rightly wrote (in Paradise Lost): ‘The mind in its own place and in itself, can make Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.’ You can find this true by a simple experiment. Imagine you are a grandfather. You kept a ladu [Indian Sweet] on dining table and went to washroom, and when you returned to eat it, it was missing. Now you begin to think who the possible culprit could be. You feel anger, when you think your maid as the culprit. You feel no anger when think of your wife. You feel happy when you think of your daughter. And you feel double happiness when you think your grand-daughter ate it. See how negative emotion of anger changed into double happiness according to the change in thought! A person who interacted with over 12000 persons during their wait for death, in the dusk of their lives, gives the highlight of what they all said: “One should try to find joy in the small things, for that is what would bring a blot of happiness. One should learn to accept the situation and choose what you deeply feel will be of value to you.” (Vibes: Incessant Journey of thoughts, by Mizuma Lenin)

      It’s all in our mind. If one feels “repetition is boring,” then it is boring; and if another feels “repetition is not boring,” then it is not boring. People who have overall view have no problem with the teaching that ‘everything (micro and macro) repeats’ because they know that happiness does not depend on whether something is repetitive or non-repetitive. Happiness depends on doing what we enjoy doing or on liking what we do, fully concentrating on the now, regardless of whether it is small thing or big thing, repetitive or non-repetitive. There are many things we do daily, on repetitive mode, such as brushing the teeth, bathing, eating … yet we don’t feel they are boring to us. Such routine things become even more enjoyable when we do them consciously. Apply this principle to everything we do; and you will find every moment become moment of joyfulness. Shrewd ones would also safeguard his happiness by keeping only positive and inspiring friends. And this is all the more necessary now as we are very close to the Golden Age.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 6:50 AM on December 5, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , cycle of time, repetition of time,   

    A different view of the cycle of time 

    In Brahma Kumaris the belief of the cycle of time is very specific as to put some pressure on the believer. “If you don’t change now, then you will repeat the same mistake cycle after cycle.” The emphasis is on this “I,” who can make a “choice” separated from circumstances, settings and the law of karma.
    That is an illusion.

    Nevertheless, Brahma Kumaris is fulfilling its mission of giving some direction to the “little child,” as otherwise; he will be utterly lost and prone to fall into “temptation,” aka “Maya.”

    If life was as “I” want it to be, then obviously, there wouldn’t be any of the words that we use to describe the “lack of” that most humans live by: Poverty, disease, injustice, wrong doing, insecurity, fear, etc. Those will be experienced by all of us in different degrees. Why? Obviously there are things beyond “my control,” “my choice,” “my free will.”
    This “I” has made up ideals which cannot reach. Nevertheless, while we try to “achieve” them, we “kill time” in the belief that we found meaning in Life. We try to come up with meanings as if Life itself wasn’t sufficient. We want more. Some glorious time for the “I.”

    Here is the obvious dissonance of the belief of Brahma Kumaris: “Although the cycle of time is predestined, you have free will NOW to change things. Because we don’t know what we have done before. We have a chance to DO what is right NOW.”
    Although most conditioned individuals will buy that, as it sounds “reasonable” and “I get the chance to DO as I want,” that is not accurate as elaborated above; although it is helpful for those who are unable to see yet, beyond the box. See the paradox. Although the above BK belief is not true, it is helpful.
    Life does not move through the premise of what is “right” or “wrong.” That is only a religious belief. The cycle of time does not care about our moral standards and beliefs.

    We have to go through experiences, we label those as: Right, wrong, good, bad, left, right, pure, impure, etc. The “I” wants to discern and choose according to a religious belief.
    That religious belief may not be what we truly feel. Repression will be born. A repressed individual is DOING “good” (a belief) although he IS “bad.” (just a label to illustrate that I am not what I believe.) Another paradox. It is called dishonesty. Nevertheless, that is safe for society, a religious organization, etc.

    This article is written because it is important to free the individual of living in fear of a belief. “The same mistake will be repeated cycle after cycle for eternity.” That is the biggest lie ever.
    It is not a “mistake.” It is a necessary experience. All experiences are necessary as they are, whether we believe in free will or predestination, whether we think we are “moral” or not. All experiences are meshed together, related with other beings. The “I” is not DOING alone, by itself. There is cause and effect behind “our” DOINGS.

    Life/ The cycle of time cares very little of “my desire to go to heaven.” Things will happen as they should no matter how many labels or moral standards we believe in.

