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  • avyakt7- New Generation 4:25 PM on March 15, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    One more time: Predestination, Free will and Karma 

    I had a little “flash” last night while in “meditation” on this topic that I’d like to share.

    Most individuals are afraid of finding out that their personality is a made up product of their minds, which in turn are only layers of conditioning. It is that fear the one keeping us with the continuous thought that “I am separated from everything else.” Thus, free will is another belief going along with the idea that “ I am separate.” When a religious belief is based on the mind, duality is unavoidable. That is, there is “I” separated from “you,” “them” and “God.” That is why, self exploration through “meditation” or “contemplation” is encouraged, to find out through our own experience.

    Therefore in mainstream religion or spirituality, there is separation (duality) and free will as cornerstones of their idea of how Life is.

    However, there are many instances when predestination is obvious. In my case, I had accurate predictions about my Life. Things that I was told will happen in my “future” which has happened. Perhaps that is not the experience of many but maybe this video of a scientific experiment could help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VZqho-8iJY

    Read the comments on that video and we may understand with how much passion many are willing to defend their ideas of free will. After all, they are just ideas. What “it is” will happen whether we are aware of it or not.

    In the Brahma Kumaris, there is the philosophy of an “eternal recurring cycle of time.” That is, time is cyclical and repetitive just what Nietzche pointed out in his “eternal return.” Then, Am I a puppet of destiny?

    Of course not. We do not feel like that, we make “choices” right? although… there is no “I.” 🙂 Neither is there something as “time,” although we have made up our world of senses ruled by “time.” Can we see that we are slaves of our minds and perceptions through the sense organs? What we call “real” is the experience of the mind, but to discover what is beyond and “real” from another perception, we need to abandon the mind. Naturally.

    As we can see, our unwillingness to be open to discover and investigate is hindering the development of our consciousness. Rather we attach to ideologies or ideas and label them as “truth.” It is safe. It is easy. I can find lots of support from others and make our own little club. “we have the truth” others do not. We are the “chosen ones.” That is self delusion.

    If there is karma, there is self. Correct?

    It depends on what we call “self.” For most “self” is about “my” ideas, behaviors, conditioning, memories and family genes making up an “individual,” which is given life by our own minds. However, is there any self while in deep sleep? Of course not. We do not need a scientific proof of that. We have experienced ourselves that. Any karma there? Yes. There may be things going on affecting what I believe “me” is, even while “I am not “ there which “I” will be aware of when I come back. Thus, there is karma going even if there is no self.

    Q: Is karma predestined?

    It happens while I am aware of it or not. While I wish it or not. It is simple action and reaction based on the quality of “my” intentions or past intentions.

    Q: Then, I do not have to DO anything if everything is predestined?

    Without DOING my part, things will not happen. For instance, I want a job. It will happen if it is predestined, right? No. without doing my part, karma, there is no reaction to that action. Whether that happens or not, that is according to the laws of karma.

    That “DOING my part” it is what is known as the “role” to perform in Life.

    Basically: I need a job (free will) but that need happened through previous karma (predestined.) I got a job because “I” searched for it (free will) but also because of karma of the right jobs lining up in my search (predestined.) Do we see the game? “We” are not separated at any moment from what we perceive as Life. Thus, this idea of being a separated self is an illusion but a very persistent illusion which makes our Life “real” although illusory.

    Q: One more thing: This accumulated karma has to happen to “someone” right? But you just said that there is no self. 🙂

    Correct. There is consciousness. That is the Ocean itself. A drop of it plays a role, which we call an individual embodied in a physical body. This individual is in a particular set up with family, friends, etc. Thus the experience of that role will be felt as “I.” BUT, there is no possibility of feeling anything without that which all sentient beings share, which is consciousness, the Ocean itself.

    The drop of Ocean cannot feel anything unless it was the Ocean itself.

    Q: Well… I do not understand.

    Ok let us make it easy and comfortable. Let us call that drop of water, the soul.

    As we can see… None of the above is necessary to gain self awareness, self realization. It is only a past time of the mind, a waste of time when what truly matters is to realize the Ocean, consciousness, the “real” self, Brahman, etc. Names are abundant, the experience is all it is needed to “understand.” Paradoxically, we are already that which we are looking to realize.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:18 PM on February 14, 2024 Permalink | Reply
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    Experience, truth and Osho 

    The “world out there”as known for most is a place where competition rules, where “skills” matter and where your “value” as human being is compared and assessed by “experts” on what “you bring to society” or to “yourself.” An inventor, a “saint” or a multimillionaire have “value.” Most think that perhaps they are not cut to be a famous inventor or a saint, but definitely, most would like to try to become a millionaire, that is “successful.” Thus, most chase “success” for themselves which mean to compete, to fight, to conquer and “win.” We could group these individuals into nations, ethnic groups and religions. They are most everywhere.

    Observe the mind setting of a person conditioned in this lifestyle. Keep that in mind.

