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  • avyakt7- New Generation 6:20 AM on August 24, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Lots of thoughts are not “mine.” 

    In Life there are many beings intermingling with the physical world. Most individuals are unaware of them. Their influence is made through thoughts.
    The collective consciousness has a dial, that is caught by many people. That thought becomes theirs. An individual influenced by this, will call that thought “mine.”

    Have you watched the movie “Wonder Woman” (2017)?
    In that movie, there is the villain “Ares,” the “god of war” who influences scientists so they can develop weapons for mass destruction. Scientists cannot see him. They cannot touch him but yet they could tune into his thoughts… and then call those “my thought.” This scenario may not be far from “reality.”
    “Ares” does not care to get recognition. That is a human conditioning.

    Religions such as Brahma Kumaris and others, are aware of this. There are many subtle beings. What is the response to “protect” the follower from this “reality”?
    To create a “code of conduct.” A mental frame work to DO no matter what our minds may say, no matter what “doubts” will show up. All “I” need to DO is to follow a paragraph of DO’s and Don’ts.

    Paradoxically, is that “safety net” the one that will not allow the individual to evolve and rather inflict an internal war all the time: “I want to DO this, but I know it is wrong; for my code of conduct does not allow it.”

    Individuals unaware of the mind, will not learn from this experience: they are unable to recognize and make a distinction between “my” thoughts and someone else’s.
    There is no straight forward “division” for “my thoughts” can only reflect the same old conditioning that has been inflicted from many years and many lives…

    Are we stuck then?
    No. In Brahma Kumaris there is the knowledge of the “role.”
    This “role” expresses through a gut feeling. The mind is not involved, for again, the mind is pure conditioning. This does not mean that the mind is “bad” or a villain.  The mind has an important role so we could fit into this society.

    As we learn to tune into the gut feeling, the heart, we will DO according to our role in Life, so there will not be dissonance, a sense that something is missing.
    For instance, we may follow a “code of conduct,” and think that “I am DOING the right thing.” However, our inner being will be dissatisfied, unhappy. That is how the mind forces our BEING to behave in a certain way which is deemed to be “right.”

    The beauty of all is that whether we are slaves of our minds or not, we will DO as our role dictates. Nevertheless, once we are free from the mind, there is no dissonance, no feeling of frustration, etc. Again, I wouldn’t share this with someone who has suicidal or criminal tendencies… They may need commandments, codes of conduct, etc. at that point in their experience to preserve their lives and others.

    We could see that there is no magic formula/method to solve the thinking “problem.” Every method has timing. That is all. Once we ARE beyond the method, allow for Life to show us the exit door. If we entered through a door, we may need to exit through it. That is the journey, but our minds like to label that same door as “good” and “bad.” That may be insanity through the power of labels.

    For the common good.

    • Anil Kumar 11:41 AM on August 24, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks avyakt7-NG.


    • Gayathri 6:39 AM on August 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Om shanti. My last message to this blog could not go through. Now i forgot what i wrote in that message; my consciousness has changed already! 🙂 🙂

      Yes brother, you have explained about thoughts very well.

      Regarding the other ‘beings’ present around us – Baba used to mention that there are departed souls who affect/ influence the people.

      He says, “At the end, you will have to face/ withstand 4 strong forces simultaneously – your own old sanskars that rebel against you, the tamopradhan sanskars of others, the impact of departed souls who had left their bodies all of a sudden in calamities, and the 5 elements which would rage a final great war against you.

      Gayathri ben.


  • avyakt7- New Generation 7:39 AM on August 22, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Are all thoughts mine? 

    … I read your recent article “the world of mind may not be real”. You have specified that we need to see whether our thoughts are ours or they just appear.
    With BKs, I was a bug fan of “Sister Shivani”, in her almost every lecture she focus only on one thing that “All of the thoughts are “MINE”, we create them at our own will”. But now after long time, with some practice of watching my own mind without judgement, I realize that “Thoughts are actually not our creation”. They just appear. There is also an emotionless and feeling-less moments, temporary though, for may be few seconds. But it’s really an amazing experience of just being there.

    Thank you for your comments.
     Ahnanda has shared the same topic many times through different words in the blog “Exploring the Depth of Living;” however, there are very few that could perceive what Ahnanda is sharing. 

    All it takes to find out, is just to observe your own mind. However, most are unable to DO it. The idea of “ I am not creating my thoughts” seems crazy; but when you ask the same people who complain about having many “waste” thoughts, to stop their own “creation,” they cannot. All they can do is add “nice thoughts” in top of what has already appeared. 

    Because their minds are running their lives, what is important is to find out intellectual answers rather than observing and acknowledging “what is.”
    “So, you are saying that I am not creating my thoughts, then who is?”
    That is the question to “get me,” right?

    But then if I ask, who is that “I”? We could get into a big useless debate and forget about “creating thoughts.” The “right answer” has to make sense to the mind, although; we don’t realize that we are still trapped in the mind. Because we cannot get out of it and perceive the huge “reality” outside of it.

    Thoughts are like “vibrations,” they are in the air. We catch them, we let them through us, we identify with them, we call them “mine.”

    What you experienced in those few seconds is what Ahnanda calls “meditation” and “no-mind.” I don’t need to define that for you, for you know it.

    In Brahma Kumaris there is “knowledge” of the “role.” They say, we have “up to 84 roles in the kalpa.” Moreover, “gyan” says that those “roles” are predestined.
    Aren’t thoughts part of the role? Aren’t souls different than roles?
    Doesn’t BK knowledge teach that “I am a soul not a body.”?
    Therefore, how can I say “my thoughts are my creation” when the “I” in BK parlance, is the soul (“I,” the soul) and the soul is not a role?