    In a nutshell: While entrenched with the “I,” forget the cycle of timeIt is the most useless belief. That is another paradox. Although the cycle of time is true in that consciousness (“I,”) it is useless information.

    If you are out of the “I,” “you” are free from the cycle of time. That which was true, now it is false for “you” are in another consciousness.

    What is the “moral” of this story? CONSCIOUSNESS dictates what is true or false for YOU. We cannot fake consciousness for that reflects who we ARE.
    “Knowledge” is not information. It does not help me at all, if I “know” that the cycle of time repeats identically every cycle when my consciousness is lost in the “I.” That only gives fear to the “I.”

    “Knowledge” are experiences that allow me to increase consciousness, a greater awareness, and openness to Life. Knowledge does not bring fear of living Life.  It brings stability, certainty.

    • Dinesh C 12:58 AM on December 11, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Dear Ahnanda, Our I is most of the time stuck with that the past experience which I went through could have been better if I would have done things differently. This kind of thinking that mind brings to us creates long term blockages of guilt and regret. Also, Our I remains in fear that what if things in my life will not be the way I dream and plan about future. This mind patter produces worry…sometimes extreme worry. It is really a reliefe and librating thing to know that the experieces of the past, whethe bad, worse or worst experiences, they were required. But the MIND does not accept that so easily. That is where we are failing, in fully accepting life the way it is. It is and will be a very librating thing to accept life fully with heart. I have read your article “all is good in acceptance”. But what u write, we are not able to be that fully with heart. At the same time, when mind is there, surrendering completely to life is another big challenge. It will be like giving the oath of the boat of our life in the hands of God. But again the problem is, we don’t know God. Thanks for writing this. Wow I shared so much without asking you a question…now that is something good! 🙂


  • avyakt7- New Generation 4:33 AM on February 28, 2018 Permalink | Reply
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    Message 7: Predestination and the Cycle of Time. 

    For some consciousness, we are all ONE.
    Who is predestined then?
    That ONE changes through its full range. That is known as the “cycle of time.” If there wouldn’t be any change, then there wouldn’t be any movement. Without movement, there is no Life.

    Because there is Life in that ONE, then it changes.
    Who is predestined then?
    When that ONE is divided in many. Then “I” appears. Then “I” will be sleeping in the belief that there is free will or predestination for “I” cannot see the ONE.
    It is all appearances, illusions when we look at things from the “unlimited” from the ONE.  Is god the ONE?  I am not referring to that one. I am referring to Everyone.

     Predestination is for the many. “God” is predestined. “We” are predestined. Although, our consciousness says that we have “free will.” Believe in whatever you want. Even in the “I.”

    What is the value of knowing about predestination?
    Little. Unless we are ready to OBSERVE, for then we will not be caught up with definitions, concepts and thought.
    Most don’t want to OBSERVE. Most want to believe in the “truth.”
    Do you want to hurt the “I”? That is predestination.
    Do you want to pamper the “I”? That is free will.

    Oh, truth seekers! Where is the truth that you shall find?

    Find the “reality” of the “I.”

    • Dinesh C 12:33 PM on February 28, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Ahnanda, the question at the end is really wonderful but “I don’t know, how to find the reality of this “I”. I mean my current understanding is that, I want to find the meaning of this “I”, I mean if I desire about something, unless and until I don’t fulfill that desire “I” don’t feel the substantial meaning of my “I”. sometimes I feel it’s ok the way life is you know, just carry on with acceptance, but then again the external pressure, no no no, how can you be so relaxed about life, we have struggled so much in life, life is not meant to be relaxed, the “Others” also contribute for creating that desire of “Meaning of the “I”. But I personally don’t feel there is any useful meaning of this “I” through fulfilent of desires. 🙂 Thanks for writing this message Ahnanda 🙂 Om shanti.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 4:30 AM on November 30, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    The typical BK questions: Karma, Drama, Cycle of time. 

    Back from vacation! There will be some changes in this blog.
    Avyakt7-NG will be writing an article once a week. Typically, on a Thursday. As time goes by, there will be further changes in the way Avyakt7-NG will share to BK or Ex-BK readers.

    Avyakt7-NG encourages you to send your questions. Please make those questions to the point and hopefully, for the “common good” rather than personal issues.