    The other day I watched some videos about Osho’s life. It was interesting to hear what some of the “disciples” were commenting.
    “ A enlightened individual wouldn’t say that…” said one. Another: “ I loved him very much… I couldn’t keep up with his demands for expensive watches and Rolls Royce.”

    Osho had a dream of a different society, which he called “an experiment.” People working for no compensation. People having free sex without the moral standards of a regular society, and the unconventional view that Life was a celebration and not something serious to “think about.” He wanted for his followers to be “rich inside and outside,” meaning that they did not have material needs. This last point clashed with the typical view of mainstream religion which values someone not needing material things (a.k.a poor.)

    How do we think someone conditioned by mainstream society will “judge” Osho’s view of his “experiment”?
    First, they will call the outcome a “failure.” Then, they will go on about the conditions of “slavery,” working for nothing. Although most enjoyed the “candy” there (free sex) all of the sudden jealousy, envy and fights appear when switching mates was no longer what they wanted. Do we see how the old conditioning pops up?

    How hard it is to look at yourself and see what needs to “improve” in yourself, given the conditions? How easy it is to blame someone else and voice your disappointment? How easy it is to judge from our own vantage point and come up with some “conclusion” which then we can call the “truth”?

    Our experience is not the truth. It is only our experience. It has value for us. We can share it; but that is not a judgment or a conclusion, for if we do that; we are using our own conditioning to “save face.” However, when things go our way, that is according to our expectation, then everything is “godly,” “good,” etc.
    The above is known as “ego-mind.”

    In my experience ( I am not calling it, “the truth is…”) any spiritual group or setting is worthwhile if only helps me to observe my own limits, my own ego. If I want to pamper my ego, then “regular” society has all of that. This may seem controversial or even many could disagree; but when someone is deeply interested in “knowing themselves,” then this may make sense. On the other hand if I join a religious group or some other society different than mine, because I want to fulfill a need that I have, then I will be disappointed. To know yourself, is the most important aspect of this Life in my view, because we only “live here” for a short time. Right?

    Osho played a controversial role at that time. Notice that ultimately he had to face all of those things that he voiced to be “against:” That is politics, religions, marriage and his belief in being the “guru of the rich,”( brought homeless people into his ashram when it was necessary and convenient.)

    What do I learn from that? Not to be against anything. In fact, harmonize everything that “is.” That could be the new spirituality. We are so segmented and divided in society that the game of duality of being against something is no longer valid. That is my experience. It is not “my truth.”

    Many may ask if Osho was “enlightened”? He was. Meaning that he self realized. (How do I know that? That is for another writing.) He played like Gurdjieff the role of the “very smart but crazy” guru to take away some ingrained values of “regular society” in his followers like respectability, shame and other aspects of the egoic mind. They played the role of “de-condition” agents.

    Keep in mind that after all the attempts of murder that went on in his ashram, no one died. That is truly a miracle!! That is help “from up-above.” His vow of “being silent” for 3 years helped to expose the “problems” within his ashram by themselves.
    He died in a mysterious way, although he claimed that he was poisoned. That was his role in the duality of Life. Similarly, Siddhartha Buddha died of food poisoning although, it is said it was accidental.

    When “values” from our “regular” society are used to judge something different, we will be biased. Any form of judgment does not bring benefit to know the self, but on the contrary, it is “pure” poison. The appreciation of the roles of every actor that we encounter in Life or know about, is what brings harmony within, in my experience.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:11 PM on December 12, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    The caveat of commercialism 

    In the path of what is commonly known as “spirituality,” there is a point where our observation will take us to consider every aspect learned in society.

    Commercialism is one of the aspects which is closely related with consumerism, which in turn will bring the concept of profit, which is the goal of most societies.

    Anything bringing profit will do. That is the “moral standard.”

    The other day I was purchasing bread and I asked for the healthiest alternative. The seller gave me one or two remarking that healthy alternatives are not commercial. That statement was the inspiration for this write up.

    If we observe anything that is sold in a massive way, usually are not “good for you.” In fact, the more infantile or better yet “lesser developed collective awareness” a society is, the furthest away from overall health (mental, physical, emotional) they will live.

    Typically when we speak about health, most refer to physical. Mental has been considered recently. Growing up it was rare in the society that I was brought up, to see a mental case. Nowadays, it is obvious. Nevertheless, emotional health is something unknown for the majority.

    In short, what it is sold to us and what is purchased needs great scrutiny the more aware you become.

    It is a different case, when a religion or group says something like: “ Do not watch TV. It is bad for you,” than when you realize it yourself. The former, will create repression, the latter transcendence.

    Observe what is behind “holidays.” What is celebrated? Observe what is behind patriotism? What is the danger of it? Observe how “games”about killing the “enemy” to “win” influence the perception of a sleepy consciousness. Observe what is so good about processed food. How did we become used to it? Was that the way Nature intended for us to feed ourselves? Observe if physical exercise means overexertion, if “no pain no gain” is not another form of masochism. Observe the value of society’s moral standards and how conflicting they are: A commandment says: “Do not kill,” but yet we send in the name of patriotism people to kill another “brother” from another country. “In God we trust.”

