Why are you a Brahma Kumaris (BK)?

That is a question worth asking. There are many “reasons” such as: 1. Because my parents were BK 2. Because I had experiences with Brahma Baba. 3. Because I love Brahma Baba 4. Because I love the Dadis. 4. Because I believe that God is with the BKs and I want to get “salvation” and a good “status.” 5. Because I like their values and teachings. 6. Because I like the company of spiritual people. 7. Because God has chosen me.

Of course, there may be many other “reasons.” But that is not the “why.”
If we look closely, Brahma Kumaris is a path for self-transformation. Unless a follower is willing to accept that path fully, with all its flaws and merits; that follower is not truly a BK.

Yes, he may be called “numberwise” and his company may be accepted, but it is important to notice that the purpose of that path is to change who you ARE, not for “you” to dictate the extent of what you want to be changed.

Brahma Kumaris has a hierarchy. It has a system. Anyone who thinks and plays with ideas which are not contained in their system, is by definition; out of the system. That is the path.

There cannot be an “Open minded BK.”

The structure, the strict flavor of the BK path is the first wall that most followers want to “soften” in a “subtle way.”

That rigidity is meant to put someone in a blender without escape.
Definitely, “you” will be someone else after a few years, not necessarily what “you” believed that “you” will become.

As the collective consciousness, the masses “rule” in our society, Brahma Kumaris is forced to change its structure if it is to survive, for there cannot be a religious system with only 5 followers. Brahma Kumaris is a system primarily for the masses.

Why would you give up your life style to accommodate for a new one such as BK?
The “why” is that this will make “you” better, elevated, angelic, a king, etc. SOMEONE. That promise is what drives followers to follow.

A neophyte will look into this as a way to “get more things,” as a way to decorate the “self” into something that will make ME look “good” in front of everyone. That is the dream.
The “reality” may be that this path when fully followed, will take away who you are, what you have, what you thought you could be. That is a disaster to be feared by the common man who only wants layers of things in top of what he already got. That is what he sees as “becoming better.”

Paradoxically, those who stick around for a long time, those who are willing to give everything they have for the “yagya,” build their self-value, their self-esteem on that self-denial. The reward is a position (whether administrative or high esteem, psychological boost) in the BK hierarchy which makes a life style parallel to mainstream society. 

Decorating the self or denying it, will take us eventually to the same place which is to strengthen the “I.”

So what is the value in this path?
The value is in the experiences that this path will bring. The different agents that will play out in self change.

This change cannot be controlled by the “I” to go in a particular way. The change will go according to our destiny.

That is why in the world there are so many paths, so many systems and methods; but destiny cannot be controlled by none of them.

That is the predicament of the “I” trying to change itself. The promise that may not be fulfilled.

For the common good.