    Lakshmipriya sent her question(s) here:
    In your first question: If “I” look honestly, If “I” suffer from a disease, no words or mental console could help me. The point is that there is no “reason” that could take “my” suffering away. Yes, “karma” is a “reason.” It could be true, but many times in our current life times we do not see the “why” we have to settle or “pay” for something that we do not even remember that “we did” in a past life. On the other hand, BK knowledge states that there is predestination. That means there was no way out. We had to go through that experience. Period.
    Whatever it is happening, it IS. Deal with it, knowing that experiences have a duration and then, they will go away. This is not a belief. Enjoyment should be there out of any Life experience, for every experience never comes by itself, there is a thread of other experiences along with it, worth enjoying them.

    Question #2: If you understand the Drama well, you will see that there is NOTHING that could be labeled as “bad,” or “good.” It is what it IS and for a limited time. 

    Question#3: The word “actor” imply many things. An actor “knows” (has the experience) of being an actor. Most human beings do not. For most, we feel that it is “I.” That is our consciousness. Lakshmipriya: Your keywords are: “This understanding, helps me.” Avyakt7-NG shares that mental understanding does not change BEING. It only puts a façade to mentally “accept” the issue. However, that stage is necessary to go beyond the trap of the mind.

    In one of Avyakt7’s trips to India as a BK, Avyakt7 went to Jodphur by himself.
    It is a different “reality” there, than being sheltered in Madhuban. Avyakt7 remembers seeing a dog walking down the street. The dog was limping. The dog was very dirty and it seemed as it had many diseases. The dog most likely, did not have a home. No food waiting. However, the dog was living Life. There is no “idea” of committing “suicide.” That dog was free from the mind. There is no “reason” needed to comfort the “suffering” of the dog, for the dog does not have that duality in the mind. On the other hand, humans are looking for “reasons” which they call “knowledge.” Those are pacifiers for someone living in the mind.

    The dog may “instinctively” KNOW that the “medicine is to go through the experience itself. Not to try to escape it. Light is at the end of that tunnel.”

    Hope that answered your questions.
    At the same time, this answers Christopher Joseph’s inquiry about “karma.”

    Now, on the question by Dinesh here:
    Ahnanda had the privilege to connect with his friend, Mathias while in Peru. Ahnanda shared with Mathias that Ahnanda’s sharing of “no-I” was misunderstood. Mathias responded that “ That [No-I] hurts them.” Also, he mentioned about “taking the pulse of others before sharing” without using those BK words.
    Therefore: When we experience “no-I” there is no cycle of time.
    When we experience “I” we are afraid of the cycle of time. When we “intellectually know” about the cycle of time and we believe it, while being only conscious of the “I,” there will be an inner war, an inner fight, a dissonance for the belief goes against our consciousness of “I have free will.”
    Thus, knowing that what will you DO? 🙂

    For the common good.

    • Lakshmipriya Nagarajan 6:04 AM on November 30, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      To look myself honestly I require the knowledge of truth. Isn’t it brother?. If the right answer is not given to the mind, the mind is going to keep on chatter. Over a period of time, I do not require to give any reason to the mind as the questioning ceases on this issue as I experience the truth. I understand “no-I” as “no ego”, no acquired sanskars. Otherwise embodied soul will have mind. And as I become close to “being”, probably i will be harmonizing the thought and actions. Yes, the suffering of body can not be stopped but the amplification of suffering caused by the mind’s expansion can be stopped by applying the powerful brake of knowledge. Isn’t it?

      Don’t I have the power to accept to go beyond the trap of mind. By using this power at right time in a right way many times, I can become the embodiment of that power. This will bring me to a stage of no-I. Isn’t it? In order to bring this “power to accept” in action, I need some knowledge points such as drama is accurate in operating as per philosophy of Karma, it is beneficial in bringing me to my original self. Everyone is actor playing their perfect role in the drama so on so forth…


      • avyakt7- New Generation 9:27 AM on November 30, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        As far as my experience, honesty is not related with some external idea of what “truth” should be. Honesty is to know what truly is going on inside and acknowledge it. As you mentioned, “knowledge” stops the amplification of suffering which comes from the mind. But it is only temporarily, for a few days; then the mind needs the same or higher quantity of that “fix.” This is the “reason” why in BK there is a need to listen to the Murli everyday. We “understand but we forget.” Nevertheless, even though the amplification of the sound could be stopped for a few days… the sound is still there. We want to get rid of it “now,” but that is not in the Drama…

        “No-I” is not an idea. It is an experience. Until there is experience, there can only be mind made speculations on how to “arrive to it,” how to “get it for me,” how to achieve it… All of that is an extension of the “I.”