    Do you see how intellectual we can get through BK knowledge? The mind will spin around the “why and the how,” but yet none of that will give you the direct experience that you were able to find out by just observing your mind.
    All you had to DO is to abandon your conditioning of “I create my thoughts.” That is all. How could we OBSERVE if we want for our observation to fit our ideas and beliefs?
    That is why to become AWARE of the need to decondition from what the mind knows as “true,” is of utmost importance.

    Thanks to your observation, Ahnanda has been able to share one of the most significant articles in this blog. If someone truly understands this, that individual is set for his own discoveries about himself.

    Is there any other significant thing in Life than to know yourself?

    For the common good.

    • Dinesh Chawla 8:46 AM on August 24, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks brother for your reply with clarification 🙂
      But actually, one thing is there, if I had not been attached to this belief given by BKs that “I create my own thoughts and can control them, and need to create only GOOD thoughts, I wouldn’t have reached to this experience. As you have also said in many articles, both sides of the coin are required.

      I every day used to try to create only good thoughts within myself, and the strange thing is, BAD thoughts were being created on its own, later I read on your blog about Awareness, and understood, oh it’s more about being AWARE and not CREATE.
      If someone sits and ask this question to him/herself, which is the next thought being created by me, let me see, you will observe (after some time, depending on the practice) that no thoughts are being created. May be that’s the meaning of peace is already there, the duality of thoughts shake our peace a lot Ahnanda!!


      • ahnanda 5:27 PM on August 25, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Peace is there, but it is not. We are , but we are not. Thoughts are because we are , but they aren’t because we aren’t…. The mind likes words, but the experience of awareness is what makes the change. Contrast is needed so we can realize, that is why we need 2 sides of the coin as part of our experience. Congrats for the realization… 🙂


    • Gayathri 10:01 AM on August 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      What is realisation? 🙂 🙂


      • ahnanda 6:58 PM on August 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        An intellectual Aha! moment with the potential to be AWARENESS once the intellectual stuff is left aside. 🙂


  • avyakt7- New Generation 11:42 AM on January 5, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    A reader leaves the Brahma Kumaris movement. 


    Really nice unveiling…:)

    But just a small thought by me, they did have this belief, “I” can change my sanskar’s at my own will. But Sr BK Shivani has changed that to “I” can change my thoughts at my own will. But again that belief by Sr. Shivani is a contradiction with the articles that you had shared with me about “Welcome to the world of good thoughts and bad thoughts”, and with my personal experience that all sorts of negative, judgemental, and waste thoughts are generated by the mind and not by the SELF.

    Anyways, another thing that I wanted to share is that I have finally left the path of BKs, I just took some time in alone and reflected on my own personal aspects of understanding, did some meditation of becoming totally aware of my own thoughts. And I think I am ready to go ahead with my personal journey.

    This decision of leaving the path of BKs was not because I explored Osho and Ahnanada, but it was just a personal decision. And just wanted to thank you for writing such a thoughtful and truthful articles on avyakt7.com. Also, I just wanted to request you to allow us to provide comments and questions on avyakt7.com as well, as we used to do it before, yes a few may end up criticising or taking wrong meaning of your articles. But what about those who want to explore more on those articles. Or can we just contact you via that “Contact” page?

    I will be visiting the Osho meditation Ashram in Pune for 4 to 5 day in a week or so, to explore more about meditation there. And will definitely share my experience with you.

    Wish you the best in your “decision.” 🙂

    Certainly, feel free to share with us what you find at Osho’s ashram.

    I wanted to clarify certain items in lieu of your comment.
    1.) Avyakt7 New Generation for BKs, is not interested in promoting the BK path nor in obstructing the decision of a seeker. I have no agenda for going “pro” or “against.” Avyakt7 is just sharing a vision from a different consciousness.
    2.) The Brahma Kumaris path was a “good” path for me. Like anything in Life, it had a timing as my consciousness changed. It is my experience that there is no such a thing as “a true” path or the “only shop,” but rather that terminology could be used only in reference to a particular state of consciousness.
    3.) Brahma Kumaris is evolving as well. Yesterday “I could change my sanskaras”, today “I can change my thoughts.” Yesterday, “destruction is just ahead”, today “destruction is transformation.” Those whose mind is stuck in finding a paragraph stating the “truth”, will learn a lot about this belief.
    4.) We could say that “waste thoughts are generated by me.” We could say “waste thoughts are generated by the mind. “ We could say “waste thoughts are generated by Daffy duck.” The origin does not matter, we cannot DO anything to stop them. Paradoxically, when we observe them and become aware of the particular thought without identifying with it (as:  It is my thought, why do I think bad thoughts? I feel bad about it, etc.) at that point, those thoughts go away, because you are in the “NOW,” by being in the “now” the mind is not. 
    5.) Someone in the state of consciousness: “ I create my thoughts,” needs “spirituality” for that state of consciousness. That is what Brahma Kumaris offers.
    If you are AWARE that thoughts come and go without your willingness, then that awareness cannot resonate with the above teaching. That is all.

    For the common good.

    • Dinesh C 3:46 AM on January 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Hey Ahnanda,

      Thanks for your wishes, I already had thought about your very first clarification that this page is not for going against BKs or anything like that and I agree with you that the path was also a very good path for me as well as I had transformed myself from a depressed personality to a happy personality to a high extent but NOT COMPLETELY.

      The path of Bhrama Kumaris is a path of self cultivation with some aim and not a path of becoming total awareness with no aim at all.

      But bro you didn’t answer this:

      ” Or can we just contact you via that “Contact” page? for some queries related to your articles on avyakt7.com”

      Dinesh Chawla


      • ahnanda 9:59 AM on January 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Yes… you can contact me through the “contact” page with questions related with the articles. I will not write an email back responding, I will use the questions into articles.


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