Wah Drama!

If Brahma Kumaris followers were to replace the word “Drama” with the word “Life,” they may see “Life” under a different perspective.
This is the power of words.

There is no law, but Life itself. There is no God but Life itself. Now, if you call that “Drama,” then we could understand why Sakar Murlis speak about the Drama as being even “more powerful than God.”

Someone may have their little morality running their lives. Their little codes, values and precepts and commandments of Do’s and Don’ts, just because someone’s Life is being run by those external beliefs; it doesn’t mean that I am “righteous,” it just means that someone may feel at ease by conforming with their own values and beliefs. That is all.

To be called a “saint” an “angel” or a “godly man” and all of those “nice words” that everyone becomes when dead, is meaningless.

In Life, we can only be who we truly ARE. We are called to express that. However, the layers of conditioning are hiding our true selves.
Many religions believe in placing another layer of conditioning in top of whatever someone brings with him. That is to hide through a “new” behavior, the traumas made by past conditioning. Those traumas will come out sooner or later and they need to be healed, in order to “Be yourself.”

In Life, many times the impossible comes true. A belief in what “should be” could deny the expression given by Life.

Most Human beings are concerned in labeling things as “good” and “bad,” not with the sole purpose of describing something, but with the intention to show rejection or distaste of that which is considered “bad.” Their value system, codes of conduct, morality, etc. do not approve what Life is presenting to them. It “should not be” like that.

Observe that in the “Unlimited” (As BapDada would say in Avyakt Murlis) everything that happens is as it should be, that is “good.”
In short, everything that happens in Life is “good.”

That is a pill hard to swallow. Life is not about my little interests and beliefs; but it is greater; unlimited.

In my experience, Beings of Light (Like Brahma Baba) deal with human beings appropriately thanks to the knowledge that they have about the Drama, Life. Basically, they know what will happen in Life in the “future.”

Let us say that a loved one is destined to die because someone will kill her. A Being of Light will not tell me how to avoid her assassination before this happens. A Being of Light will help me to deal emotionally with the issue before it happens and after it happens.

But why? Isn’t Brahma Baba or another Being of Light there to help me? Isn’t he my friend?

All of those human concepts and cheap morality that we see in the Disney channel and Hollywood/ Bollywood movies do not apply to the “Unlimited,” to Life itself.

To understand the Drama/ Life itself; we may need to decondition from all of those things which we consider to be “good, holy, valuable, moral,” etc. Then, flowing with the Drama is to be One with “God;” not because “God” is something different than Life, but because is the same thing. 

To say “Wah Drama!” will not be just another “BK key word” to utter when something unforeseen happens.
Wah Drama! will be an authentic expression flowing from the bottom of our heart at every heartbeat…
Now, that is meaningful. 🙂

For the common good.