        Liked by 1 person

    • Gayathri 11:52 AM on November 30, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      There are many levels of understanding/ interpreting Baba’s words.

      Baba says, “The ghost of attachment destroys all truth, everything”.

      Attachment comes from the word, ‘mine’. When we are not very sure who “I” am, we tend to assume our physical body, physical relationships, and physical belongings to be ‘mine’/ ours.

      Recently we were churning the topic, “Drama”. Though we may consider ourselves to be a soul, even the soul can not claim its qualities/ sanskars as its own because the soul is ONLY a ‘container’ for the 84 or so roles that are destined to be played through that particular soul. Every thought, word, and action of the soul is already destined to happen in a particular sequence, in a particular way which can not be changed even minutely.

      It is not just the body that we possess, even the roles that are being played through us are not OURS in the sense we have no control over them, we can not order and get them do things according to our wish.

      The real “I” is just an observer, a catalyst… When we can not even separate the real “I” from the role that is being played through us, when we confuse our role to be the real “I”, how real could be the ‘mine’?

      Considering the ‘role’ as the “I” it self is a myth/ a ghost, and the ‘mine’, the attachment is a ‘ghost’ that makes us believe that we own certain people and objects. Our eyes deceive us a lot. 🙂 What we usually consider as ‘mine’, the attachment, destroys all the truth.

      Gayathri ben.


      • ahnanda 3:27 PM on December 1, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        “Attachment comes from the word, ‘mine’. ”
        Attachment is not a word. Words are merely pointers. Understanding of words is not necessary. What is important is to look at the pointers and find those in ourselves. That requires honesty, observation, awareness… not “knowledge.” Churning has no consequence but it is a distraction for the mind. We could come up with wonderful ideas and never look at the self with honesty.
        The ultimate attachment is to the self, but attachment is not the issue once we discover that what we call self, is always changing. The mind is stuck with a picture, when Life is a movie. 🙂


    • Christopher joseph 5:51 AM on December 2, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Very rightly said Ahnanda.Esp.the example of the dog whether there is light at the end of the tunnel or no light should not make a difference.as we should live with zero expectation. THE NON BEING.😊Still my mind Questions me as to how I came into being in the present environment (in the absence of karma)🤔😊


      • ahnanda 4:32 PM on December 3, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        As we know, the way to calm the mind is to give it some “reason.” Make up or get convinced with whatever “reason” you like … and then BELIEVE it. That is all! 🙂


    • Dinesh C 11:58 PM on December 2, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      ok Hi Ahnanda, thanks a lot bro for sharing that information with us from your friend Mithias, I feel what they said is actually true, but can you please briefly tell us in what way the “No-I” is hurting us? Because if I share what I ended up doing after “Knowing” this “No-I” is that I tried applying it at the level of intellect again, though you told me that the “No-I” simply happens, there is no DOING involved in this experience.
      Regarding knowing the pulse of the other being before sharing this experience of N0-I, I have mostly shared some of my life experiences here in an open way, even about my sexuality, and experience of what happened during me being an Adhar Kumar for 6 years, in breif way! so actually to some extent you know my pulse Ahnanda! well I am just saying about what I understand from my experience… so thanks again 🙂


      • ahnanda 4:39 PM on December 3, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Most humans are experiencing the “I.” Brahma Kumaris “knowledge” is supportive of it. So is Christianity and most mainstream religions.
        To say : The “I” doesn’t exist. “You” are not the one controlling your Life. It is perplexing, when people are interested in becoming SOMEONE in Life and the after life. Dinesh: You try many things but it is at the intellectual level. “Trying” is “I.”
        Then the questions you may have is: Then, How do “I” improve? Again, trapped in the “I.”
        There are many things in Life the mind cannot understand for understanding comes through experience, not trough intellectual talk… 🙂
        Awareness, consciousness, observation… That is all is needed, but when we are not there, we may need to DO something to “improve.’ Thus, wherever you are, is good. Enjoy it!


    • Lakshmipriya Nagarajan 2:56 AM on December 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      yes brother, any point of knowledge if not coming into experience, it is just understanding. Yes, I need the support of murli to maintain silence in the mind. I need murli everyday as a tonic to infuse the positive thoughts in the mind otherwise it goes out of control. I do not even able to observe me as I end up with action. Murli churning helps to observe me and act according to Shrimath. For sure, I would say, that I started observing me, accept the emotions, and try to let go of it. This blog helped me a lot to churn murli in different way..Thanks a lot.


