Turns in Life – Back in the USA

Life is an interesting journey if we are willing to accept uncertainty as the “bread and butter” of daily living.

Last month, I was in Peru. Now in the USA again…

It seems like “deja vu.”

The interesting part is that “anything can happen” and “I have” nothing to lose, for there is nothing to gain. It is truly a game. “Lila” or “Leela,” a divine play.

In society, “I” find myself looking for a job one more time. According to society, I need to show in $$ my “net worth” after years of “hard work.” As a BEING, there has been a tremendous growth. That is my net worth.

From that perspective, I could observe that there is some sort of “bubble” around most individuals. Completely unaware of the changes happening in the World. The apologue of the boiling frog fits this setting quite nicely but even more the “allegory of the cave” by Plato.

The job market dictates: “Strong analytical skills, excellent communication, financial acumen, strong understanding of such and such technology, and visionary thinking to lead others…. “

How about a job “teaching” meditation? After all, that is what “I” have more experience in. “I” have tasted its benefit to the point that it is my every day “bread and butter.” What I know in that “subject” is due to my own life experience. Follow my blogs! 🙂 Well…you require “certification.” You require to sign up for classes and take the exam after paying a hefty price to demonstrate your ability to teach. Oh yes! Rather than “meditation” in traditional society it is called “mindfulness” ( A deceitful label where the mind has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with it, especially when we want to experience to be in the “now.”) In our society to know the theory (arranged by some scholar,) the buzzwords, the latest “research” is important to teach meditation. Whether that is “meditation” or not is a secondary aspect.

“ Must be compassionate, caring and talk with gentleness..” Really? Is that another “skill” set or perhaps that is something “natural” which emerges when the mind is at rest, emotions have been healed and we perceive Life from the chest…

Interesting world indeed! Looking forward to the adventure. 🙂