    This could be a very extensive list but the more aware you become, the loner you may feel. All of the sudden, your circle of “friends” may shorten. You are not part of the “masses” anymore. You are not part of the “target market.”

    Nevertheless in “spirituality,” to be a loner is necessary. It is good. How are we going to put in practice those things that we realize if we are in constant contact with mainstream? The influence is huge. That separation also enhances our ego. That is one of the caveats of religious ideas separating itself through their practices. Yes, on the one hand; that separation is necessary but on the other, it creates a “group” another “little society” away from mainstream.

    The mature view is to accept what is. “You are in the world but not of the world” it is said.

    If everyone was like “me,” Coke, Pepsi and so on wouldn’t exist. No one would buy it. But the fact is, that there is a great demand for that and I am not here to convert anyone to follow my ideas. Someone who drinks coca cola in front of me, could enjoy it. My task is to watch myself and see if there is a bit of repression or self righteousness, that is all. If my friend asks me why I do not drink soda, then I could answer in a succinct way, unless there is curiosity from my friend to know more about my “decision.” Then, I will share my stuff. However, if someone invites me a Coke and there is no other choice, I may drink a bit of it depending on the circumstances… at the end is not “my idea” what matters and certainly, I am not”against” Coke at all.

    It is that quality of acceptance the one that will allow us to transcend without repression when there is a clear observation and we align with our findings, with our vibes.

    “Quantity makes the venom” it is said.

  • avyakt7- New Generation 1:17 PM on December 4, 2023 Permalink | Reply
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    Getting back to “yourself.” 

    As we know, there are many types of consciousness among human beings in the world at this time. When I refer to “consciousness,” I refer to the way we relate with other living beings, and most importantly “ourselves.”

    Observe the typical individual in the collective consciousness: A person who may move along the lines of pursuing pleasure, fame and power over other things. These individuals see themselves as the center of the world and the verb “to have,” is the most important item. In short, they “DO” to “HAVE.” Most likely these individuals haven’t started their inner search. They are not there yet for Life is about the pursue of pleasure in any form. It is when something “hard” happens to them, when many will “DO” something about it. For instance, a drug addict losing his family and wealth will hit bottom; and even many do not have the WILL to get out of that place until their next lifetime.

    These individuals may need to learn to “exercise” their WILL power to oppose their urges. An addict needs to use his will power to be clean and when they see that they alone may not be able to do it, they may look for the support of a group or God in its different forms as showcased in our society.

    Many religions cater to this group. Rules, regulations, a strong belief of “knowing” what is good vs. bad. Basically, their will power is exercised, thus the need to be separated from everything else will unwillingly enhance their sense of ego.

    After that first step of knowing “will power,” then the mind comes into the picture. It is no longer what I “DO” but also what I “THINK” that is important to overcome: “Positive thoughts” is an example of that stage. Our society overuses the mind and gives the mind a primary place, therefore; the need to “understand,” is of foremost importance. Here it is believed that our mind can understand everything and anything. Since our society has been set up to rely on the mind, nothing else matters. When an individual is in his journey of “self realization,” he will be stuck in all sorts of belief systems, with the belief that having a firm grasp on that will help them become a “better” person. Observe how wars and fights follow a disagreement of belief systems whether religious or political, there is always an ideology to hold onto and separate human beings. The interest of a “nation” over another is the most infantile aspect. These individuals do not have the capacity to see the common good. The mind is good in dividing, and so conflict is the rule. The mind has its utility in Life. It will help us to remember things, recognize people and do certain operations in daily living; but when we use only the mind to try to understand another human being in our relationships then conflict is unavoidable.

    A political system or religious belief is in that stage for there is the strong belief to “have the truth;” but if someone is looking to know themselves, then none of that truly matters. In fact, that only increases ego. The mind believes to be “someone” separated from everything else and even “special.” When someone attempts to convert another in a religious or political ideology, that only shows how strong their ego is. “I have the truth, let me teach you.”

    When a person realizes that “knowing” about the self is not about holding information or “knowledge,” then that is a big step into the next step… to know about feelings and emotions.

    Many repeat: “Love is the answer.” “Everything can be obtained through Love,” etc. But how is it possible to “Love” if the mind rules our lives? The nature of the mind is to separate, dissect, analyze, etc. all of those things are good skills to have; but the mind cannot know what Love is. For that, we need to realize through our experience that all of us, we are truly ONE. Thus, to “exercise” our feelings become important to FEEL nourished in Life. We talk about happiness, love, appreciation, joy, etc. Those are feelings.

    Therefore, it doesn’t matter what religious creed, nationality, gender, race and all the other labels we use to separate we profess; those have no importance but only for the mind.

    Do we see that?

    Yes, Love is the answer. The mental answer. For those who live “Love” the answer is in themselves, just as they ARE.

    Here is when BEING comes into the picture of our “spiritual” journey.

    In short, to have, to will, to think, to feel and then to BE. We could call that a “spiritual journey.”

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