      • ahnanda 10:32 AM on December 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Lakshmipriya: Observe how you interpret “my” words according to your experiences and conditionings. You are not the only one. I am definitely learning from that. At the end, what matters is that all of these writings are “helpful to you.” It is interesting to note, that for others; these writings are not helpful at all… 🙂
        Any one wants to ask WHY?
        It doesn’t matter. Any reason may be called “knowledge” but that label doesn’t make any difference for those feeling these writings to be unhelpful or helpful.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 8:29 AM on November 2, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , cycle of time, , , , , living in the mind, nothing new,   

    Life is about the complete experience. 

    When we rationalize Life, that is; when we live in the mind, we typically “choose” one side of the range of the experience and reject the other.
    For example, the experience of being a “sinner” will bring the experience of being a “saint.” We may reject “sinner” but “saint” is only part of the complete experience. Thus, I am a sinner or a saint? That is the question of the conditioned mind. In “reality,” sinner nor saint exist (for some consciousness) as both are part of the total experience. However, sinner and saint exist, they are “realities”  for other type of consciousness.

    Likewise,  because we experience “life,” we will experience “death.” For some consciousness, there is no death. Just like the Deities in the “Golden Age,” experienced according to BK philosophy. There is reincarnation for them. For us, that is only a belief for we are not in that consciousness.

    For Avyakt7-NG, it does not matter whether there is reincarnation or not. “I” am never the same. Who will reincarnate?  We want to know which “philosophy” is “right or wrong,” believe what is “right,” but that does not matter at all, if there is no consciousness behind it.
    There is no single experience  in Life which is “better” than another. It is just a complementary, fleeting experience.
    This is an unlimited vision. 

    In a limited vision, we are bound by our own “choices.” We select and reject. We fight to keep our selection not seeing that Life has its own movement. Therefore, there is suffering after the enjoyment of what we perceive to be a happy moment, a happy finding, a happy circumstance, etc. All of that is bound to change.
    This has been misinterpreted as: ” It is better not to have desires. It is better not to be happy since suffering will come by…” Again, this is a gross misinterpretation of  someone living in logic, reason, the mind. Life does not move under the constraint of logic and reasoning, but our society pretends to do it, although it does not.

    Enjoy every experience, for it is unique. 

    Remember when “you” were a 6-year-old? This is inaccurate, for “you” (now) were not that one before. All that mattered at that time was to experience Life. The intellectual stuff was added later. That in return gave us a persona, an identity of separation. It was necessary to function in our society, but as we continued on with the conditioning, we forgot our other side, the “no-I,” which does not think about such matters.
    We cannot control our lives according to our thoughts. If we try to control, we will never live.
    Society requires the “I.” Life does not. When you go to sleep every night, there is no certainty that “you” will wake up. Where are you during that time?
    Many have died during their sleep. Our conditioning is that we will wake up again in the safety of our bedroom, but that is just a thought, that we believe in.
    To deal with that uncertainty, our minds have created religious beliefs and all sorts of “life insurance” so we could continue on in the afterlife.
    Those are tricks to mitigate the anxiety of not being “I,” that is fear of BEING “No-I.”

    The paradox is that even though mentally we know that “there is nothing new,” (As per BK belief) experientially, everything is new for us.
    That is the bridge that we have to cross and see that what truly matters is what our consciousness perceives, not what the mind is able to understand. Learning happens when we move according to our consciousness. Dishonesty happens when we move according to the “right” belief. We will do and say what we don’t feel.

    We have been conditioned in so many ways. That 6-year-old does not know about that conditioning that we may understand now through our own experience.
    So, is it “better” to be ignorant then, like a dog?
    There is no “better.” Life is only offering us different experiences. A self-realized individual will know both sides of the coin through their own experience, and will see that this coin is “real” and at the same time is not real. The “I” makes the coin. Life does not know about any coins. That is only a human perception.

    Coincidences do not exist in Life. That label is a human invention meaning “I don’t know, but I will cover my ignorance with a nice label.”
    Life does not depend on me nor on you. It just happens, it is there: Breathing is there, eating, sleeping, etc. Enjoy the experience. Know it. Let it go through “you,” become AWARE of it when it is happening, for otherwise the mind, will “remember” that “I had that experience yesterday,” and the mind will make that unique experience  of “now” into something “old.”

