The illusion of Knowledge

The greatest deception is to believe that the mind can keep worthwhile information to become “spiritually better.”

Every religion with a dogmatic, black or white view of Life, is infantile in their vision of Life.
In Brahma Kumaris there is the knowledge of the mind, intellect and sanskaras. There are definitions of the activities of those 3 labels.
What is the benefit?
None other than a belief that we know something.
To “know” that the intellect is the one “making decisions” is of no consequence. A “decision” will be made whether we believe in the intellect or not.

The knowledge of an eternally predestined Drama, is of no consequence if we believe that we are “making decisions.” 
What is the outcome of those 2 contradictions?
Zero balance. One side cancels the other out.

Is the knowledge of predestination in accordance to our perception?
Of course not. For many believe that their decisions are part of their own volition. They have not considered the conditioning of the mind and all that information which actually influences a “decision.”

Where is the knowledge then?
It is illusory.

The Knowledge of: “I am a soul not a body” is only true if we experience that. For all practical purposes, “soul” is merely a label for anything else that we do not experience as being the body. Observe that every individual has his own particular experience, that is the reason for the existence of so many “gods.” Every god there is, fits a particular experience which increases its influence due to the belief of the followers.

Someone may have the experience of being something other than the body. He may not know that he is a “soul,” however; he KNOWS.

That is the problem with second hand information. It shapes our vision in a tunnel. We rely on the words passed by others, sometimes not even the source itself. It becomes a belief for those words, those definitions, those concepts, are great for the mind, but are not our experiences.

We use the teachings of our society: Never question what the book says. Don’t question what the authority /the scientist says… we apply that to “spirituality,” to Life and expect to “know.”

In Life that “knowing” is futile; that is why most spiritual seekers are busy faking their behavior to look like the definition, the concept, the belief that they have subscribed to and labeled as “truth.”

For the common good.