Change: The gist of everything

Today is a special day in my “spiritual” development and wanted to share this article. If you read something in this blog, I highly recommend this article. In my view, it is worthwhile to read and understand.

Last article was about Tilopa’s “six nails.” He wasn’t “teaching” anything but merely describing a state of BEING which is known as “no-mind.” To understand that, we need to go first into the mind.

If you are “new” or “seasoned” in the path of “spirituality,” or “searching for truth,” the most important thing someone could do in my experience, is to have a deep look at their own mind AND to be aware of their own emotionality or unresolved traumas. That is all. 🙂

How deep you go into those 2 rabbits’ holes is what will give you a state of BEING.

By sitting and looking at the wall. Literally. Doing “nothing.” The caveat is that if “you” DO something, awareness will not be known.

That is, if you sit with the purpose of knowing awareness, you are gone! Sit there without a purpose. Just for the heck of it. Thoughts arrive, outside noises appear, inside noises arrive, watch.That is hard to do for mind-driven individuals, who want to “achieve” something for “time is money.” That is why, these individuals are into another path which is not self-realization.

There is no purpose. No motive other than perhaps rest and relax. (If we want to call that a purpose. That is the “sixth nail” of Tilopa.)

Here is a nice explanation from Osho:

Notice that he calls that “meditation.” I like to call it “contemplation,” someone else may call it “mindfulness,” or whatever label. How about “sit there and do nothing.” Labels are not important, but the experience, “your” experience is.

In this state, things happen to you. Change happens as we develop the habit. Nobody does anything. Little by little, awareness appears as a shy rabbit sticking its nose from its rabbit hole, then the head, ears, etc. It is in that state how we can look, observe, watch, become aware of the mind, so it looses its grip on us by doing nothing. Just by becoming aware of it. Becoming AWARE is not a DOING. It happens.

Then, I recommend this video:

You will fully understand it when you have experienced a bit of the above.

Some may want to use their thoughts to change another. Some may want to use their thoughts to change themselves. Others do not want thoughts to interfere and fight with them, but yet others become AWARE of thoughts and drop their identity from what the mind says, reacts, imagines or recalls. Then, CHANGE happens without changing anything.

Good to remember: “When we DO something (intentionally, with purpose,) we do not allow for change to happen naturally, for Change is all there is.” When we sit, rest, relax, allow… then Change happens… 🙂