    That is why it is said, that a new consciousness is in the experience of “no-mind,” for “no-I” is there. Knowing “I” and “no-I” you had the complete experience. “You” may be self-realized in the consciousness of both complementary experiences.

    What do I need to DO to get there? we may ask.
    Nothing. You could wait and live in some sort of a vacuum in fear as not to experience Life, for “you” will feel safe, or you could enjoy the ride. That may be “your” choice.   Whatever “your” choice, Enjoy it. That is the key. Know that it is OK to change with Life.

    For the common good.

    • Christopher joseph 10:41 AM on November 3, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Wow🤔This is the most convincing article I have ever read (no exaggeration) where my mind is blown and is taking time to re-assemble. I can’t say ‘wah drama’ for it is meaningless to me as the drama according to bk has no writer .But you are the writer of this article where thanks is not enough but you can feel the viberation of my love coming to you 😊that U may not know from where🤔🤔🤔😊🤚Enjoy your journey with no expectation…..Love U.😊


      • Dinesh C 6:36 AM on November 4, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        I like the way u say “Love U” to Ahnanda at the end of your reply. Hehehe 🙂


        • Christopher joseph 9:41 AM on November 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          Dear sweet brother in the no I state😊 saying Love U means nothing but my expression of gratitude 😊😊😊.I also told U (love you) in the previous article which U may have overlooked.I used to follow avyakt7 before his change to Ananda searching for the truth of bk.(e.g. 5000 years , repeat cycle.etc.etc)where I got not so convincing answers😊) but that was a required stage and is a part of my journey If not I wouldn’t have reached my present stage . I Like it when you spoke about existing before existence and outside the 3 world’s (egg shaped figure in bk gyan.😊😊) I have learnt/learning many good things in bk and still love to read the daily murli and extract what is good for me.Now a days I feel myself growing on my journey, overcoming obstacles in the easiest way possible not forgetting the invisible parasite of EGO clinging to me where ever I go🤔😊Honestly speaking I’m not interested in satyug /becoming diety/Baap ka khazana etc.etc. as I am sick of all that crap😣I am satisfied with this Life enjoyed/suffered enough and am not interested in this (NOT SO INTERESTING DRAMA) as Gayatri ben put it.😊😊…Just curious to know as to HOW I CAME INTO EXISTENCE 🤔 🤔 when I see the beauty of nature and it’s precision a thought comes that there has to be an intelligent designer behind all these things. ( a computer CANNOT assemble on its own unless there is an intelligent designer 🤔🤔?? and our human body is more sophisticated than the most sophisticated computer.😊and finally going into non existence doesn’t matter as there wouldn’t be a curious mind to desire anything…🤔🤔🤔for me that, is the NO I state 😊😊😊…/ Have a desire free and egoless journey and wish me the same. Also waiting for Anandas juicy carrots which makes my journey interesting…..Love U too 😊😊😊


          • Dinesh C 11:44 AM on November 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply

            Best to you Joseph, your so many similes in every reply remind me of the Romeo from Romeo and Juliet, wish you all the best.
            HOW I CAME INTO EXISTENCE, My experience says that silence can give you an answer for this. You know what silence I am talking about! 🙂
            And just a question from my side, if there is a designer of this existence, who designed that designer of the existence??
            Perhaps you will have to start one more journey to find the designer of the designer! And if you don’t find the designer of the designer!! you may conclude that the design of the designer may not have a designer!! Don’t get confused because of usage of so many “Designer” words 😛


            • Christopher joseph 1:18 PM on November 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply

              Sweet brother, is the silence you are talking about give you the answer as to how you came into existence🤔? as I am curious to know.For me being Non existent will end my curiosity (I think that is the silence U R talking about😊for it doesn’t matter to me.as being Non existent in a way is liberation from life which is my highest priority. 😊( not liberation in life bk talks about as you have face birth and ‘re-birth forever.🤔😊


              • Dinesh C 12:46 AM on November 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply

                Answers used to matter so much in the period before I came in contact with Ahnanda and Osho, and answers were important even after I started exploring both of them from serious point of view, but now the experience of those answers is what I am seeking, although the AWARENESS while going through those experiences is still lacking 🙂
                One more thing to say here, Ahnanda and Osho both are unique in theirs point of view, I was a stupid and a fool to consider them as similar or different 🙂
                Om shanti 🙂


                • Christopher joseph 1:02 AM on November 7, 2017 Permalink

                  You are neither a fool nor a stupid if you remember you came into existence as a pure and unbiased/ conscious being.🤔😊


  • avyakt7- New Generation 11:17 AM on September 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Understanding the Cycle of time from an unlimited way 

    For those non-Brahma Kumaris readers; it is my experience that time is cyclical and repetitive, just like Brahma Kumaris teaches. This is not a belief for me, it is an experience. Thus, predestination is the outcome of that cyclical time: Fortune telling is possible and it could be very accurate to the point of knowing your day and time of death.  

    The “I” does not like that “concept,” for the “I” likes “free-will.” However, The cycle of time also shows that there is no “I.” Why? If everything repeats, what is that which “I” am doing out of my “own volition”? It is better said: It is done through “me.” But that is not completely accurate… 🙂

    Paradoxically, the teachings from Brahma Kumaris about the cycle of time are limited by the presence of the “I.”

    If we could grasp that this famous “I” exists in a particular consciousness but in another it doesn’t, then we are ahead from the limited understanding of the cycle of time.

    We are, but we are not. That is the main difficulty to understand. For an intellectual, that is illogical, it is not reasonable.

    The “I” exists but it doesn’t. When the “I” exists in our consciousness, then there is time (past, present and future) for the point of reference is the “I” NOW. Note, that movement in Life is constant, so “now” is not possible strictly speaking.
    When the “I” exists, there is predestination and free will; as both concepts deal with the ability of the “I” to act. There is that duality.

    When there is “I,” it is hard to understand how Life, the Drama, could be eternally repetitive.
    That “I” invents Success and Failure. Guilt and Pride. Nevertheless, it is contradictory for in a predestined Drama, there is no “I” that could act with his own volition: It is merely a script performed by someone. That one is compelled to act in a certain way. Thus, how is it possible for Brahma Kumaris to teach about “making effort” to “save yourself”? That is the catch.
    That is why, despite the fact of predestination, Brahma Kumaris supports the idea of free will: We make our “choices.” 🙂

    When the “I” is asleep, ignorant of the different forces influencing his activities… what kind of “choice” is that?

    Brainy individuals, someone who is stuck in their own mind; may not like the “concept” of predestination and the eternally repeating cycle of time.
    After all, that “nonsense” is not supported by science. The “I” thrives in his “free will” even though that free will, is mere conditioning for 99% of the “free” people in the world today.

    When “we move” into a different space of consciousness, little by little we could observe that there is nothing static that we could call “I.” We can put layers of traditions, social conventions and moral values into that “I” to make out of him, something static, unmovable, even permanent…. The “I” loves that!

    Everything that exists in the physical realm is cyclical, for it is in continuous change (Life is change.) How many permutations change can have? Many for sure, but it is bound to repeat itself.

    It is that repetition what makes “someone” eternal…
    Eternity is already “here.” Because we don’t perceive it, we look for it, we believe in eternal things only in the afterlife, etc.

    When the “I” is not, then time is not. If time is not, what is there? Eternity.
    But yet, we look for “salvation.” In the Brahma Kumaris world, someone believes that “he will be saved” if he experiences a particular “age” such as the Golden age.
    That is not accurate, for that “salvation” will finish as the cycle will move on. It is a matter of “time.” 🙂  Everyone has different experiences, none “better” than others, as one experience calls for another, automatically: Peace calls for war and war, for peace.  Different experiences, but complementary of each other in the world of duality.

    Someone who has the ability to see the future, is also seeing the past. Thus, past and future are the same thing in a cyclical view of time, and as expressed above, the “now” the present is not. No past, no present , no future.  What is there then?  However, there are times when “telling the truth” about the future is counterproductive to the evolution of a person and sometimes, it is important and even necessary, according to the “Drama.”( Unlimited vision.)

    A Being of light, could tell the difference for he is unlimited, a fortune teller; cannot.
    When we realize about our own nothingness, the mental concepts such as predestination and free will, could go out of our system for in the “unlimited,” there are no “good or bad” experiences; but only experiences which will help us in our evolution.
    As the Brahma Kumaris teaches: The Drama (Life) is beneficial. Even though many do not understand that, and want to DO something to be “saved.”

    For the common good.

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